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Topic: The Atheist Jihad
AllenAqua's photo
Tue 01/20/09 08:03 PM
Edited by AllenAqua on Tue 01/20/09 08:05 PM
You've chosen to believe in, and support, a doctrine that bashes the beliefs of all other faiths.

wrong...you're the one bashing beliefs. Christianity says "Love God, Love your brother man" zip... take historical events or bible passages however you like but again...wrong...

You're stuck with that truth whether you like it or not.

wrong... truth is truth...we're all stuck with it...it just depends on whether you make your own up or not...
If God is a horrible monster to YOU and Christians are out to get YOU, then that is YOUR truth...
if you want to live in self regarding isolation as your own ersatz god... that's the god you get...

In fact, if you disagree with it, then you disagree with the very dogma that you claim to worship.

wrong... I don't subscribe to dogma... I am in fellowship with God...he is my friend...it's a personal relationship. no dogma required for that, tyvm.

Everyone at some time or another feels an unmistakable tightening in their chest and is made aware that they are being invited to walk in fellowship with God. If they shine it on or insist they don't, oh well..."Many are called but few are chosen".

First off, this is totally false and a figment of your own imagination. I have personally been able to see through the dogma of the Bible to recognize its ungodliness.

I reject it because it is ungodly.

It is the works of wretched men.

Secondly, the second part of your statement proves that it's the ungodly works of wretched men, ..."Many are called but few are chosen".

This is a picture of a loser God.

This is a picture of a God who is not the God of many, but only the God of a very few.

In the belief system that you've chosen to worship your God rejects the vast majority the souls that he creates.

This is in fact why this picture of God is vile.

Rest assured Allen, the God that I know accepts and loves all. Without exception.

I may denounce the dogma that you worship, but I don't denounce you.

You, on the other hand, denounce me as being ungodly.

You are not responsible for the dogma that you worship.

The real creator of this universe is not about to hold you responsible for that dogma. The men who blasphemed themselves will have to deal with that in their own time.

But as long as you support that hateful divisive vile dogma that pits man against man and claims ownership of God, then you'll have to deal with the affects of that hoarding mindset.

When you hoard God, you steal God from me.

I don't steal God from you at all.

I don't claim that you are in any way at war with God.

But you do seem to be at war with humanity when you attempt to hoard God and denounce others as being ungodly.

That is an insult to humanity.

wrong again....keep trying though...after about a bazillion post or so, maybe you'll say something that makes sense...

you want a god that loves and accepts sin abra...it ain't happening bro... unless you count the father of lies as a god...

when you bash Christianity, you are in effect bashing me as a Christian...
Which is fine as you're free to express your sordid opinions, but let's call a spade a spade...

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:49 PM

fight it all you want...teach your kids whatever you want...teach'm they are little mini-gods if you like.

Don't tell me how to teach mine...

This is truly hilarious coming from a Christian.

When are Christians going to quite proselytizing their religion to the children of others? huh

The whole problem with Christianity in the first place is it's proselytizing nature. And the fact that it wants to put it's beliefs into the law of the land and have its beliefs taught in schools as those it has scientific merit.

When Christians quite pushing so hard to brainwash my children maybe I'll consider leaving their children alone too.

But until then, let them get a good solid dose of their own hateful hurtful medicine.

As long as Christianity is a proselytizing religion it deserves NO RESPECT whatsoever.

It is constantly trying to brainwash the children of others, and threating them that God will hate them and send them to hell if they don't convert.

It's the most underhanded disrespectful religion ever created by man.

It's clearly ungodly, and there is nothing divine about it.

It has historically proven itself to be the works of arrogant egotistical men, and not the word of any divine being.

The works of Christianity have historically been shown to be clearly hateful and bigoted, and thoroughly ignorant.

It's a proven failure and clearly not of divine origin.

It's spreads hatred, division, and bigotry. Just the opposite of the brotherly love it pretends to support.


have you considered that perhaps only the "definitions" have been twisted?

the brain naturally become anything that it despise?

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/24/09 05:43 AM

I will let my son learn what he wants. I will never pressure him to believe what I do. If he wants to know about any religion at all, I will get him the tools to do so. It will be up to him.:wink:

agreed, the last thing I want is for my kid to not learn anything.
But I would also try to stear him away from what I deemed unhealthy.
For instance if he came home and said he wanted to join the KKK, I would'nt tell him he can't but I would show him a side of that I think he obviously has'nt seen yet.
The same with religion.

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:11 AM

I will let my son learn what he wants. I will never pressure him to believe what I do. If he wants to know about any religion at all, I will get him the tools to do so. It will be up to him.:wink:

agreed, the last thing I want is for my kid to not learn anything.
But I would also try to stear him away from what I deemed unhealthy.
For instance if he came home and said he wanted to join the KKK, I would'nt tell him he can't but I would show him a side of that I think he obviously has'nt seen yet.
The same with religion.

Of course. I agree 100%.

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:42 PM
god and satan, a goad a code, what be two, if all be one, words once spoke, made the mote......

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/25/09 01:46 PM

god and satan, a goad a code, what be two, if all be one, words once spoke, made the mote......


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:45 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 01/25/09 04:07 PM

god and satan, a goad a code, what be two, if all be one, words once spoke, made the mote......


text said all humans were only one great and good spieces, and that the only thing that could hide this knowing to all humans was false beliefs, that would create war of who's holy and not holy, and then tell HOW TO STOP THEM, so the book be a curse and also the telling of how to ERASE THE CURSE?

telling precisely what would blind the awareness of human spieces unto killing each other as primitive ignorant children?

satan was only called ignorance of man, and god only learning within human man of what was better, saying each have this principle built in as for learning and discovering all things that are smarter, but saying the mind would try to goad as a roaring lion each living thing into hating, so in this way in the end make one denounce hate and see and not allow itself to be controlled by some dogma?

saying it would be thought of as god at first but later each would see it be as what was described as a devil, or just doctrine that convince each as having bad desires inside, but that if this was thought, it would create within the only lucifer described, which was distain within called pride, and if this was used to lower all others and create divide, simply to make self feel smarter and safer inside, it would create seperation of self from others that it really cared about, and hide peoples from the only god or thing to be most worshipped which was truth of how all were equal, this destroying lies propogated by self seekers to preserve only itself and comfort for itself as it's most guide, and that this motive would always find words spoken to justify all itself most wish to do, but that this teach valuable lessons later too as well, so at first children would interpret many things as such, from childish fearful hearts aspiring to be good and some god or something itself, and wish to be pure and holy, which is what created the mote between peoples at first, making all accuse each other of being either of god or satan, and this how all living things have the same essence of the two main principles inside?

if there was no "satan", or just less than all knowing, then all would have been "all knowing" in advance, so why then any need to come to earth to learn anything, so god and satan just be trial and error and then seeing what be better in each?

anything more even text say will find itself damned to emotional distraught calling this as weeping and nashing of teeth for emotional pain, and would feel like lakes and fires of distress, likened to the same essence of feeling of hell, each also each said to live on top of, the everleasting lake of fire in the center of the earth?

the reads and interpretations of such things handed down are utterly leading to unsanity, and total self delusion, creating this idea that self is not in control, which create the "denial of power of self words and actions", which make each blame each other which was the essence of a thing called satan, even more create the exact pictures described within the text itself of deranged zombies looking up at the sky for some god in a santa suite to come and validate the hate all such things create within itself, by believing the goad that self was some great thing, and others were as less intelligent and inferior spieces, and somehow from another source than self?

self actions and words as a car driving down the road that think it has no control, of course will careen out of control by every outside word and suggestion?

but then this does strengthen the knowing of NOT TO EVER ALLOW SUCH TO DECIEVE SELF AGAIN, so this create later wise "beings" that do not succumb to idiotic temptations that seem so real that tell self it is great, soon thinking itself so great, that it actually come to pray for the destroying of others to what it think is god?

interpretations of such things totally telling how the person that read them thought in the heart when reading them?

words made into theories coming first from fear, but later only used to promote towers and empires of self holy aspiring birds of the same feather, professing to speak great holy swelling rivers of wisdom, when words are only of vanity and self pride established first because of what was first inside that one wished to hide, so this making the mouth flow forth words of swamps of ooze that destroy and sufficate all life and learning, called total unlearning and only hearing what one wish to hear, so finding it and using it to validate itself, which if there was any love inside, it would have been turned down if it gave ideas and notions of others as less?

sanity or any wisdom need no book to guide it's path, but the self holy seeker become a mongrel of unsanity with frothing mouths unto naught, just as the cursed and blessed book laid down, so why text said choose wisely the words believed, as they create each it's own path and fate, and in this way tell of this decpetion that first ensnare all things wishing only comfort or validation, and tell of the history of the carnage this would make, to show what it was and how to avoid it, so the same book tell how to rid of such foolish notions as gods and devils in the skies as demons and goblins that only childish imaginations believe and try to propogate?

text say mankind is the only thing that control itself, and that each mortal is prone to fallicy if it does not duly admit itself is creating all things that it does not like, with it's own interpretations of thoughts, then becoming words, then becoming actions, and that creating labels as judgement of accessments of others inferiority, would create imbalance in the human brian, that create all things created with human hands that are the most undersirable?

the tell of the history of mankind, and the nature and walking of all humans within, and HOW such things will create later good knowing and wisdom that abound when the true knowing of the words is known, and since all the words are already captured in the minds and brains of humanity, they must be fulfilled for them to go away, and true sanity as wisdom only then will be able to lead the way........

debunking hate is treacherous fate.....


SarahsF8's photo
Mon 01/26/09 11:33 PM

fight it all you want...teach your kids whatever you want...teach'm they are little mini-gods if you like.

Don't tell me how to teach mine...

This is truly hilarious coming from a Christian.

When are Christians going to quite proselytizing their religion to the children of others? huh

The whole problem with Christianity in the first place is it's proselytizing nature. And the fact that it wants to put it's beliefs into the law of the land and have its beliefs taught in schools as those it has scientific merit.

When Christians quite pushing so hard to brainwash my children maybe I'll consider leaving their children alone too.

But until then, let them get a good solid dose of their own hateful hurtful medicine.

As long as Christianity is a proselytizing religion it deserves NO RESPECT whatsoever.

It is constantly trying to brainwash the children of others, and threating them that God will hate them and send them to hell if they don't convert.

It's the most underhanded disrespectful religion ever created by man.

It's clearly ungodly, and there is nothing divine about it.

It has historically proven itself to be the works of arrogant egotistical men, and not the word of any divine being.

The works of Christianity have historically been shown to be clearly hateful and bigoted, and thoroughly ignorant.

It's a proven failure and clearly not of divine origin.

It's spreads hatred, division, and bigotry. Just the opposite of the brotherly love it pretends to support.

The difficulty with this argument is the foundation of ANY religion. The foundation of every single religion in this world is that they believe that they are the only ones that have got it totally right. If they didn't believe this, they would be definitionally pointless and the followers would belong to some other group (and I refuse to say "or none at all" because even those who claim to belong to none at all belong to a group by virtue of the fact that they've rejected all the others).

Now, assuming a religion has the concept of afterlife and teaches its members to care for exogenous persons, it naturally follows that if the members embrace the teaching, they will go out and try to convince other people of their truth in order to spare them suffering. It's logical.

Finally, everyone deserves respect. Period.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:17 AM

fight it all you want...teach your kids whatever you want...teach'm they are little mini-gods if you like.

Don't tell me how to teach mine...

This is truly hilarious coming from a Christian.

When are Christians going to quite proselytizing their religion to the children of others? huh

The whole problem with Christianity in the first place is it's proselytizing nature. And the fact that it wants to put it's beliefs into the law of the land and have its beliefs taught in schools as those it has scientific merit.

When Christians quite pushing so hard to brainwash my children maybe I'll consider leaving their children alone too.

But until then, let them get a good solid dose of their own hateful hurtful medicine.

As long as Christianity is a proselytizing religion it deserves NO RESPECT whatsoever.

It is constantly trying to brainwash the children of others, and threating them that God will hate them and send them to hell if they don't convert.

It's the most underhanded disrespectful religion ever created by man.

It's clearly ungodly, and there is nothing divine about it.

It has historically proven itself to be the works of arrogant egotistical men, and not the word of any divine being.

The works of Christianity have historically been shown to be clearly hateful and bigoted, and thoroughly ignorant.

It's a proven failure and clearly not of divine origin.

It's spreads hatred, division, and bigotry. Just the opposite of the brotherly love it pretends to support.

Abra, you are very correct. The harder something pushes the harder it gets pushed back.

Think about the ingenuity of those men who created the Christian religion though, they placed themselves superior to all others (religions, gender, eternity, etc...), they presented that they would be persecuted for their beliefs (covering any adversity), they presented "free will" as an evil thing that leads to a forever punishment (preventing free thinking outside their created bylaws), they maximized the use of guilt and fear as a power against any who would doubt or logic against them, they made sure that their control would look benign and non imposing when in truth they want complete control.

Just thought I would throw that in, because people can sometimes not see the reasons behind the beliefs they are GIVEN and trust without question.

Bothan's photo
Tue 01/27/09 10:20 AM
David, I get my morals from my family and literature. Enough said.

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:34 PM

David, I get my morals from my family and literature. Enough said.

that is great, perhaps you just call the WANT of your heart as morals, but more likely this mean what the MIND say is good that one should do, MOST COMING FROM THIS IS WHAT IS EXPCECTED BACK FROM OTHERS THEN, which lead to misery of emotional pain and self imprisonment?

BUT I SAY IF YOU NEVER HEARD OF WHAT WAS GOOD OR RIGHT, you would have done what was more good, THE FIRST DESIRES OF THE HEART, which are the only one's that lead to the leaving some things as god, and some as not bad, breaking all things into two, AS HOW CAN ONE LOVE ANYTHING, if it see SOME THINGS IT DO AS BAD, AND SOME AS GOOD?

it can only try, AND WHAT LOVE NEEDS TO TRY?

this is feigned love, that SEEK TO FIT A DEFINITION OF WHAT LOVE IS, and all is love, or there is not love?

this create distain or effort which create then a MEASURING OF SELF TO A BAR, THAT WILL ALWAYS MOVE, within self, AND SEEKING TO BE GOOD, OR TO EVEN SAY THE WORD "MORALS", in itself showing a following of the very essence that spring forth all such things, and create the beginnings of all the decpetion in the world, THAT SEEK god, AND SINCE GOD IS ALL, ALL COMING FROM ONE SPECK, then this only cause the OPPOSITE STATE TO BE ENVOKED, which is satan, this being one that break all things into two, the likening of human nature to that of a serpent, that break all into two with the tongue, all that is done, all the saying of what be bad, and what be good, what self is, what self is not, what is, and what is not, but EVEN STATING THIS STATE OF "CONSTANT BEING" of some things as good, some as not good, since the human is ALWAYS EVOLVING, GROWING, creating RESISTENCE TO GROWTH, WHICH IS BALANCED AWARNESS, SEEING NO GOOD COULD BE KONWN, LESS IT WAS FOR WHAT THE EMOTIONS SAY IS BAD, SO THEN ALLOW THE MIND TO LEAD, instead of the heart, WHICH THEN CARRY THE LOAD, evenly distributed to the BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT OR ENERGY?

all first natrual state of logic has perpetuated unto holy wars over "what be GOOD MORALS?

can this create anything less than divide and seperation of all things from itself, creating divide in one and flowing forth as waves then from self unto all other things?

do you mean morals come from your family this creating a desire to please, and if this is accpeted, then self is good, and if not, self need more work?



even the notion of good and bad scientifically cause the mind to wobble, as a spinning top, trying to "right" itself, by seeking JUST AN OPPOSITE EMOTION, and only trying to CHANGE ACTIONS OF OTHERS COMES TO BE BASED ON "SELF" FEELING OF EMOTION AT ANY GIVEN TIME?

this is totally self defeating to it's greatest degree, and mark the enslave the mind and tie the hands, to be in constant unrest in time, as anxiety, and negative feeling, and constant irritaion, at the SIGHT of others actions and words?



to seek white, TRAIN THE MIND ON BLACK?


this state of being has no contentment even with the world kissing it's feet in the end, as NOTHING LOVE EXCEPT THAT WHICH EMBRACE WHAT ITSELF IS, WITHOUT ANY CHANGE, THEN, IT CAN DO THIS IN AND FOR OTHERS?

that to me dear it the only love to ME, and why i need no morals as you do, and say only my thoughts on the matter, CARING NOT TO GARNER MY HEART TO PLEASE YOUR MIND.........


and THEN changes come into bloom, as anything else is RESISTENCE, likened unto gravity, which clutch the soul to the ground, and MAKE THE MIND only serve ideas as "carrots" or say an apple of the FIGMENT IF IMAGINATIONS OF WHAT WILL BE HAPPY, OR SHOULD BE HAPPY, but these are self only trying to convince self it is happy, as does self need to say I AM WHITE, IF IT COMMON TO SELF?

what is good and bad, or right and wrong, decieve the very essecne of a mind into thiniking it's WANTS ARE IMPURE, which one can NEVER DO ENOUGH GOOD DEEDS, OR HEAR ENOUGH SWEET WORDS, TO MAKE ITSELF REALLY KNOW THE "FEELING" OF BEING LOVED.........

just ideas......

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