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Topic: Adoption.
TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:26 AM
I've noticed that a few people have a negative reaction when they learn that I was adopted. I'm curious as to what may be going through their heads. Is it really all that strange to have been adopted?

Winx's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:28 AM
It's not strange at all to me. I'm sorry to hear that you've had negative reactions to that.

I know people that have been adopted. I know people that have adopted. In the past I've considered adopting.

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:28 AM
nope, not at all

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:29 AM
I don't have the faintest idea...??? Is it mostly prospective dates? If so, perhaps they are thinking waaaaay down the road, that if ya'll have children, you won't know your "family" history? That's all I got...

franshade's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:30 AM
didn't know and it doesn't affect me.

glad for you waving

buttons's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:31 AM
I dont think so although I'm not adopted. I dont know how it feels... however an adopted child is always a child that was wanted . to where people have babies and keep them although they didnt want to take care of them or really want them they felt just stuck with them.. lots of kids feel unwanted.. and im sure that being adopted at least the chances you were usually treated with love, and respect.. more often than one who isnt adopted..flowerforyou flowerforyou

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:31 AM
Hell it could be worse. My mother tells me that I'm the worlds first living abortion.

Drago01's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:35 AM
Edited by Drago01 on Mon 01/26/09 08:36 AM
Not strange no.
However, its usually not something that pops up in a casual conversation, unless you make it so.
How,when,where,why, its presented can make all the difference. If you are concerned about some of the reactions you get, then you might try looking at it from the other persons point of view.
I would imagine that alot of people, frankly, just dont know how to react, since they are not used to having that topic come up in a conversation. That alone could be the crux of the percieved problem you encounter from time to time.
My two-cents.... er ten-cents. :smile:

You are 46. Do you yourself have an issue with it?

prisoner's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:41 AM
:smile: my female "friend with benefits" is's not an issue for either of us...her adoptive mother can be a pain in the a$$ but so can my biological one...perhaps you are just running into simple minded people and there are alot of seeing you

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:59 AM

I've noticed that a few people have a negative reaction when they learn that I was adopted. I'm curious as to what may be going through their heads. Is it really all that strange to have been adopted?

Humm strange I would not think so maybe truth is they are just curious but not sure how to go about asking you questions.

Normally kids that are adopted there is a story to what happen to their birth parents some may know by the parents that in fact adopted them some may not.

But normally it is all due to people being curious how in fact you feel about being adopted and they wonder at times what goes through ones mind that has been adopted.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:08 AM

I've noticed that a few people have a negative reaction when they learn that I was adopted. I'm curious as to what may be going through their heads. Is it really all that strange to have been adopted?

That's their problem, not yours. I happen to be working towards adopting and last time I checked, adopted people were humans too.

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:54 AM
Some people are just ignorant stupid dumbasses. I am so sorry you had that experience.... and I wish more people believed in adoption. I wish people loved their children enough to give them up.

Adoption is a beautiful thing. You parents wanted you, wanted you so bad look how hard they had to work to get you in their lives. The gift of the love of a child is priceless. People should envy you.

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:03 AM

I've noticed that a few people have a negative reaction when they learn that I was adopted. I'm curious as to what may be going through their heads. Is it really all that strange to have been adopted?
?????? sOOOOOOO you came from the stork???surprised

Want2B5ft's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:54 AM
I am adopted, too. My former mother-in-law is the only one that I have ran into that had problems with me being adopted - adoption, in general - even moreso that I was adopted by a Mexican family. She called it dysfunctional. laugh

She really flipped a gasket when we adopted my sister's boy after she was murdered. Unfortunately, that adoption didn't go too well. Lots of heartache. brokenheart :cry:

I would say not to let it bother you. You know who you are and you are here because a loving family "chose" you to be a part of them. The people that criticize or have problems with adoption usually are uninformed or have some preconceived prejudice that they have to put over onto someone else.

Hold your own and know that your self worth is not made up their opinions. flowerforyou

DragonFlyTat's photo
Mon 01/26/09 11:49 AM
I don't see anything wrong with adoption. It is a great avenue for people to explore if needed

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 01/26/09 11:58 AM
I am adopted and my first daughter was adopted out in 1999.

My ex-husband said that was the most admirable thing a 18 year old could have done, choosing her daughter over herself.

It sucks never having met my family, (Found my birth sibs and my dad in 2006) but I wouldn't change my life any other way.

TBRich's photo
Mon 01/26/09 11:58 AM
These are the same people against abortion, then they give adoption, day care, Head Start and all that a stuff a hard time and don't want to fund it. They want you to pop out of your mom already at draft age. They believe that the sins of the father are visited on the children... so you are adopted huh? Was your mom an addicted streetwalker, was she ? They just love to shove that in your face! Those moral hypocrites and busybodies!

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Wed 01/28/09 07:44 AM
for the first time in my life I am scared.

truly scared.

I had hoped and prayed I would never meet the b*tch that chose crack and drink over me and my younger sister.

but she found me.

all I can do is protect my younger sister from her and not tell "mom" where she lives.

but she has found me.

and I don't want to be found.

I didn't want to be found.

everything was going so well in my life.

I had finally overcome my personal demons left to me because of her and her actions. I moved on with my life. I got myself into a healthy relationship, am working hard in school and trying to be a better mother to Nicole.

And here she comes, rocking my very foundations.

It was a hard enough impact on me when I finally found my dad and older siblings.

I am not ready for this.

I will never be ready for this.

This woman is the reason I was adopted and abused.

This woman is the reason why I gave up my first daughter.

This woman is the reason why I DO NOT drink or use drugs. (Plus, they are bad for you)

This woman is everything I worked so hard at not being.

How dare she come into my life NOW?

Why couldn't she have just left us at the LAPD station and leave it there for good? Why did she have to come find me?

I am the wall between her and my younger sister.

I refuse to let her near her. As hard as it is on me, this will KILL her.

I am confused and filled with hate and fear over this one woman. I don't know what to do.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Wed 01/28/09 07:44 AM
sorry for my rant.

I just figured this is the appropriate place to go?

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 07:49 AM
Did you ask them about their reaction? That's really the only way to know why they reacted the way they did.

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