Topic: mail filters
no photo
Fri 02/20/09 11:30 AM
I have my mail filter age range to be between 45-50
so why is it teenages can send me mail?

lilith401's photo
Fri 02/20/09 11:31 AM
Wow... you have a lot of filters. Kids aren't supposed to be on this site.. it's for adults.

charles's photo
Fri 02/20/09 08:25 PM
Hi, Ravenzann. Send me an email with the user names of users who have been able to contact you, in spite of your filters. Do not post them here.

Of course, if you emailed them first, then that would explain it. Filters do not apply if you contact the other person first.

no photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:05 PM
No I dont contact 20 years olds ....LOL

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:47 PM
Why doesn't the settings filter work for blocking people looking for Intimate Encounters from Nudges & Viewing Profile. How can a person BLOCK another member?

charles's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:53 PM
There are a number of ways you can block another, solodove. The first is if the other person has sent you an email. There will be a link for blocking at the bottom of the email. Also, if you're IMing, there will be the option to block near the upper-right of the IM window.

The filters do work for Nudges, by the way. It's never possible to block another from viewing your profile, though.

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:11 PM

There are a number of ways you can block another, solodove. The first is if the other person has sent you an email. There will be a link for blocking at the bottom of the email. Also, if you're IMing, there will be the option to block near the upper-right of the IM window.

The filters do work for Nudges, by the way. It's never possible to block another from viewing your profile, though.

I haven't received an email from the member, just a nudge, but I had selected from filtering to block Intimate Encounter members, which this member has on their profile. It appears the filtering system doesn't block nudges. I didn't see a place to block on the nudge.

Is it possible to block a member w/o receiving mail, but having received a nudge?

charles's photo
Fri 03/06/09 08:23 PM
You're right, solodove. I thought that we had put the change to Nudges out already, but it looks like it will have to wait until next week. My apologies.

There is no way to block a user from a Nudge, no.