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Topic: What kind of work do you do? And do you like it and why?
ShagnaC's photo
Wed 09/27/06 07:12 PM
I love my job, I have been doing it since I graduated college 15 years
ago, I work in a locked down facility with adolescents from the gangs
and dept of corrections with drug and severe behavioral issues! I love
to see the transformation from when they come in and when they graduate
our program. Sometimes it is rough as they go back to the same life
style but so rewarding to the ones who call you back a few years later
and have made something of their lives.

dwa512's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:04 PM
im an owner-operator and i love it,been truckin for almost 28 years,it
has its ups and downs like everything else,i suppose,but over all its
been good to me(except for the wives that did like being alone so
long),but now i dont have to stay gone for months at a time,so im happy

ShagnaC's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:09 PM
I actually enjoyed my husband traveling for his work when I was married
as it kept the spark going for a long time. It was almost like being on
cloud nice each time he came home! I would have no problem being with a
man who had to travel as I would not get into a relationship with
someone if I didnt trust him in the first place.

dwa512's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:15 PM
yes,thats the main thing i think(trust),im a one woman man,so i went out
and did my job and believe me when im truckin,im truckin,i always
trusted my wives because thats what your supposed to do,but they didnt
see it that way,so it was when the cats away the mouse will play

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:18 PM
I'm a writer and I really enjoy my work. Its always good to travel and
get to meet people that tell me how cool something I wrote was, and
nothing is a better ego boost then knowing that there are people that
are people reading something I worked on and are literally hanging on my
every written word. -=x

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:35 PM
I am a nurse. I have worked in the health care field since I was only 16
years old.....a whole other lifetime ago! Why do I work in that field? I
have asked myself that same question a million times.... but I must like
it or I would have gotten out a long time ago. I think it's because when
you are holding the hand of someone who has been in this world for 80 to
100 years, outlived many of their family, and who has no one, and they
look into your eyes and say, "I love you", it seems to make all the
differance in the world. Even though the stress is high, the pay is low
and the work is hard. I wouldn't trade it for any other job in the

no photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:41 PM
I am a Registered nurse and have been for many years. I love my
job when I am doing the things that I went into nursing for.
Patient care at the bedside is number one priority for me no matter
what. Regretfully technology has taken its toll on primary care
nursing. If any of you have had a hospital stay in
the past 5 years you probably know what Im talking about. You
get to see your primary RN 2 or 3 times in 8 hrs if youre lucky.
We are off somewhere entering data into the computer, fighting with
pharmacy to get aaaaaallllll of our pts meds for the shift,
or deciphering doctors orders, attempting to get aaaaalllll of
the permits, labs, meds etc...and also keep the patient stable
for surgery, procedure or discharge and on and on and on.......
Many people think that the nurse aid is their nurse because thats who
they see most often and who does most of their personal care. Before
computers, automated machines, robots seems like we did just
fine. I was the only nurse that my patients had and they received
excellent care all the time. I will miss my patients and coworkers when
I retire but
I will be glad to hand over the torch to someone else.

Usadad's photo
Wed 09/27/06 08:51 PM
I drove an 18 wheeler until 2 years ago when a hert attack sidelined me.
I miss it sometimes.

Now, I am disabled, but I do some mystery shopping to help pay the
bills. I can usually do it at my own pace and it can be quite enjoyable.
Last summer, I was paid to mystery shop 6 Flags. I also shop many
restaurants and convenience stores. One of the accounts I do presently
allows me to award cash cards to the employees of stores that meet the
criteria and are gold certified. So, I give away money for a living!!

ysrider's photo
Fri 09/29/06 12:30 PM
I do computer support from home. I do love my job as it affords me a
lot of freedom. It allows me to pick up my kids from school, and run
them around for things they need. I can be around to help with
homework, and I've always have food around, so I can avoid packing a
lunch, or eating out and spending money.

I use to travel a lot as a consultant, but that got old. I would spend
a week somewhere, have to go home on the weekend and come back the next
week - sometimes for several weeks in a row. Then it would be a new
city. I gained a lot of weight that way too, and I'm just finally
getting that back under control.

Regarding cheating, or the comment on trust and travel, that is
something people need to really think about when they are having a lot
of time away from each other. My wife and I just entered into an
open-relationship, so we trust each other to stay dedicated to our life
at home, but still can have friends and lovers - if we are safe, and
honest with the people we meet, there is little reason for conflict. We
don't have to lie if we have a fling. We both feel secure in our love
and we feel jelousy is not a good thing.

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 12:37 PM
I'm in Accounting but have a degree in Environmental that
the kids are up and out...I'm thinking of getting into the field I
actually want to be in. There's just more money in Accounting.

Shagna, I think it's commendable what you do. That's quite a service
and I'm sure it can be a thankless job at times but brings great rewards
at other times. That is THE hardest and trying age range for a young
person - not to mention having behavior issues on top of it. You must be
a very unselfish person.


lionsbrew's photo
Fri 09/29/06 01:40 PM
i am a cemetary super for three cemetaries ...its fairly quiet and it
pays the bills but id rather be doing art or music

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 01:42 PM
KItchen manager at a country club.. I make my own hrs..It is all

cookieie's photo
Fri 09/29/06 01:51 PM
I make toys... I design and create miniatures. Dollhouses and
furniture for collectors. I also write articles for miniature magazines.
I absolutely love what I do. I have total creative control. I work from
home and make my own hours. The thing that excites me the most is when I
hear that my stuff is traveling all over the world.

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 02:32 PM
lmao. it's fairly quiet working at the cemetary lol i would hope that
it would be completely quiet

SalvationJane's photo
Fri 09/29/06 03:04 PM
Cookie, I think that's great what you do! Especailly that your stuff
makes it around the globe. I have a hobby and am a collector of sorts.
I love music memorbilia and have a fairly impressive collection of
"stuff" from all around the world. Surprisingly, I have kept many of
those connections and they have become very good friends. Several from
the UK, one is from Scottland, one from France and one from the
Netherlands! It's so cool to be a part of something bigger than your
own backyard. Keep up the good work! I would love to see some photos
of what you do.

I personally have visions of finishing what I started in that I would
ride around in a jeep all day in my kakis and restore habits for
endangered wildlife. Nonetheless, I am still very active in my
community in regards to the shelters here. It's a labor of love.


cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:25 AM
Jane, heres the link to my toy warehouse... Keep in mind I make toys, I
dont design websites. Its a mess and pretty much looks like my studio.

Supermomto2's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:13 AM
I have two part time jobs which I love both of them. One is a lunch aid
and JK helper at a local school. The other is a home support worker for
a child that has CP.


SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:39 AM
Thanks Cookie, I take a look, and get back to you. Love to see your
handy work.

Supermom, I just have so much respect for those that do what you do!
Keep up the good work! My daughter is going to school to be able to
teach and work with autisic children. It really takes a specail person
to work with the disabled. Very heartwarming...


unsure's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:49 AM
I love my job...I am in the nursing field. I started way back about 11
years ago, I picked this field because my father had a major head
trauma. The nurses really sucked big time--and I thought this is the
field for me! I knew that I could be a nurse and make a
difference...atleast I wouldn't treat someone like they treated my
I first became a CNA then I thought..hmmm I should become a nurse and
make more money if I am going to stay in this field. So, I went to
college and then I found out I had cancer so I took a break and I only
have a semester left to become a nurse.
I still feel like this is the field for me, I worked in the nursing home
for many years. I walked out of there every day knowing that I helped
someone that couldn't help themself! It didn't pay a lot of money, but
it was a very good feeling.
I love the nursing field but after being sick...I am not sure that I can
be around sick people! All my friends suggest that I go and work in the
Cancer unit...atleast I would understand what they are going through. So
thats a thought!! :)

Loves2Please's photo
Sat 09/30/06 08:02 AM
My job is my life,,and my love as well as my hobby,,and Business,,I had
it now for 7 years,,and trying to grow more ,,as a up coming new
business its hard but Im still working as well,,,but if you love do it I
always say,,and if you got a nack,,the give a try at being your own
Boss,,everyone lives once,,and so does your dreams,,and mine is custom
car audio,,,,There For The Name,,KSL-Audio,,,if you like and are on please feel free to add as a friend,,,Search me out by my hope to see some of you
there,,and check out my friends and family,,,,Love to alll

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