Topic: rush limbaugh | |
is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush. Actually, a number of people (millions and millions) do listen to Rush and do so on a regular basis. I am not a Rush fan per se because I see the guy as an entertainer first, a politico, second. What I find ironic about the entire saga of his addiction to pain-killers is just how much liberals seem to loathe him for having become addicted. Clearly, he's not the first guy (nor will he be the last) who got addicted to a drug that is, without question, massively addictive. That he broke the law in the process means that he should be held accountable. Fine, no worries, and no issues. But what is curious to me is the massive hypocrisy involved here. When former President Clinton committed sexual harassment of a White House Intern (in any other job, he'd have been fired on the spot) the hue and cry from the left was something like: "Who cares? Does it really have anything to do with his running the country? It's a private matter, and therefore, it should not be something he's beat up for." OK, so I pose the question---why wasn't Rush's case considered a private matter? Clinton took an oath. Rush did not Clinton's salary was tax payer funded Rush's is not I was one of the few "to the right" people during the Clinton saga that thought it was stupid to move to impeach. I thought it was a waste of time and that it would do no good. I felt pretty much the same way about Rush. It's not my business. There are thousands of left-wing hippie types out there who think drugs should all be made legal! Where were they when Rush's story broke? Why not use him as a figure to point to, in order to make a stronger case? The truth is, the outrage over Rush's addiction to Oxycontin is only an outrage because of the political views he holds. If Rush was a liberal, they same people who are ticked at him for being an addict, would have been ALL over the news talking about what a good guy he was and how people should leave his personal life alone. If the left had a talk radio figure that brought in 1/10th of the ratings that Rush brings in, they would have defended him/her to the nth degree. What makes this all so disgusting is not that Rush did drugs and got caught. It's not even that he got addicted to a powerful narcotic. It's that he's a conservative. That is why he's hated for this. It must be nice (those of you who think so little of him) to live lives of such perfection. Why, I'm sure that none of you have ever known anyone to get hooked on a pain medicine or any other substance. Must be nice to live in such a world. Beating up on Rush now, so many years after this has happened is really quite sad. It has not been in the news for many years but still every now and then, there it is. And clearly all of the name calling and judging of Rush has hurt him. I mean, last June he signed a 400 million dollar contract for the next 8 years. That was not including the 9 figure signing bonus that came with it. So clearly, he's worried. -Drew |
funny how we were taking about rush. not AL gore. why don't you just use the old republican trick. when in doubt blame bill Clinton. You were. I was making a point that it seems ironic that libs were all up in arms and tears when Bush became elected in 2000, now that the shoe is on the other foot, you're telling us to move on? kettle meet pot |
but in the end. was just a question. we all have are own opinions. so in the end. no ones wrong. just an opinion.
There are a number of people who post on these boards who make steady references to Rush.
I assume they are listening to him since many of those same posters have expressed their unwillingness to read. |
Obama is not worried about rush at all. Wishful thinking on the part of rush and his herd.
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i listen to rush some. mostly so i can get a good laugh. like i listen to hannity.
just proves that the sheep can be brained washed very easy.
just proves that the sheep can be brained washed very easy. ![]() |
hey since i was born in Russia. but raised in the USA. i take offence to that Russia sickle.
is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush. Only those who are gullible enough to believe his prejudice rhetoric listen. He really has nothing valid to say so I try not to listen. ...say the Jon Stewart groupies... Who is Jon Stewart? you're kidding, right? |
no not joking one bit. my family at least some still live in russia,
no not joking one bit. my family at least some still live in russia, then you, of all people, should understand the fallacy of socialist thinking... |
ok yes i never claim to be in love with my former homeland. hell i been in america to long. i,m just as spoil as everybody else, i love my life in usa.
is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush. Only those who are gullible enough to believe his prejudice rhetoric listen. He really has nothing valid to say so I try not to listen. ...say the Jon Stewart groupies... Who is Jon Stewart? you're kidding, right? Nope don't have a clue. |
is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush. Only those who are gullible enough to believe his prejudice rhetoric listen. He really has nothing valid to say so I try not to listen. ...say the Jon Stewart groupies... Who is Jon Stewart? you're kidding, right? Nope don't have a clue. hard to believe but if you say so.. he's a comic with a half hour show on comedy central, a spoof news show that many actually get their news from. it would be ridiculous if it wasn't true. let me guess, you don;t have a tv..? |
is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush. Only those who are gullible enough to believe his prejudice rhetoric listen. He really has nothing valid to say so I try not to listen. ...say the Jon Stewart groupies... Who is Jon Stewart? you're kidding, right? Nope don't have a clue. hard to believe but if you say so.. he's a comic with a half hour show on comedy central, a spoof news show that many actually get their news from. it would be ridiculous if it wasn't true. let me guess, you don;t have a tv..? Actually have cable on the tele but I still have no clue. My ideals come from me not from what I am told by a television or radio. Let me correct that, I do watch informational television like historical and such which give me information to form my ideals, plus reading and looking at the opposites sides of issues to form which is more logical. After all of that, listening to Rush is like stepping back in time to the time of unenlightenment. It is shameful to hear that people actually still think along these prejudice, discriminatory lines in this day and age. My opinion of course. |
conservatism is prejudicial?? that's an odd way to put it. I find it odd that those that preach tolerance and the virtue of opposing points of view never want to tolerate opposiing points of view and generally characterise viewpoints not shared by liberal democrats as racist, sexist, or whatever pejorative happens to be in vogue at the time.
Conservatism is only a political philosphy that holds people responsible for their own action and their own well-being. That it does not take a village, but two parents to raise a child. it holds that to take a brick from the house of another to build one's own is a violation of all who have made their own bricks to buildtheir own house. why should I be on board with allowing the government to take money from me, launder it, keep their own cut, spend it the way they so choose and call it welfare? the best way to feed the poor is not to give them fish and teach them that food should fall from the sky into their laps. If you're hungry, come to me and I'll teach you to fish lest you never be hungry again... |
Edited by
Fri 01/30/09 02:30 PM
conservatism is prejudicial?? that's an odd way to put it. I find it odd that those that preach tolerance and the virtue of opposing points of view never want to tolerate opposiing points of view and generally characterise viewpoints not shared by liberal democrats as racist, sexist, or whatever pejorative happens to be in vogue at the time. Conservatism is only a political philosphy that holds people responsible for their own action and their own well-being. That it does not take a village, but two parents to raise a child. it holds that to take a brick from the house of another to build one's own is a violation of all who have made their own bricks to buildtheir own house. why should I be on board with allowing the government to take money from me, launder it, keep their own cut, spend it the way they so choose and call it welfare? the best way to feed the poor is not to give them fish and teach them that food should fall from the sky into their laps. If you're hungry, come to me and I'll teach you to fish lest you never be hungry again... I understand the conservative philosophy and some have told me that I can be conservative in my views but...... the conservative philosophy is a haven for those who have "other" agendas. The white supremists hide in the conservative umbrella very well because they assume that all minorities are bleeding the system dry by welfare and handouts. Personal responsibility is okay, I practice it myself, but I also understand that families do not take care of their own in this country and when things happen to people because **** happens all the time, there has to be a support system for these people, the government is the best for this job because charities cannot handle the load by themselves, people are not as charitable as is needed sometimes. (sorry long run on sentence But you get my point right? In a perfect world people would help their neighbor regardless to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, etc... but we are far from that perfect world and **** continues to happen to people and they need a cushion when it happens. The government has a responsibility to do it for the betterment of the country. Conservatism in and of itself is not a bad idea, financial conservatism is a good philosophy but when hatefilled, resentment filled, self depreciating people get ahold of the conservative ideal it serves another purpose and that is one of prejudice and discrimination. My opinion here of course. |
well, I won't pretend that there aren't those with conservative mindsets who hate people based on prejudices.. but it's poisoning the apple to lump all conservatives in with the kkk or whatever. you can't allow the exception to swallow the rule.
yes, there ought to be a safety net for those who find themselves down on their luck but that need shouldn't permit the state to establish a welfare system that permits generations of people to suck off government teet. it sickens me when I go to the store and I see someone buying junk food like sodas, slim jims and potato chips with food stamps. especially when they just bought another hundred some dollars worth of other krap, like junk purses and Barack Obama memerobilia.. That should only go towards buying those staple foods like rice, beans, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. things growing children need in order to grow up healthy and stong. Instead what we have is entire generations of poor people who have grown up under the government care.. that sickens me because all it does is further enslave the poor. the cycle needs to be broken and the way to break it is not to put another 50 million people on the government dole.. if that makes me a hate-monger or a racist, then I wear the moniker proudly. |