Topic: Short Men
shoesmonkey's photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:52 PM

Thanks for some of the comments. I am 5'4" and apparently have quite the knack for finding the shallow people. Of course I am begining to think where I live is all shallow people.
I don't like guy's that are over say 6 ft. Too tall for me! 6ft is the max for me.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:54 PM

Thanks for some of the comments. I am 5'4" and apparently have quite the knack for finding the shallow people. Of course I am begining to think where I live is all shallow people.
I don't like guy's that are over say 6 ft. Too tall for me! 6ft is the max for me.

<<<<<<<under 6' blushing

PilarMargret 's photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:55 PM
I like them short with flat heads, so there's a place to put my coffee in the morning.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:02 PM

Don't lump all of us in that category! I was married to a short guy, and it was a pleasure to give up wearing heals. Good things come in small packages, you know.:banana:

Your feet probably thanked you too.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:07 PM
shollow people is what it is not you height..

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:12 PM

Can someone please tell what woman have against short men. I am constantly being judged on my height. Why is that?

Let me tell you a secret. I think Danny Diveto is sexy. He is sexy because he is confident. You can see him with a tall beautiful woman wearing three inch heals and he does not mind at all. His power and confidence is not in his height.

It is the same with other short men who have that confidence. Don't look for women shorter than you. If you are a confident powerful alpha male, and you don't carry a complex about being short, you will attract tall confident women who don't judge a man by his height.

I have dated short men. The ones I didn't like were the ones who asked me to wear flats or ones who themselves wore shoes that made them taller. They were the ones who felt self conscious about being short. They lacked confidence in themselves, thinking that their manhood was threatened by their over all height.

Well height is not a measure of the man. Confidence, power, energy, sexual know how, that is what matters. Don't pretend. Know that you must be confident.. find a way.

When I see a short man with a tall woman in heels, and he is walking proudly beside her, I see a very confident man.


no photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 01/24/09 07:18 PM

Thanks for some of the comments. I am 5'4" and apparently have quite the knack for finding the shallow people. Of course I am begining to think where I live is all shallow people.

You need to change your way of thinking.

Think of yourself as a powerful person. Imagine if you were very wealthy or very famous. Do you think women would care if you were short? Nope. They are attracted to your power and confidence... or your money and fame. Either way, your height is not important.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:23 PM
If a man is not comfortable with himself, and with his own height, and always feeling self conscious if a woman is taller than him, no woman can feel comfortable with him.

But if a man is bold and confident, and does not flinch when someone teases him about his height, a woman begins to wonder what he has to be so confident about and will get curious to find out. When she does, be sure you don't let her down. Make sure you can deliver the goods.... in the sack. Stay confident. If you have what it takes, they will flock around you. Learn how to be the alpha male and your looks or your height will not matter.

SweetnFunny's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:22 PM

Can someone please tell what woman have against short men. I am constantly being judged on my height. Why is that?

Let me tell you a secret. I think Danny Diveto is sexy. He is sexy because he is confident. You can see him with a tall beautiful woman wearing three inch heals and he does not mind at all. His power and confidence is not in his height.

It is the same with other short men who have that confidence. Don't look for women shorter than you. If you are a confident powerful alpha male, and you don't carry a complex about being short, you will attract tall confident women who don't judge a man by his height.

I have dated short men. The ones I didn't like were the ones who asked me to wear flats or ones who themselves wore shoes that made them taller. They were the ones who felt self conscious about being short. They lacked confidence in themselves, thinking that their manhood was threatened by their over all height.

Well height is not a measure of the man. Confidence, power, energy, sexual know how, that is what matters. Don't pretend. Know that you must be confident.. find a way.

When I see a short man with a tall woman in heels, and he is walking proudly beside her, I see a very confident man.


Oh well said! drinker

Want2B5ft's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:46 PM
There are short guys out there?!? love

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:48 PM
It's all about preference. Some women prefer a man above 6 ft tall. Does that make them shallow? No it does not. I get sick of people calling others names like that because that is what they prefer.

I prefer a man over 5'8. I am 5'3 and I like em a bit taller than myself.:banana: Because that is my PREFERENCE.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:51 PM

It's all about preference. Some women prefer a man above 6 ft tall. Does that make them shallow? No it does not. I get sick of people calling others names like that because that is what they prefer.

I prefer a man over 5'8. I am 5'3 and I like em a bit taller than myself.:banana: Because that is my PREFERENCE.

Preferences are VERY IMPORTANT. I don't think you are shallow. You should have what you want... always.

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:52 PM

I'm short. I've never had any problems. Love yourself. It's all about confidence.

Besides, I love short, bald men!smitten

:angel: Any in particular? :angel:

eileena9's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:54 PM
I'm 5' 1" and I have dated guys ranging from 5' 3" to 6' 4". Now I found one that is JUST right, he is somewhere in between....5' 9" love love love

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:54 PM
They got little baby legs
And they stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello
They got little cars
That go beep, beep, beep
They got little voices
Goin' peep, peep, peep
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds
They're gonna get you every time

Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason to live

(Randy Newman)

ReddBeans's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:55 PM

It's all about preference. Some women prefer a man above 6 ft tall. Does that make them shallow? No it does not. I get sick of people calling others names like that because that is what they prefer.

I prefer a man over 5'8. I am 5'3 and I like em a bit taller than myself.:banana: Because that is my PREFERENCE.

I have to agree with hellkitten on this one. Some women just prefer taller guys, just like some guys prefer blondes with big fake boobies. Are guys judgemental cause that's what they prefer? No it's all about preference. I'm 5'7" so I prefer guys 6' or over. That hasn't stopped me from dating shorter than that though.

papersmile's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:59 PM
i've never dated a tall man; 5'7" - 5'9" seems to be my preference.

i like my head to snuggle into his shoulder when we're hugging and that seems to be the perfect height for my size.

i wouldn't disclude dating a tall man and/or a much shorter one just because of his height, or lack thereof; however, we all have our preferences and one of mine is that i like the guy to be taller than i am.

shallow? sure if you wanna call me that. whoa

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:02 PM

Nice lips.

I tried to do that with my thin lips and they just look like an a - hole with wrinkles leading to the hole.laugh laugh laugh

Tanzkity's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:06 PM
short man syndrome.............hey I have woman short syndrome so i can sorta relate

eileena9's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:09 PM

Nice lips.

I tried to do that with my thin lips and they just look like an a - hole with wrinkles leading to the hole.laugh laugh laugh

Thanks......I posted them for the Smooched thread in games.....I was surprised they came out looking this good. blushing blushing