Topic: ENOUGH!
buttons's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:32 PM
i know its not for me cause i sure the heck like lex...

PetiteKitten's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:33 PM
And just for curiosity sake, what thread was this all posted in?

kytrailrider's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:33 PM
we are all adults responsilbe for our own actions if we speak in a
disrespectful manner it says somthing about our character.

lily38's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:34 PM
He has been gone for almost 30 days. I don't agree w/ everything Spay
says or does, but we're Americans....freedom of speech...blah, blah,

Man, if ya don't want to come to the party, then

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:34 PM
okay - you just asked if you were on an adult site and now you are
saying if you donot get your question answered you will leave??????
donot get me wrong I agree with you, it is not acceptable to say that to

Marie55's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:35 PM
I am not sure what all the hostility is about today, I came home from
work and my gosh the place is on fire. I have to agree with Lex and
Whisper on this one, Spay has been offensive to me in the past also,
long story, so won't bother. I just let it go, he will never change.

I am not sure why you are so hostile tonight Lily, wish you would
lighten up some, haven't seen you like this before, not sure why you are
in attack mode.

We have a bunch of new people on here and the interactions I have had
with them have been good, I think are good people and are fitting in

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:37 PM
SUSPENDED not BAND which means he can still come back and start the same
BS all over again.

And you are right I asked if we were adults here. And you are right I
did say I would leave. But why would I stay in a place where people do
not act there age?

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:39 PM
Trust me Spay has insulted me in the pass as well. But that's OK, just
suspend him and everything will be just fine.

kytrailrider's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:40 PM
just wanted to say hi like everbody else so can we have a new dicussion
on any new topic.

lily38's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:40 PM
MARIE!! I thought we knew each other......I am not hostile, just
frustrated. What in the hell is going on here? Why do I HAVE to answer
any question when I already did...AND, I did it my way. I don't agree
with censorship, I don't agree with cruelty, I don't agree with kicking
a dead horse......make glue folks, 'cause this horse ain't getting any

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:40 PM
Because you can choose the ppl you interact with.
You are doing the same double standards that you are accusing them of
I agree some ppl have been "mean" or "inappropriate"
but there are others who are great, special ppl.
That is the way it is every where.

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:41 PM
Kitten: Go check out my "JSH: Hi or Hypocrsiy?" thread for the full

Lily -- Goading Whisper doesn't really answer the question, does it?
You've danced around this question on 2 threads now, and we're still
waiting for your answer.

I don't think we'll get one. The general consensus on this thread is
that there is NO situation where that comment is ever appropriate.

If you have a justification that runs contrary to that viewpoint, I
would love to hear it.

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:41 PM
Kyt, welcome to the site. It usually is a great place to be and I do not
want you to get the wrong idea about it.

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:41 PM
i agree with Lily

buttons's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:42 PM
drama should be taken to emails dont ya think?

lily38's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:42 PM
What is the F**cking question, again, please?bigsmile

lily38's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:43 PM
Thankyou, Nur! Nice to meet you, friend! flowerforyou

kytrailrider's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:43 PM
well thank you i like this site ,but like anybodie . When its not fun
anymore i hit the X at the top and move on

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:44 PM
Drama should NOT be taken to e-mail when it is meant for everybody to

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 04/24/07 10:44 PM
I agree with you too Lex
however we all have friends that we would defend to the end.