Topic: Outsourcing
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Tue 02/03/09 02:17 PM

Most major corporations outsource many of their functions. I personally am not in favor of it because it takes jobs and tax dollars out of this country.

Corporations do it to remain on even ground with their competitors. It adds to the bottom line. An engineer in New Dehli is cheaper than one in Los Angeles but does the same work. Same holds true for blue collar jobs.

You may not like until a stock that you own is impacted.

Marley you have a point about the bottom line and it's not always greed but keeping yourself competitive but when you see the big bosses getting millions of dollar bonuses you know they're lining their pockets with some...

I'm just learning how to do the employer thing, and my employees know to at least sometimes let me think I'm in charge. laugh laugh It was one of my employees who suggested I splurg a little on the pool table but in the big scheme of things, at least for my industry, corporations will likely become extinct as the rule not the exception. What used to cost $100,000 to start a business in my industry for technology alone will now cost under $5K which makes corporate overhead unnecessary and excess baggage. In one case, I'm now packing up a system to one new customer knowing full well I'll have my entire "investment" back in a month, just to give the customer a kick start. The immediate benefit is to both of us, giving me 60 hours/month to give to my employees, and increasing gross income by 25%.

some of the greed that's spoken of corporations can also fall onto Union workers that have helped to run jobs out of the US...

I've never worked for a Union, and find so far that it's cheaper to listen to what employees want and where possible to give it to them, provided that their work ethic warrants it. On the flip side, this economy is really one that the little guy can favor over the top heavy corporate market.

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Tue 02/03/09 04:13 PM
out sourceing is just plain weong.. Recently I read an article about a company that outsoured their "trouble " calls to India.. it worked for a while . But when people started to complai the comapny didn't listen.. They listened when their sales kept falling off overa period of time. They found out that americans do not wish to talk to someone over the phne who can not speak good enough english.... sign of the times Thats why now there are more and more call centers openiong and having jobs for people in the US.

krupa's photo
Tue 02/03/09 04:33 PM
Let me put on my jock strap and cup before I say this...

Ideally, I agree with keeping jobs here instead of sending them abroad. is hard to compete with slave labor in reguards to sheer volume per dollar. (this in no way encompasses the quality issue)

My woman is an international affairs business contract negotiator working China, Europe, Cambodia, Guam, the Phillipenes and more...She negotiates the contracts on Behalf of Ford, John Deere and many other iconic american companies...The pay and benefits are just too good to pass up but, she absolutely hates the job as well as the Chinese that she deals with as well as the American contractors that she oversees. Both of us are simply dealing with it till the American economy turns it's self around to the point that she can just come home.....but, let's face it...As long as she is under contract and her son's elite education is being paid for (international prep school for the gifted and $40,000 per year specifically for his education) I cannot blame her. If she could make that same kind of deal on American soil...she would have been back here last year.

It is a no win situation.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 02/03/09 04:37 PM
i really hate to be a party pooper but if i had a corperation that was folding because of labor cost and my alternative was to move it out of this country cause i know the american consumer would still purchase my product..i would do it,cause it would hurt for me to build something to only watch it collapse cause of unions or employee wages after all i never did understand what was wrong with creating jobs in a poor country that has no government aid.

krupa's photo
Tue 02/03/09 04:50 PM
I agree with you man. I am fully aware that many people here are hurting but, If I gotta pay the better part of $30-40 an hour for a union worker..or I can get a similar product for $2-4 per hour overseas or in only makes sense. I love my country and the people in it (most of em at least) But, the basic numbers dictate the proper course of action for any business. If you can produce a product cost effectively it....if you can produce that same product in China for pennies on the dollar...(Sux I know) gotta do it.

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Tue 02/03/09 04:54 PM
I might see it as a better idea if most of the work they were doing wasn't going back through our team to check and fix. It's wasting time to have to constantly check and redo work they've done. But, this is just one company. I'm not sure how it works for others.

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Tue 02/03/09 04:56 PM
Outsourcing isn't about the customers or employees. It's about saving money and maximizing the profit for the company. If I had a big business I would do the same.

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Tue 02/03/09 05:00 PM

Outsourcing isn't about the customers or employees. It's about saving money and maximizing the profit for the company. If I had a big business I would do the same.

What happens when the customers complain about the quality?

krupa's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:00 PM

I might see it as a better idea if most of the work they were doing wasn't going back through our team to check and fix. It's wasting time to have to constantly check and redo work they've done. But, this is just one company. I'm not sure how it works for others.

As my woman often says...there is no way that these back water countries could do it without the logistical and technical support of American experts...

Pretty much the reason she can't just bail out and come home...

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:26 PM
Where did the OP state that the outsourcing was to another country? Did I miss it?

My company outsources lots of functions, tedious jobs like sales tax compliance, etc. They outsource it to firms in the US. Not all oursourced jobs are overseas.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:27 PM

Where did the OP state that the outsourcing was to another country? Did I miss it?

My company outsources lots of functions, tedious jobs like sales tax compliance, etc. They outsource it to firms in the US. Not all oursourced jobs are overseas.

I was speaking about jobs that are outsourced overseas.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:29 PM

What do you think about it? Does your company outsource? Do you think it's a good idea? Why? Do you think it's a bad idea? Why?

I think it is wrong. My company does not do it.
It is just sending more American jobs out of this country. I know why it happens, so the big companies can pay less for work than they would have to pay us. It is very wrong in my book.

nogames39's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:56 PM
If outsourcing is so wrong, on so many levels as many in this tread would have us believe, then why are you all outsourcing?

Every time you buy a foreign made TV, DVD, Computer, Car, Clothes, Food, Watches, Bicycles, etc., you are outsourcing the fabrication of these things to foreign manufacturers.


I say because you all are greedy. You have no loyalty.
You care not about people. But you won't admit this.

Ha-ha, I'll bet most of you will not even realize it. Too stupid?

May-be, but I think you're just too lame to admit your own greed. To you, it is all about you. Someone has to make it better for you, because your life is so hard, huh? And in your search for better and easier, you will go for the best, the cheapest, or the easiest (internet shopping, - how's killing your local merchant feels?).

But when it comes to outsourcing your own ass, oh no, we can't do that! Greedy corporations! How dare they to look for cheaper, better, or easier labor!

Anyway, let the sh!tstorm begin! flowerforyou

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:02 PM

Outsourcing isn't about the customers or employees. It's about saving money and maximizing the profit for the company. If I had a big business I would do the same.

What happens when the customers complain about the quality?

If you are a big business then who cares? All that crap about the customer is always right is just that.. "crap"

People will continue to purchase and buy no matter what a few people say. American's are not coordinated enough to stage a mass picket of one product simply because of the outsourcing or quality of it. I hate to say that because I myself am American, but it's simply true.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:12 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Tue 02/03/09 08:12 PM
hmmmmm I have a kid who is 16 and will mow my lawn for $50

the kid down the street will do it for $25

whom should I hire to mow my lawn?

nogames39's photo
Wed 02/04/09 11:14 AM

hmmmmm I have a kid who is 16 and will mow my lawn for $50

the kid down the street will do it for $25

whom should I hire to mow my lawn?

Yeah, you seeing it, man! I ditto you.

(BTW, my post above obviously wasn't about people like you.)

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 11:18 AM

hmmmmm I have a kid who is 16 and will mow my lawn for $50

the kid down the street will do it for $25

whom should I hire to mow my lawn?

Call it a guess, but your kid will make you pay more either way. laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 12:40 PM

If outsourcing is so wrong, on so many levels as many in this tread would have us believe, then why are you all outsourcing?

Every time you buy a foreign made TV, DVD, Computer, Car, Clothes, Food, Watches, Bicycles, etc., you are outsourcing the fabrication of these things to foreign manufacturers.


I say because you all are greedy. You have no loyalty.
You care not about people. But you won't admit this.

Ha-ha, I'll bet most of you will not even realize it. Too stupid?

May-be, but I think you're just too lame to admit your own greed. To you, it is all about you. Someone has to make it better for you, because your life is so hard, huh? And in your search for better and easier, you will go for the best, the cheapest, or the easiest (internet shopping, - how's killing your local merchant feels?).

But when it comes to outsourcing your own ass, oh no, we can't do that! Greedy corporations! How dare they to look for cheaper, better, or easier labor!

Anyway, let the sh!tstorm begin! flowerforyou

I'm sure there were better ways to get your point across than calling everyone stupid.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 02/04/09 12:44 PM
I'm running for Prez in 2012. My platform is built around outsourcing criminal activity.

Sorry Detroit, you will be annexed to Canada as part of this plan.

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Wed 02/04/09 12:57 PM