Topic: The Loneliness Scale Quiz from UCLA (share your scores)
SilentlyScreaming's photo
Sun 02/01/09 02:19 PM
i got a 27

odie3008's photo
Sun 02/01/09 02:23 PM
25 here

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 03:13 PM
21 Just barely. Hmm.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 03:20 PM
22. Sounds about right.

Jess642's photo
Sun 02/01/09 03:23 PM
My average score was 14....

"The average score for elderly people is 16."

noway noway Does that mean I'm dead???????????????

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 02/01/09 03:27 PM

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 03:35 PM
ugh, 33. though that doesn't seem really far off, i'm not so sure about it.

Angelee's photo
Sun 02/01/09 04:02 PM
31... I'm really not surprised. I have a sad excuse for a life!!

ladyliz1417's photo
Sun 02/01/09 05:27 PM
27. Maybe I enjoy my own company, lol.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/01/09 05:44 PM
My score was 13...

suncandy25's photo
Sun 02/01/09 05:46 PM
I scored a 19.

suncandy25's photo
Sun 02/01/09 05:48 PM
Are the people that scored 14 and under on mood altering drugs? (be honest)

redneck29's photo
Sun 02/01/09 05:50 PM
24 Not to bad I guess

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:36 PM
Edited by heartSoul on Sun 02/01/09 07:37 PM
I got a 12

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:47 PM

Are the people that scored 14 and under on mood altering drugs? (be honest)

Yeah I'm kind of curious about this also. Then again people do tend to lie on tests like these... Not saying anybody is, I'm just saying its natural to be in denial.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:53 PM
26 here

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:55 PM
I think I scored a 36 simply because I'm hard headed.

I refuse to do things alone.

Also kind of an outsider sometimes. Meh.

It's a cool test but never take things that sum you up in 10 questions seriously.

citygurl's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:55 PM
score of 24

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:56 PM

Are the people that scored 14 and under on mood altering drugs? (be honest)
not me

lnghntr's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:58 PM
33...I must really be lonely...but pretty happy