Topic: Private Dancer?
lilith401's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:20 PM

Goes and increases limit on credit card.

Ok lilth I'll take the 21st of Feb and 7th,21st of march, 4th and 11th of April(I know consecutive but 12th is my B-day) 18th of april too.


Getting pen and calender.....

darkowl1's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:22 PM
what's with the" be seeing ya thing"? you're still right here watching.... if you're gonna go, go! if you're gonna stay, stay! but make up yer damndible minds!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

willing2's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:22 PM

Goes and increases limit on credit card.

Ok lilth I'll take the 21st of Feb and 7th,21st of march, 4th and 11th of April(I know consecutive but 12th is my B-day) 18th of april too.


Getting pen and calender.....

You gonna' be one busy gal.
Sign me up!!!!

s1owhand's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:23 PM
i have been invited to dance on multiple occasions laugh

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:25 PM

been there, done that, years ago. market's too saturated today, and the money's not near as good, and more sporatic. sometimes these women don't make pay out some nights. i worked for international male, and guested for suncoast chippendales in fla, at the time it was fading, and it'll never be the same again, sorry to say...grumble
i THOUGHT you looked familiar!!devil surprised rofl

well, i did work the circuit for ten years, and then quit after i got my bachelors degree, so it's possible.

gerriatric strippers anyone?laugh

all i can say was daytona was a nightmare, every year! you could hear a pin drop. they've seen every kind of act, every kind of guy, and every kind of everything else. they were bored with guys that were 6'5" with black hair and blue eyes, built like statues, and danced like tornadoes.
Lol I have a pic of myself from the 80s with 8 chippendales dancers somewhere in a box...I wonder if you were one of them????laugh laugh laugh

willing2's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:25 PM

i have been invited to dance on multiple occasions laugh

You might just fill the op's bill. He don't want no fat guys.

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:29 PM
Actually one of the highest paid strippers here was a 500 lb woman. She made it into a comedy act. drinker All the power to her!!!bigsmile :banana:

darkowl1's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:35 PM

been there, done that, years ago. market's too saturated today, and the money's not near as good, and more sporatic. sometimes these women don't make pay out some nights. i worked for international male, and guested for suncoast chippendales in fla, at the time it was fading, and it'll never be the same again, sorry to say...grumble
i THOUGHT you looked familiar!!devil surprised rofl

well, i did work the circuit for ten years, and then quit after i got my bachelors degree, so it's possible.

gerriatric strippers anyone?laugh

all i can say was daytona was a nightmare, every year! you could hear a pin drop. they've seen every kind of act, every kind of guy, and every kind of everything else. they were bored with guys that were 6'5" with black hair and blue eyes, built like statues, and danced like tornadoes.
Lol I have a pic of myself from the 80s with 8 chippendales dancers somewhere in a box...I wonder if you were one of them????laugh laugh laugh

i was a guest dancer a few times, but you probably have if california: shawn, nick, eric that i know of, and if it's new york, big al, johnny, spiderman(can't remember his name), but i worked for french connection, lover boys, and international male... john, our boss, works at nasa, and the twin towers (two guys with black hair and green eyes) work as real estate agents, jungle boy passed on(aids), and sean passed in a car crash.

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:37 PM
YA I think they were from California....

darkowl1's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:41 PM

Actually one of the highest paid strippers here was a 500 lb woman. She made it into a comedy act. drinker All the power to her!!!bigsmile :banana:

mons venus in tampa thirty years ago, had many women over 300 lbs, and come to think of it, there were no thin women there at the time. i thought it was cool, until i noticed their attitude, for they were mean and forceful, and crooks too, so needless to say, i never went back. i do all the signage and decor for the owners of a lot of the strip clubs in central fla, and right now even they're hurting.....never thought i see that day.

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:44 PM

I dont like fat chicks I feel like i should put them to work make them mow a **** load of lawns to lose a few extra tons

At least they can lose the weight. Ugly attitudes are harder to lose.

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:44 PM

Actually one of the highest paid strippers here was a 500 lb woman. She made it into a comedy act. drinker All the power to her!!!bigsmile :banana:

mons venus in tampa thirty years ago, had many women over 300 lbs, and come to think of it, there were no thin women there at the time. i thought it was cool, until i noticed their attitude, for they were mean and forceful, and crooks too, so needless to say, i never went back. i do all the signage and decor for the owners of a lot of the strip clubs in central fla, and right now even they're hurting.....never thought i see that day.
I guess the hookers will be hurting too with the economy.....noway

vanstone's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:47 PM
my stimulus package will stop that from happening in the nyc metro area!

darkowl1's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:48 PM

Actually one of the highest paid strippers here was a 500 lb woman. She made it into a comedy act. drinker All the power to her!!!bigsmile :banana:

mons venus in tampa thirty years ago, had many women over 300 lbs, and come to think of it, there were no thin women there at the time. i thought it was cool, until i noticed their attitude, for they were mean and forceful, and crooks too, so needless to say, i never went back. i do all the signage and decor for the owners of a lot of the strip clubs in central fla, and right now even they're hurting.....never thought i see that day.
I guess the hookers will be hurting too with the economy.....noway

yeah, a little, but men will barter and beg, make em feel bad and be asswipes about it, and eventually get their way. it's kind of like senseless pinball, but without feeling.

vanstone's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:50 PM
I'm a good tipper

Winx's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:51 PM

I dont like fat chicks I feel like i should put them to work make them mow a **** load of lawns to lose a few extra tons

Not nice.

darkowl1's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:54 PM
yeah gypsy, people that hire hookers are the lowest of the low, because they don't see it as a gift to them, and they don't treat them like people, or treat any woman good for that matter. they should see it as a tremendous gift to them, for nobody in their right mind would touch these pigs without being paid hansomely for their service, and i hope they have an "awakening of wisdom" so to speak, for they think they rule the world, when they're really just ruling the pigsty.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:55 PM
I used to be a dancer with......

The Chunkin'Dales.

Middle aged White Guys with a bit of a Belly.

seahawks's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:55 PM

I dont like fat chicks I feel like i should put them to work make them mow a **** load of lawns to lose a few extra tons
im sure they dont like aliens either.!laugh

vanstone's photo
Mon 02/09/09 12:57 PM
as i said i always speak my mind i never sugarcoat things.

better an alien then a sub human waste of good 02