Topic: Pics | |
How would you feel if none of us had pictures of ourselves? Only sharing them after we got to know each other. I don't see the connection. Thanks. still not broken in and a slight balance issue, but it's really close. As soon as my slightly more expensive tool comes in, I'll be designing a puzzle/quilt style of tabletop for it, so that it can also serve as a classy dining table and flip it over, add a net and it's ping pong. The new tool is a CNC with quite extensive milling capacity. Sculpting wood on it is more like cutting butter. |
How would you feel if none of us had pictures of ourselves? Only sharing them after we got to know each other. I don't see the connection. Thanks. still not broken in and a slight balance issue, but it's really close. As soon as my slightly more expensive tool comes in, I'll be designing a puzzle/quilt style of tabletop for it, so that it can also serve as a classy dining table and flip it over, add a net and it's ping pong. The new tool is a CNC with quite extensive milling capacity. Sculpting wood on it is more like cutting butter. Not really. It's a wood floor so it's a simple matter of adjusting with shims. As we don't have earthquakes worthy of mention, I doubt it will do much more than settle a little bit. As for future relationships, I'm inclined to say if threatened, "Well, it was here first" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
As someone who has worked extensively with abused children I think I am probably one of the more sensitive persons to photos that expolite children.
While I don't think showing a toddeling infant with his privates barely covered by his own hand respects his privacy or is in particularly good taste but this hardly constitutes child porn. Nor does a picture of what appears to be an adult, or near adult, son without a shirt. Teens skateboard through shopping malls with less clothes than he had on. It is fairly clear that they are "flexation" poses for someone who invested extensive efforts to train. I am fairly sure the younger man was as proud of the photo as his parent. Could a a pervert get a "thrill" out of either of the pictures? Hate to break it to you but perverts could get a thrill from a child fully covered if that is there thing. I find it ridiculous to stop shareing casual photos of your children and or grand children on your profile just because there is the possibility of someone seeing it in and ugly frame of mind. Responsible parents know the threats of preditors in the world. Good parents make reasonable accomodations to keep children safe. Making their children invisable to the net is neither reasonable or possible. Young children are photographed all the time in various situations from parks, to birthday parties, school, community celebrations, and even security cameras. Those pictures show up on line all the time. I don't see where parents and grandparents should be denied the right to show what are often key members of their dailey life. If members want to make life safer for children from preditors they need to make serious inquireys into the situations in their own homes. Are the people you allow around your children of good character, sober, crime free, and considerate of your edicts about your parenting rules? Do they support your children, contribute to their self-esteem, and supervision? It is just MHO but I think if someone is convinced that someone is committing a crime or violating Mingle rules it is more than easy for them to report it. Takeing opinions to public forums and making acusations they can't be substantiate past a personal opinion waste time and reduce the credibility of legitimate claims. |
Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt? i think these photos "these photos i mean musics comment"are beautiful! I love little children!!!!! They are so precious and kissable i just dont get it honestly..... I have an imense love for my children and its really a part of who i am! Quite frankly i am still shocked and confused by the criticism. I dont think i will ever get how people associate nudity and pornography! They are completely two different subjects if you ask me. But the photo i had up was just my son from the belly button up. I thought it was very cute. But i guess some people seen it differently and i dont like that at all. I would hate for someone to see my kid in that way! it infuriates me acctually that someone would do that. Its very offensive! The worst thing you could do is attack someone about their kids ,thats really a low blow!!!!!!! He is a beautiful child. There are pervs out there that like to look at pics like that. We cannot relate to it but they do exist. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 02:13 AM
Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt? personally i don't think an adult dating site is a place for photos of children, especially ones in the nude. however, to post photos of our younger days in those memory lane threads is interesting and fun although i still won't put photos of my own kids in them besides, haven't we all seen your butt already? ![]() Sure, but 40+ years after the fact. Entirely different scenario. you're right, it is an entirely different scenario. different in that it is a photo of you and you have decided that you are comfortable enough to post your nude baby butt on a dating website. I make it a point to not post photos of anyone but myself here. If I had children I wouldn't post their photo here. if not for their own protection, then simply because they wouldn't be old enough to decide for themselves. personally, I think only photos of adults should be allowed on sites like this... and if you're a considerate friend or family member you will ask for the permission of those you broadcast here...mho |
wow i am starting to beleive we live in communist china.
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Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 04:29 AM
wow i am starting to beleive we live in communist china. ![]() if i'm using someone else's site, and there are rules, and i don't play by those rules, then i fully expect my account to be deleted. those rules might not exist on this site, but they did on another of which i was a member. the main photo had to be of you, of ONLY you, and there was absolutely no nudity allowed. there was a personal scrapbook that you could make private so that only those you chose could be able to access it. i'm not trying to shove my opinion down your throat. frankly, i could care less what you do with your profile and, if it's no big deal to you, and there's no rule that says you can't - post away. i'm just saying that i'd never put pictures of my children on an adult dating site and giving some reasons why as food for thought. oh, for the record, i hate naked chest shots too ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 04:52 AM
*pounds on desk* That's it! I'm gonna have to try and scare up that pic of my bare baby butt and post it, just to scare and offend everybody else.
I'll probably have to dig through the boxes at my parents' house, but hey. |
See THIS is whats wrong with America these days. It's really not anyones business what pics are on the profile of others. Unless they stole YOUR pictures. If I have a picture of my son, and you don't like it. Well shove off. I am a single mom, and he is my life. And it's not anyone elses business except for my own. If you are offended by it, that is YOUR damn problem, not mine.
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See THIS is whats wrong with America these days. It's really not anyones business what pics are on the profile of others. Unless they stole YOUR pictures. If I have a picture of my son, and you don't like it. Well shove off. I am a single mom, and he is my life. And it's not anyone elses business except for my own. If you are offended by it, that is YOUR damn problem, not mine. ![]() ![]() |
See THIS is whats wrong with America these days. It's really not anyones business what pics are on the profile of others. Unless they stole YOUR pictures. If I have a picture of my son, and you don't like it. Well shove off. I am a single mom, and he is my life. And it's not anyone elses business except for my own. If you are offended by it, that is YOUR damn problem, not mine. ![]() to an extent sure - if the child is clothed, decent, happy, etc. however, the photo in question had a quite visible penis. that is somebody's kid (not mine) but i think he still needs to be protected and have his photo removed. |
How would you feel if none of us had pictures of ourselves? Only sharing them after we got to know each other. I don't see the connection. Be honest, if there were no pictures how would that impact your perception of a person? Who would you be e-mailing? Who would you want to get to know? How important is a person's picture to you? That is the connection. |
wow i am starting to beleive we live in communist china. ![]() When I made the thread, I was asking questions. I did not mention you. |
wow i am starting to beleive we live in communist china. ![]() When I made the thread, I was asking questions. I did not mention you. dont get me wrong i realize this, i also realize that my photo was not the same as the other. i am just saying why do people feel compelled to critisize others? In my opinion this is wrong! I can understand if it was hurting another but if not its not right. Honestly when people do this it makes me think they are gossipy and enjoy talking bad about others and its something i loathe. I have never once thought it was wrong that someone posted any pic. I dont care what it is thats their personality and they are smart to show who they are if they want a good match. I have photos of me up that are hints of who i am and the different sides of my personality. i have half naked photos of myself that i know some woman find shallow and brash. But you see i dont want that woman that sees a photograph and makes such assumptions. I am quite modest acctually I rarely wear revealing clothing it makes me feel uncomfortable unless the surroundings warrant such clothing. I wear suits to work and am usally dressed quite conservative. I am proud of my body though and i know that it helps to find someone when you show that you are concerned about taking care of yourself. Some people are looking for someone they can share this common interest in. Sites making rules is fine i mean the kkk is a legal a orginazation but im not looking to join that orginazation either. I am not offended by others opinions unless they have no real warrant or substance. This i find is really about them not how you offend them. they have this close minded oneness that they see as reality. I myself try to look at ones opinion and see if i am wrong or see their point of view. When someone refuses to admit they are wrong and unwilling to understand that others are entitled to thier opinion is quite mind boggling to me. I mean is it accurate to think that your way is best? Is it right to think someone else is weird or strange cause they see things differently? Does someone have to be stupid or immoral cause they dont share your opinion? Is posting what you dislike really constuctive in anyway if you know that it will offend someone? honestly i think that thier are some on here that are bigoted and unrealistic. try to open your mind to what may be and not so much to what you think you know. |
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I've seen two men on here in two days with naked pictures of their sons as their main photo. Does anybody see anything wrong with that? Or is it only an issue if the child is female? I will admit I didn't read all these posts. I will give you my opinion of any one posting pictures of others on the internet children is really a pet peeve of mine. I think it is great to be proud of your children, I also think it is wonderful to share them with others. The internet is NOT the place to do it. If anyone has done any research or worked with Sex Offenders they would know just how dangerous this really is. Anyone that is on public site can be found very easy to do actually. The majority of Sex Offenders will fantize of the act a long long time before they actually do it. Something triggers each one of them, that could be a body type, eye color, hair what ever. If there is a picture of said perfect one for them on the internet. Well, I think alot of people would be surprised as to what lengths this type of predator will go to; to obtain the prize. Any nude picture of a child on a profile is in my opinion a type of porn... Period, a child can't give their permission for it to be there. So therefore to me it is posted not only unethically but illegally and I would report it post haste. sorry for the spelling errors. |
I've seen two men on here in two days with naked pictures of their sons as their main photo. Does anybody see anything wrong with that? Or is it only an issue if the child is female? I will admit I didn't read all these posts. I will give you my opinion of any one posting pictures of others on the internet children is really a pet peeve of mine. I think it is great to be proud of your children, I also think it is wonderful to share them with others. The internet is NOT the place to do it. If anyone has done any research or worked with Sex Offenders they would know just how dangerous this really is. Anyone that is on public site can be found very easy to do actually. The majority of Sex Offenders will fantize of the act a long long time before they actually do it. Something triggers each one of them, that could be a body type, eye color, hair what ever. If there is a picture of said perfect one for them on the internet. Well, I think alot of people would be surprised as to what lengths this type of predator will go to; to obtain the prize. Any nude picture of a child on a profile is in my opinion a type of porn... Period, a child can't give their permission for it to be there. So therefore to me it is posted not only unethically but illegally and I would report it post haste. sorry for the spelling errors. Word |
wow i am starting to beleive we live in communist china. ![]() if i'm using someone else's site, and there are rules, and i don't play by those rules, then i fully expect my account to be deleted. those rules might not exist on this site, but they did on another of which i was a member. the main photo had to be of you, of ONLY you, and there was absolutely no nudity allowed. there was a personal scrapbook that you could make private so that only those you chose could be able to access it. i'm not trying to shove my opinion down your throat. frankly, i could care less what you do with your profile and, if it's no big deal to you, and there's no rule that says you can't - post away. i'm just saying that i'd never put pictures of my children on an adult dating site and giving some reasons why as food for thought. oh, for the record, i hate naked chest shots too ![]() well see i am glad i know that i acctually think you are quite attractive and i had an impression you where a very nice person. but now i know to not contact you. see a goal was accomplished in me posting that pic so its not all bad. But you know i have received many compliments on that pic and i am seeking a woman that is comfortable with her sexuality. your photos acctually made me think that you are comfortable with your sexualty so that comment wasnt aimed at you. they are quite sedutive even though they arent showing anything. you see even though you may see me as unattractive i have no problem saying i think you are. You really are limiting yourself though cause i am a wonderful person and i think my greatest quality is my caring heart, so i think your thinking may be causing you to miss out on a wonderful man. not to say thats me but everyone has flaws and you will never find a perfect man. i have been chatting with quite a few people and the one i find the most attractive is for her mind and her heart. Assumptions really limit ones ability to see life as it really is. I am confident and I dont need anyone to tell me who i am and i will be myself and hope that a woman finds me attractive just the way i am. Honestly i almost did not want to post those pics and added them later cause i felt i was being a little brash. but thats just me so in the long run i think i did the right thing. But you know what about the guys that are not as confident as me? Your comments might make them hide in a shell and may do more damage than you intend. Not all people have many options, some have few and its difficult for them to find someone. But you know what for all the woman looking for a male punching bag bring it! I could probably use a little more humility in my life so i really am intrigued by the criticism as long as it is construtive and not without content and filled with malice. I value others opinions and like to know how others see me and i like to know why i can be so misunderstood at times. So pretty lady your comments dim your beauty in my opinion and i hope you can see that as a construtive statement and not an attack. Mr. over anylizing |
I've seen two men on here in two days with naked pictures of their sons as their main photo. Does anybody see anything wrong with that? Or is it only an issue if the child is female? ![]() |
There is only 1 place I have a pic of my girl on he web..and shes with me.....and its not where I plan on meeting some1,like here.or another dating site of sorts..But nude pics of childern are just wrong to post..Now as a mom I have a few of my girl when she was a baby,and a toddler..Caught her running out of the bathtub..LOLbut those are put up..I dont share them..I would never..