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Topic: If you have faith in God, why do you worry?
thunderstruck60's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:13 PM
without God there is only evil. and by the meaning of fearing the lord our god, it is referring to the fact that he created you and he is your father, much the same as having a fear of your father as a child. not a scared to death fear but a repectful loving fear. also, there is no reason for people to be good on their own with the exception of our court system. people that honestly put their faith in God lean more towards doing good, not because that is what the bible says, but that is where the holy spirit leads us.

thunderstruck60's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:17 PM
that was totally off subject....so my reply to why people worry about things..... first of all, the bible tells us that if we put our trust in christ we have no worries. however, we often have a trust issue when it comes to giving god complete control of the situation and try to intervene. if you pray about it, it is in god's hands. don't worry about it anymore. he will come up with the best result, much better than we can do on our own.

davidben1's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:20 PM

without God there is only evil. and by the meaning of fearing the lord our god, it is referring to the fact that he created you and he is your father, much the same as having a fear of your father as a child. not a scared to death fear but a repectful loving fear. also, there is no reason for people to be good on their own with the exception of our court system. people that honestly put their faith in God lean more towards doing good, not because that is what the bible says, but that is where the holy spirit leads us.

just what is holy spirit???

Krimsa's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:23 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 02/12/09 09:25 PM
without God there is only evil.

and you know this because...?

and by the meaning of fearing the lord our god, it is referring to the fact that he created you and he is your father,

Really? I just naturally feared him due to all that stoning business. And how does a "father" create anything? I thought mothers were responsible for birth.

much the same as having a fear of your father as a child.

Were you beat as a child? huh

not a scared to death fear but a repectful loving fear.

That is not "Love."

also, there is no reason for people to be good on their own with the exception of our court system.

Really? I am good on my own.

people that honestly put their faith in God lean more towards doing good,

People like Hitler and the Witch hunters in Salem, Mass 1692?

not because that is what the bible says, but that is where the holy spirit leads us.

He also did some leadin into the Crusades.

davidben1's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:34 PM
without belief in a god, there would have never been a good way for god to make little kiddies fight, to teach each one what evil really be, and make man grow up into adulthood???

no evil could ever exist less there was FIRST A DEFINITION OF EVIL, as without this, man would have solved all evil long ago???

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 08:56 PM

Its because Christians lack the ability to be "good for goodness sake." They need to either be tormented and wrapped up in the fear of sin or hopefull that they will be rewarded with some sort of afterlife. Other than that, there is no reason for them to be decent people on their own.

wow...all the christians i know don't fit into that...but then again...i don't know all the christians in the world to make a judgement anymore than i can judge any group. not everyone is the same

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 08:58 PM
I don't think there is any good or bad emotion...it's the actions you take that determine it. worry can be proactive just like any other emotion. we are all human and are subject to all emotions.

SweetnFunny's photo
Mon 02/16/09 09:33 PM

without God there is only evil. and by the meaning of fearing the lord our god, it is referring to the fact that he created you and he is your father, much the same as having a fear of your father as a child. not a scared to death fear but a repectful loving fear. also, there is no reason for people to be good on their own with the exception of our court system. people that honestly put their faith in God lean more towards doing good, not because that is what the bible says, but that is where the holy spirit leads us.

just what is holy spirit???

Caspar the friendly ghost draped in vestments? :tongue:

michiganman3's photo
Mon 02/16/09 09:43 PM
While I was out looking for how many times the Bible says "Fear not", this thread took a turn as most of them do here so never mind.

If you pray, why worry?
If you worry, why pray?

davidben1's photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:37 PM

without God there is only evil. and by the meaning of fearing the lord our god, it is referring to the fact that he created you and he is your father, much the same as having a fear of your father as a child. not a scared to death fear but a repectful loving fear. also, there is no reason for people to be good on their own with the exception of our court system. people that honestly put their faith in God lean more towards doing good, not because that is what the bible says, but that is where the holy spirit leads us.

just what is holy spirit???

Caspar the friendly ghost draped in vestments? :tongue:




how can any "evil" go away, if one think of it as a "constant state" without a cure, lol.....

it's like saying A COLD OR THE FLU IS EVIL???


piece girl!

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:43 PM
Matthew 6: 25-34
The previous passage in Matthew warned us how possessions can divide our mind so that they control our direction in life. In so doing, they capture our hearts, and then control our will and aspirations

(Matt. 6:19-23). Jesus continues in His discussion concerning those material things, that such pursuits will cause us to worry, and worry will take the place of all else in our life. The results of this control by possessions will create worry, as our attention, our heart, and the identity of who we are become wrapped up in them.

God’s Will is for us to have a right relationship with Him. We are to recognize His sovereignty over the universe, and our lives. Righteousness, character, and virtue are the main objects in our quest. These we take with us into eternity! Righteousness, character, and virtue must be our essence that spills onto others. If not, we are definitely not in His Will. (must tell you...I still worry) When we worry, we cannot grow in righteousness, character, or virtue, because it takes over our lives, leaving no room for growth or maturity. Worry will cut us off from our faith and growth,(and it has) because it blocks our focus and concentration to God (Jesus). (Heb. 11:10).

We have to understand that when we worry about trivial things, lust after goods and riches, even things we need, it will choke from us the life we could have had in Christ (Matt. 13:22). It is our relationship with Him that is important, and that we are to seek. We are to seek His provisions for every aspect of our lives, and work all we can to help fulfill it. If we do not pay attention to Jesus' teachings because we are too busy worrying, we may go through life on earth without His help.

I know when I begin to worrry....my mind is not at ease...my faith is tainted.....But when I begin to search for and receive Jesus through prayer and hope...I feel better...my worries lessen...not like now. My faith is surely being tested. But...as I said.. when I manage to seek I start to feel ease.


no photo
Thu 02/19/09 06:59 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 02/19/09 07:00 AM
Thanks Kat.

I am not a Christian, but I understand what you are saying. I have faith in what is, and what will be and in the workings of the universe (God) and that faith sets aside my worry and my fear.

So when I am inclined to worry about something I turn to a feeling of gratitude and faith and then place my focus on something else besides the thing I am trying to worry about. Being grateful for what is and having faith is a feeling of peaceful acceptance for what has come to pass, and a knowing that you do have the power to direct your life in how you live it.

I call it living calm. :smile:


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