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Topic: Do you return.....
Totage's photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:14 PM

...every single nudge? Or do you ignore some?....or perhaps you ignore every nudge?

Tell me! laugh

Nudge me and find out. :tongue:

no photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:45 PM
received a nudge.. sent one back that was the extent of it..

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:49 PM
I nudge all back

Dan99's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:20 PM
I cant see any point whatsoever in the nudges. Why not actually email some words instead? They are as pointless as posting nothing more than a smiley in the threads.

no photo
Wed 02/18/09 04:04 PM
Yeah, I don't really understand using them as an icebreaker. Doesn't that just show the person using them as an icebreaker can't come up with something to say in an email?

TBRich's photo
Wed 02/18/09 04:36 PM
I don't know what I am doing half the time, I think I responded to two of them, are you supposed to respond? You guys are always joking around and kicking me, I thought it meant to shut up.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 02/18/09 04:41 PM
I nudge everyone back.

DTHRomeo's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:14 PM

Hmmmmmm....hi romeo....how for art thou??


Hello Kat waving

scoundrel's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:42 AM

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