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Topic: If you could rule the world...
FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:02 AM

I would say that your chosen nickname on here suits you LOL

Didn't pick it for glamour reasons.smokin

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:03 AM

Gotta maintain your sense of humor with a joke in the white house.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:04 AM

i'd give the people in the middle east a time out.

snap my fingers and instantaneously turn all the jews into muslims and all the muslims into jews

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:07 AM
spock What you mean "IF" pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

s1owhand's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:08 AM
laissez le bon temps rouler! happy

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:11 AM
Edited by Fade2Black on Sat 01/31/09 07:13 AM

i'd give the people in the middle east a time out.

Hey that's what the TIMEOUT room is for bigsmile we have enough duct tape for all of them ..

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:19 AM
I did hear in the news that one big wig over there is actually telling the TRUTH (how dare he? LOL) Telling them all, can't remember if he was sunni or ****te, that their fighting amongst the sects was their biggest problem, and trying to stop it. Always said it would have to be internal, they aren't going to listen to anyone else.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:21 AM

I did hear in the news that one big wig over there is actually telling the TRUTH (how dare he? LOL) Telling them all, can't remember if he was sunni or ****te, that their fighting amongst the sects was their biggest problem, and trying to stop it. Always said it would have to be internal, they aren't going to listen to anyone else.

*sighs* We're having fun here. Can you take the actual politics to the political threads?

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:25 AM
Oooooooooo and the control freak rears its oh so ugly head. LOL

krupa's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:25 AM
I agree Water. (This ain't the place for it...)

Back on topic...

"If I could rule the world..."

What do you mean IF?!?!?!?!?!?!

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:27 AM
Aw krupa, no gonga this morning to lighten your mood?

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:27 AM

Oooooooooo and the control freak rears its oh so ugly head. LOL

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:31 AM
And just how is anyone supposed to have any fun with a pissy piece of work like you screwing it up?

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:34 AM

I agree Water. (This ain't the place for it...)

Back on topic...

"If I could rule the world..."

What do you mean IF?!?!?!?!?!?!

lol you and I think the same on this one laugh

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:36 AM

And just how is anyone supposed to have any fun with a pissy piece of work like you screwing it up?

Hey, I was just padding along and I saw the fire hydrant. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

krupa's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:37 AM
The point is...

If we want religion...there is a thread for it.
If we want political debate..there is a thread for it.
If we want a recipie..there is a thread for it.

Pretty simple stuff.

If you want to be more effective with your insults... may I suggest spelling your insults correctly...

When someone is implying that I smoke... The correct spelling is "Ghanga"....not gonga...

It ain't hard to see where I get my superiority complex from.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:11 AM

And just how is anyone supposed to have any fun with a pissy piece of work like you screwing it up?

Hey, I was just padding along and I saw the fire hydrant. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

LOL Famous line of drunks and crazies (seemed like a good idea at the time) when trying to explain how they ended up ? in ? over ? LOL

geez krupa, you sure got crabby when you got kicked off that other site. Chillax, get a grip and quit looking for drama.
(and now picture me sticking my tongue out at you).

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:12 AM
And where in the hell did you get that I was trying to insult you? I backed you on your legalize marijuana posts.

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