Topic: How would you deal with.... | |
a rapist?
This is going to either be comletely ignored or very volatile, but I want honest answers, and for you to trulythin about it first. I will tell you what I would LIKE to do, as well as the fact aht when I met my ex-wifes rapist I ismply turned the other direction and walked away. What I would have liked to do w ould involve these ingredients A: hollow glass rod B: jar of fire ants C: jar of honey D: hammer E: filet knife F: Sulphuric or caustic acid G: Salt Used in that order you use the glass rod and honey to lure the fire ants up through the scrotum intot he intestinal track. Then you use the hammer, and shatter the glass without removing it. Then you skin it. Add three drops of acid to cauterize the internal bleeding and then salt everything else. Oh you also need smelling salts in order to keep the guy awake. By doing this, you do not make the guy any less of a human being than he is physically speaking. Every time he goes to pee for the rest of his life it is gonna be shear torture. And most if not all, will do everything they can to promote anti rape etc. afterwords. What do you think? |
or you can nail them to the inside of a barn wall, and soak the opposite
wall with gasoline, ignite the barn andhand him a pair of scissor. I like that one too. leave his punishment up to him. |
have had to. and in reality none of the above apply.
good discussion topic, though. |
have had to also... et
yeah like I said, I had the chance to take care of things myself for my
ex, and I chose to turn away. I am very glad I did, cause i am nOT an executioner and judge if you know what I mean. However, I would love for them to feel the pain they put others through. |
good discussion too tho i agree
Exacute them! (sorry) Then maybe the next one would think twice before
repeating that offense... Emo,Izz- me too... |
Daniel you scare me. That second one sounds like
something out of one of the Saw movies. I think I am going to have nightmares now. But seriously this topic is no joking manner. I am not a violent person. So I could not see myself doing any of that. I would probably call the authorities and suggest some counseling. |
Maybe I am a bit oldschool but I feel when someone does a bad thing such
a rape murder...cause them death in the same manner in which you suffered.Im sorry to hear of your pain ladies! Ralph |
one thing about Karma that is hard for those of us who have lived
through it, is we don't always get to see it come around. But, it does. Many are revolved through the justice doors to repeat again, and again.And, they will because there is no cure for this type of abuse... The hardest thing is knowing and living with the fact that most predators like this are doing it again, and there is nada we can do about it except try to live whole, and well... |
okk... you brought up karma... so...
geting to go party the day of his funeral after he died from a long painful fight with stomach cancer was enuf payback for me... |
SOmeone hurts my family or friends, they need to give their soul to
their God, because their azz belongs to me. Won't say what WILL happen. Been there, done that, can do again. No matter if my family & I don't get along, when stuff happens they all call me. |
exactly emotional. It is a sad truth that death, amputation, etc does
not deter others. but I also do no tagree with killing someone as a punishment for anything. I DO believe in incarceration on a desert island (minimum ove a hundred miles of ocean surrounding them and no wood to make a raft with). Like a penal colony. However I would like to see something happen that inflicts the same amount of pain simply to help the victims feel better. Some actually would feel better after it. |
A rapist should be put in the worste pen there is...let him experiance
what he put his victims through...death is not good enough....he needs to suffer and continue to suffer til he dies...same goes with child molestors. |
Yuh, well I would too when I know the lifelong harm it does...
But, and I know I'll probably get he stink eye, LMAO!, I also know if I had NOT gone through a lifetime of it, I may not have been able to be the Mom to my kids that I have been. Had I been brought up differently, I might not recognize, or know how to deal with these issues along with other affected. These people do this every day... right now. Despicable, sick human beings whom destroy lives... They are your neighbors, people you know, strangers, clergy, family, parents... As far as laws go, hell... With so many frivolous lawsuits going on...and, there are the rare liars... |
A tad off topic but the thing to do with child molesters is put them in
prison with the general population. The other prisoners will take care of them. |