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Topic: flip a quarter????
JoeW99's photo
Wed 01/28/09 08:31 PM

cage match

choose the winner

I dont think this would work...one is 5'11" and average size
the other is 6'4" and alot tougher

Take the wimpy / smaller guy.. then you can just backhand him when he gets out of line.


no photo
Wed 01/28/09 08:41 PM
In the best of world I would say wait a year to decide, get to know the real person because we all know that the majority of people are always trying harder to impress at the beginning of a relation (more attentive, more there, more this and that) instinctively or not we all do it to a certain point.

In your situation time is not on your side so like others have said (all coming from mostly single woman with failed relationships) trust your woman instinct and good luck.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:00 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

Doesn't sound like you are all that interested in either of them. Drop both of them and find someone you are REALLY interested in. From what you have said about either is they pay attention to you. Hardly a reason to stay with either.

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:04 PM

You are trying to decide between apples and oranges..

ya gotta stop trying to compare...both have attributes you like.

My thought...turn your back and slowly walk away..the one you are supposed to be with will be holding your hand.

Just a thought...life hands us so many variables...

I swear that it worked for me. (Don't misunderstand...I went through hell to get back to the one I should have been with all along)

very good advice-

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:04 PM

cage match

choose the winner

I dont think this would work...one is 5'11" and average size
the other is 6'4" and alot tougher

Take the wimpy / smaller guy.. then you can just backhand him when he gets out of line.


thats funny but hes still bigger than me...

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:10 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

Doesn't sound like you are all that interested in either of them. Drop both of them and find someone you are REALLY interested in. From what you have said about either is they pay attention to you. Hardly a reason to stay with either.

I am more interested in the second but I think its bc he is more of a challenge- the other came to easy ..he reminds me of a 17 year old, very insecure and ready to attatch to anyone thats halfway nice.((but)) very good looking- so he shouldnt be like that.

scoundrel's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:16 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

Do both of them.

Then decide. You might decide to keep on fishing.

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:17 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

Do both of them.

Then decide. You might decide to keep on fishing.

I actually thought about that-
its not a bad idea...if there is no chemistry there then it could never be anyway!!

keepthehope's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:32 PM

go with the one more likely to treat you right, I have seen a lot of girls go out with assholes who dont give them the respect they deserve

Amen to that.

scoundrel's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:58 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

Do both of them.

Then decide. You might decide to keep on fishing.

I actually thought about that-
its not a bad idea...if there is no chemistry there then it could never be anyway!!

That closing comment built my confidence in you more than ten books would do.
Just knowing that you aren't a collector of half-satisfactory half-fulfilling options is a good sign that you'll decide what is right for you.
When it's right for you, it's good for the whole future full of potentials.
Best wishes.

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:59 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

Do both of them.

Then decide. You might decide to keep on fishing.

I actually thought about that-
its not a bad idea...if there is no chemistry there then it could never be anyway!!

That closing comment built my confidence in you more than ten books would do.
Just knowing that you aren't a collector of half-satisfactory half-fulfilling options is a good sign that you'll decide what is right for you.
When it's right for you, it's good for the whole future full of potentials.
Best wishes.
Thank you very much- you made me feel 100times better

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:01 PM
Date them both until you find the right one.........dont put your eggs in one basket...............find out their pros and cons and go from there...............who said you had to commit enjoy while it lasts most people dont get that so do what is best for you and keep them both your young and single................

Angelee's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:07 PM
Well... having never had the problem of more than one love interest at once, I'm not quite sure what the correct answer is. I will say this, though...

The first one - the one who is too polite and doesn't drink much, yet doesn't seem to have motivation to better himself. Have you asked him what his goals are? Maybe he just needs some time to figure things out.

The second one... I automatically get a red flag when you say that he drinks 3 or 4 beers every day. I think that's called an alcoholic... or at least on the way to becoming one. Having dated - and deeply loved - an alcoholic before, it brings into the picture a HUGE amount of disappointment and heartbreak.

While sometimes a "challenge" is fun, sometimes all it ever really is is a challenge. And it gets old sometimes. I'm not sure why people have a tendency to choose the more difficult route, but there is a lot to be said for being dependable, loyal, sweet and thoughtful.

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:08 PM

Date them both until you find the right one.........dont put your eggs in one basket...............find out their pros and cons and go from there...............who said you had to commit enjoy while it lasts most people dont get that so do what is best for you and keep them both your young and single................

also good advice!!!!

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:24 PM

Well... having never had the problem of more than one love interest at once, I'm not quite sure what the correct answer is. I will say this, though...

The first one - the one who is too polite and doesn't drink much, yet doesn't seem to have motivation to better himself. Have you asked him what his goals are? Maybe he just needs some time to figure things out.

The second one... I automatically get a red flag when you say that he drinks 3 or 4 beers every day. I think that's called an alcoholic... or at least on the way to becoming one. Having dated - and deeply loved - an alcoholic before, it brings into the picture a HUGE amount of disappointment and heartbreak.

While sometimes a "challenge" is fun, sometimes all it ever really is is a challenge. And it gets old sometimes. I'm not sure why people have a tendency to choose the more difficult route, but there is a lot to be said for being dependable, loyal, sweet and thoughtful.

He really is a great guy- hes coming up this weekend so maybe I will see him in a different light-
I was also kinda worried about the drinking especially since I dont allow it around my children. That wouldnt matter now but if it last a while and he was around them at any point it would.

Angelee's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:30 PM

Well... having never had the problem of more than one love interest at once, I'm not quite sure what the correct answer is. I will say this, though...

The first one - the one who is too polite and doesn't drink much, yet doesn't seem to have motivation to better himself. Have you asked him what his goals are? Maybe he just needs some time to figure things out.

The second one... I automatically get a red flag when you say that he drinks 3 or 4 beers every day. I think that's called an alcoholic... or at least on the way to becoming one. Having dated - and deeply loved - an alcoholic before, it brings into the picture a HUGE amount of disappointment and heartbreak.

While sometimes a "challenge" is fun, sometimes all it ever really is is a challenge. And it gets old sometimes. I'm not sure why people have a tendency to choose the more difficult route, but there is a lot to be said for being dependable, loyal, sweet and thoughtful.

He really is a great guy- hes coming up this weekend so maybe I will see him in a different light-
I was also kinda worried about the drinking especially since I dont allow it around my children. That wouldnt matter now but if it last a while and he was around them at any point it would.

I know that I don't know him at all... but the drinking would be an issue for me. I'm jaded because I watch my partner go from 4 or 5 drinks a day to 8 or 9 to 15 to 20... and it tore us apart.

If you have any sort of "spark" like feelings for the guy behind door number one, then I would suggest giving him more of a shot and more attention. However, if you don't have those feelings for him, then, as the wise old woman that I am, I would recommend moving on from both of them and waiting for someone else to come along that manages to take your breath away...

crissyk1177's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:33 PM
You are more right than I want to admit- I guess this is why its so hard for me...I want a serious relationship bad enough that I probably would just settle for flipping a quarter and trying to make the most of it--- thats not to good..

Angelee's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:39 PM

You are more right than I want to admit- I guess this is why its so hard for me...I want a serious relationship bad enough that I probably would just settle for flipping a quarter and trying to make the most of it--- thats not to good..

that is MOST DEFINITELY not good!! I don't know you, but I know that every person deserves not to "settle" for something other than what she wants... in addition, the gentlemen that might be attempting to "woo" her deserve to not be "settled on". You are a single mom, I see, and I'm sure that life is hard enough without putting such low expectations on it. If you wait, then something that is just right will come your way...

Just so that you know, I am no guru or anything. I just have experienced a lot in my life... and I keep telling myself that something just right will come my way, too

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:42 PM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

I would choose the one who most most respectful and considerate to me. You simply can't be in a relationship with someone if that person doesn't respect you and your feelings.

no photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:04 AM

If you had two really great people- both wanting to be in a relationship with you, how would you choose which one to stay with and how would you tell the other??

I'd go pop some popcorn and tell them about each other.

Seriously, I would never let that situation develop like you're describing.

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