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Topic: ENOUGH!
catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:23 PM
flowerforyou Welcome Oceans,

It kinda felt like we spoke two differnt tongues when you guys first
came. :wink:
Now everybody is blendingdrinker

Marie55's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:24 PM
Welcome to you too Bibby, have enjoyed reading your work in the poetry
section. Glad you are enjoying your stay here.

lily38's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:24 PM
I don't tell anyone else who to be friends with, and don't expect anyone
else to tell me.......
Guess my point was totally missed....the comment was not what I was
defending.....my defense was the Constitution..."free speech"....."no
censorship" is something i believe in, too.

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:27 PM
Lily, so it's OK with you if someone (and I'm not talking anyone in
particular, just in the generic sense) runs new people out of a website
by being vulgar and abusive? At what point does the right to free
speech outweigh the other person's right to join and experience a
website they might like?

Because it would be very easy to get a totally wrong idea about what the
people on a site are like, if the first one you talk to is abusive and
hostile. And you're OK with that?

Marie55's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:28 PM
I got that Lily, just seemed like it was a lot more intense than usual.
I understand people are upset over "censorship" on here and other
issues. Seems like the last few days have been really rocky on here.

Haven't talked to you in awhile. Hope you are doing well.

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:29 PM
i think it IS okay.

if someone is going to be chased off that easily, or offended by words
from a complete stranger...maybe the internet isn't the best place for

Oceans5555's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:30 PM
Thanks, Catch me!

I hear you about the languages....'course, <sigh> my language is an
aberration unto itself.... flowerforyou happy flowerforyou

Well, friends, I've got a loooooooong day ahead tomorrow. Miles and
miles before I rest and all that poetic stuff.

Lex, my friend, you were one of the first to welcome me here and I will
always remember that. So, with friendship, a thought: sometimes it is
just best to let go. We make our point, explain it further if it seems
necessary, and then move on, confident that whether people are
immediately supportive or not that the point has been made and will
serve its purpose quietly, down the road. Your opening posting was damn
eloquent. Thanks.


sheepdog's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:35 PM
lex a web site cannot be judge buy 1 response.
at least i don't think so.
and if someone does judge with the first response
then i agree with what lulu said up there.

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:37 PM

People keep speaking about this as if it was only thin skinned, easily
offended crybabies that would run off to momma - this is a story they
tell themselves so they can justify their childish behavior. There are
other reasons people would choose not to participate in a community.
The behaviors which we endorse say something about the nature of our
community. I'm not talking about -censorship- here, I'm talking about
endorsement - even silent, passive endorsement.

Many potential conversationalists, who actually have thick-skins but
a keen sense of 'the worth of their own time' may simply skip a site
like this if we act like its fine by us for people to treat people to
say things like that.

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:39 PM
Sheepdog, you are absolutely correct, unfortunately - I've seen it
happen - if that one adolescent, intolerant response comes from one of
those on the 'inside', everyone else will act like its an acceptable

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:41 PM
Oceans --

You are right, my friend, I think the point has been expressed; and the
necessary procedures have been agreed upon and implemented.

I will continue to speak up for our newer members if and when I see any
signs of unfairness, however. Not that there's been a lot of that --
there's been very little, that I've seen.

But I would like to see JSH be fun and safe for everyone....
and that means every one.

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:41 PM
i see what you are saying, massage...but when i'm checking out a place,
i give it more than the response of one jerk.

i'm pretty vocal, i have no problem telling a person that their behavior
is unacceptable...but i still defend their right to say whatever it is.

i've been on sites where everyone compliments each other constantly and
show an inability for conflict...and it's fake. i want the REAL
people...and if we censor our members, we just won't have that.

sheepdog's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:42 PM
i reckon i can agree with that.
it just takes me alittle longer to
decide if i like a site or not.
i must admit that i do use the block
on a regular bases and things work for me.

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:44 PM
hell, i've never blocked a soul. i just laugh...

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:46 PM
>> i've been on sites where everyone compliments each other constantly and
show an inability for conflict...and it's fake. i want the REAL
people...and if we censor our members, we just won't have that.

Agreed! I've not seen that online, but i've seen it in real life and i
don't like it at all. Can we agree that both extremes are undesirable?

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:47 PM
lol, sure.

buttons's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:48 PM
those carrots sure are looking desireable:wink:

bibby7's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:50 PM
And, those 'Button's are pretty dang cute..drinker

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:51 PM
(pps, Bibby - she likes it if you call her "Sug"laugh laugh )

Thank you buttons!

buttons's photo
Wed 04/25/07 12:04 AM
laugh laugh massage:wink:

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