Topic: When Would You Leave
tanyaann's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:27 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?


But I am starting to think I like the soap operas on tv with the ads for mr clean and weight watchers better than here ohwell

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:49 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?


But I am starting to think I like the soap operas on tv with the ads for mr clean and weight watchers better than here ohwell

Do they have a soap opera that's all about downtrodden nice guys? That might be fun....

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:53 PM
When i contract cyber-herpes........

Jess642's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:56 PM
When the blokes who are the cyber bosses of this cyber site say so....laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:57 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?

Give it time, hopefully I'll be buried by the time that goes on tvill

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:58 PM
when pig fly or when the world comes to an end

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:26 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?
pitchfork Neverpitchfork

RKISIT's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:35 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?
when LEX leaves

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:38 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

tanyaann's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:39 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?


But I am starting to think I like the soap operas on tv with the ads for mr clean and weight watchers better than here ohwell

Do they have a soap opera that's all about downtrodden nice guys? That might be fun....

Nah that sounds like real life fun! laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:40 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

scared I dont want to meet anyone locallyscared

RKISIT's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:41 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

well i'll be here til it happensdrinker drinker

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:42 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

scared I dont want to meet anyone locallyscared

I'd like to, but I think it takes a simultaneous Act of God and some kind of Act of Congress for that to happen. And, what with the separation of church and state....

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:43 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?

That commercial break i made for that advertisement went on for 5 pages. Must have been worth it!

RKISIT's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:52 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

well i'll be here til it happensdrinker drinker
Lex did you get any emails asking you to hurry up and find a local?laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:53 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?

That commercial break i made for that advertisement went on for 5 pages. Must have been worth it!

I'd rather watch Gay Bears than Billy Mays any day -- Hey, you don't think he's....nah....

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:53 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

well i'll be here til it happensdrinker drinker
Lex did you get any emails asking you to hurry up and find a local?laugh laugh

Surprisingly, no. I'm guessing everyone already knows it's impossible!

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:55 PM

At what stage would you consider leaving this site?

when LEX leaves

You may be here awhile, then. I'm planning on staying until someone local actually talks to me.

scared I dont want to meet anyone locallyscared

I'd like to, but I think it takes a simultaneous Act of God and some kind of Act of Congress for that to happen. And, what with the separation of church and state....

bigsmile I think you will find someone eventuallybigsmile

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:56 PM

Until I find another suitable soap opera, this one will do.laugh laugh

What other soap opera has ads for Gay Bear Dating....?

Give it time, hopefully I'll be buried by the time that goes on tvill
It will be the next reality show.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:59 PM

bigsmile I think you will find someone eventuallybigsmile

Yeah, they'll start calling about 4 seconds after I sign the deal for the movie option on "Moving Day" question about it....!
