Topic: How to create a mind-controlled sex slave. | |
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Wed 01/14/09 05:19 PM
If JB says your paranoid SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY!
![]() ![]() There are so many mind altering drugs out today.. if you think you can't be a victim think again. The drug that scares me is the one that makes you completely forget two or three hours of what just happened to you. This is the "date rape" drug. This drug was probably the one used on abduction victims who have missing time and did not remember what had happened to them. It was unheard of when these abductions started. Then when my husband had a procedure done on him he was given this drug. It did not knock him out. He was awake the whole time, and suffered the pain and discomfort of having a tube shoved down his throat, as I stood there and watched helplessly and they ran a camera down his throat to take pictures as he gagged. It was horrible. Afterward he did not remember a thing. He did not even know they had done the procedure. The implications of the varied evil applications of drugs like these scare the beejeesus out of me. They just seem evil. So you can be made to experience pain, while others watch, then you won't even remember it. But do you suffer with this trauma locked inside of you? If so, for how long? Will it come back to haunt you in nightmares? |
WoW. your crazy. And he really doesn't know anything about mind control. MKUltra, my ass (<- which by the way is kinda cute) |
First of all, I've already told my kids that if they cause incurable brain damage to me due to years of electromagnetic
torture to the head, I don't want to live. period. Don't feed me ice chips, ok? I've decided not to proceed with this post any further because I don't need to prove myself to you people, and also, I should only really talk about my personal story with people I trust and who will shower me with love and acceptance. thanks for understanding. |
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Wed 01/14/09 05:03 PM
Well I don't doubt that something weird is going on but television networks, radio stations, DJ's and reporters are not the controllers, they are controlled themselves and usually don't know anything about anything.
You take care of yourself.
No, I'm not going away, if that's ok...I still want to be here. I just was never expecting to broach this topic with anyone from a personal level. If you guys wanna keep talking
about mind control, go ahead. |
No, I'm not going away, if that's ok...I still want to be here. I just was never expecting to broach this topic with anyone from a personal level. If you guys wanna keep talking about mind control, go ahead. ![]() |
First of all, I've already told my kids that if they cause incurable brain damage to me due to years of electromagnetic torture to the head, I don't want to live. period. Don't feed me ice chips, ok? I've decided not to proceed with this post any further because I don't need to prove myself to you people, and also, I should only really talk about my personal story with people I trust and who will shower me with love and acceptance. thanks for understanding. I think you're incredibly brave to share as much as you have in public. I really do hope people understand. I would encourage anybody who REALLY does want to help to contact you via you're personal email. By the way. Is anybody else out there having trouble sleeping? I have a cell phone tower at one end of the block, and wireless internet antenna at the other end. I think I'm getting some electromagnetic energy myself. Many people at my church have also said they are having trouble sleeping. Sleep deprivation is a #1 mind control technique. You cannot function properly without your REM sleep. I cannot imagine having electronic voices directed at me on top of this! People think I'm crazy now? ![]() You are doing fantastic considering your circumstances. May Yahweh bless you and keep you, May he shine his face upon you and be gracious to you. May Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you, and grant you peace. And a peaceful nights sleep. Shalom |
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Wed 01/14/09 06:47 PM
Oh yes yes yes!!!! I sometimes need something from the store so I will take a mobile electromagnetic wave antenna device and imput the special code to get it to vibrate waves at the right frequency and wavelength to send messages to peoples brains . . . it works really does, and its science. They will actually go and pick up what I want and brin it back. PWND TOOL!
Mind control indeed. I can even use it just like you say and make people sleep deprived, I will use this device at 4 in the morning and they cannot help but wake up. If you want to know what this device is you are going to have to crack my secret code. 3 5 12 12 - 16 8 15 14 5 The government is in on it. They have been developing these devices since the 50's. They only miniaturized the technology here within the last 15 years. Now its so small and cheap it can be concealed inside the human body MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeah, all the television networks are watching me and many other targets; all the radio stations DJ's, all the reporters, a lot of Hollywood; yeah, these people are actually all IN on it, they are given the ability to know, so I guess they have decided to use it somehow. Its actually an open secret. there is nothing crazy about that, and if anyone says there is then their the ones thats crazy, yeah their crazy not you your the not crazy one, it's the other people the ones that say your crazy thats realy crazy. The T.V. networks are realy run by aliens that look a great deal like Abe Vagoda. The best way to keep them from reading your mind is to wear shoes on your head. Then that will show em' they wont be able to read your mind if you have a shoe on your head then we'll just see who calls who crazy. oh and hats on your feet help also. |
Yes. I too have experienced many sleepless nights and have also awoke suddenly from my peaceful sleep only to have so much difficulty falling to sleep again. I live in NYC. There are towers everywhere. The electromagnetic enerygy radiates from every direction sending electronic waves to people brain while they are asleep altering their thinking. People find themselves doing strange odd things they would not ordinarily do and they dont understand why. I hear people blame their sleepless nights on stress or poor diet. That may be partially true.
Yamin ![]() |
peace happiness tranquility hope faith passion freedom {the bots made me say this} |
Oh yes yes yes!!!! I sometimes need something from the store so I will take a mobile electromagnetic wave antenna device and imput the special code to get it to vibrate waves at the right frequency and wavelength to send messages to peoples brains . . . it works really does, and its science. They will actually go and pick up what I want and brin it back. PWND TOOL! Mind control indeed. I can even use it just like you say and make people sleep deprived, I will use this device at 4 in the morning and they cannot help but wake up. If you want to know what this device is you are going to have to crack my secret code. 3 5 12 12 - 16 8 15 14 5 The government is in on it. They have been developing these devices since the 50's. They only miniaturized the technology here within the last 15 years. Now its so small and cheap it can be concealed inside the human body MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I just wear aluminum underwear and ear rings. ![]() |
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Wed 01/14/09 09:04 PM
More info from
CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children by Jon Rappoport ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CIA mind-control apparatus has been well known since 1975, when 10 large boxes of documents were released pursuant to Freedom of Information Act requests. Several good books were then written on the subject of the CIA program known as MK-ULTRA. Officially spanning ten years from 19 52-62, MK-ULTRA involved the use of LSD on unwitting military and civilian subjects in the United States. LSD and more powerful compounds were given under duress as brainwashing and truth serum drugs. The program's aim was to find drugs which would irresistibly bring out deep confessions or wipe a subject' s mind clean and program him or her as "a robot agent." In experimental test situations, people were given acid without their knowledge, then interrogated under bright lights with doctors sitting in the background taking notes. Threats would be made. The test subjects were told that their LSD "downer trips" would be extended indefinitely if they refused to reveal their closely-guarded military secrets. The people being interrogated in this way were CIA employees, U.S. military personnel and, abroad, agents suspected of working for the other side in the Cold War. Long-term severe debilitation and several documented deaths resulted. Much, much more could be said about MK-ULTRA. None of this prepared people for the explosive testimony made on March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President's Committee on Radiation, however. In unpublicized sessions, New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA brainwashing programs as young children (in one case, starting at age seven). Their brainwashing included torture, rape, electroshock, powerful drugs, hypnosis and death threats. According to their testimony, the CIA then induced amnesia to prevent their recalling these terrifying sessions. Both Wolf and her patients stated that they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques. In other words, these patients spontaneously discovered this information about themselves and their pasts. Although the committee was mainly concerned with radiation, they permitted Valerie and her patients to testify because, astonishingly, several doctors who had administered the mind- control experiments had also been identified by other Americans secretly exposed to radiation. Apparently there was a crossover. Prominent names surfaced in the March 15 testimony: Richard Helms, former head of the CIA, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who ran MK- ULTRA and Dr. John Gittinger, Gottlieb's protege. These men and others were directly accused of participating in grisly mind- control efforts on children. Predictably, this testimony received no media attention. I now have it all, including many pages submitted to the committee that will likely never be released as part of their final report. Only a small percentage of the pages were read aloud at the hearing. Included are corroborating statements from other therapists around the country and several of their patients. I have now released all of this testimony as a book, U.S. Government Mind-Control Experiments On Children. When the sickening shock starts to wear off, deeply disturbing questions flood one's mind: just what was this CIA program? How extensive was it? What was its purpose? From what I have been able to discover so far, many American children, as well as children from Mexico and South America, were used over a period of about 40 years, starting around 1948. In fact, the program may still be going on. Doctors and agents who administered it wanted to obtain control over the minds of these children, ostensibly to create superagents who wouldn't remember even what missions they carried out, because of hypnotically induced amnesia (which could be removed by their controllers and reinstalled at will). (1) Children were trained as sex agents, for example, with the job of blackmailing prominent Americans -- primarily politicians, businessmen and educators. A great deal of filming was done for this purpose. Eventually, people from the inner core of the CIA program filmed each other, and some of the centers where children were used as sex agents got out of control and turned into CIA-operated sex rings. Some children were considered expendable and simply murdered. One person who states that he was in this program as a child said, off the record: "They tried out their brainwashing techniques on the kids from Mexico and South America. They were considered expendable. But on another echelon of the program, they went after the best and the brightest American kids. Making perfect agents to combat the Soviets wasn't, I don't think, their ultimate objective. I can't remember what that was." At this point, I made a suggestion: "Well, if they were choosing the best and brightest, maybe they figured these kids would one day rise to important positions in the society, and they wanted to gain long-term control over them, so they would be under their thumb, so they could tap them at will -- a way of controlling the future society." "Maybe," he said. "The Nazis gained control over the intelligentsia in Germany. That was a very key step in their dominance. That was the first thing they did". "This smells very much like a Nazi program in the U.S.," I said. "I don't mean all the controllers were German, but the style of it, the insanity." He said, "They brought over a lot of Nazi doctors after the war and not just to build rockets -- for a lot of projects." Other people who said that they had been used as children in the program remember that doctors with German accents were definitely present at the sessions. One therapist, who shared this information informally with colleagues around the country, states that, so far, the oldest person she has heard of who was in the program is now 52; the youngest is now nine. Since a number of people who were brainwashed, tortured and drugged in these experiments try to resolve their experiences in therapy, psychiatrists and other professional therapists are hearing these stories. They are told, for example, that CIA controllers sometimes dressed up in Satanic costumes to further traumatize the children, also providing a cover that wouldn't be believed if the children ever talked. It is worth noting that there is a movement to discredit these " recovered" memories, and the most prominent group, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), has several board members with CIA or military-intelligence connections -- including the notorious Dr. Louis "Jolly" West of UCLA, who tried to establish a center for "the study of violence" at the university in the 1970s. This center's specialty would have been psychosurgery, a horrendous melting of brain connections, supposedly to curb people's "violent tendencies." FMSF maintains that a person always remembers abuse done to him or her, and therefore any new recovery of it in therapy is false and must have been fabricated through misleading suggestions by the therapist. While it is certainly true that such inducement happens in therapy, the blanket statement that all recovered memory is invented is unsubstantiated. In a written statement to Dr. Wolf that was included in her testimony to the president's committee, well-known researcher and psychiatrist, Colin Ross said, "Published articles in my files include descriptions of administration of 150 mcg of LSD to children age 5-10 years on a daily basis for days, weeks, months, and in a few cases even years. Neurosurgeons at Tulane, Yale, and Harvard did extensive research on brain electrode implants with intelligence funding, and combined brain implants with Large numbers of drugs including hallucinogens." Ross based his report on his more than 20 years of investigating CIA mind control. Chris De Nicola, one of Dr. Wolf's patients who testified before the president's committee, named her controller as a Dr. Greene, a name reported by several other mind-control subjects. It may well be that this name was a cover used by various CIA and military-contracted experimenter-torturers. Here is a quote from her testimony: "[Dr. Greene] used me in radiation experiments both for the purpose of determining the effects of radiation on various parts of my body and to terrorize me as an additional trauma in the mind-control experiments. [She was eight years old.] "The rest of the experiments took place in Tucson, Arizona, out in the desert. I was taught how to pick locks, be secretive, use my photographic memory to remember things and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to myself. [She is obviously talking about being trained as an agent.] "Dr. Greene moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children. I stabbed a doll with a spear once after being severely tortured, but the next time I refused. He used many techniques but as I got older I resisted more and more. He often tied me down in a cage, which was near his office. Between 1972 and 1976 he and his assistants were sometimes careless and left the cage unlocked. Whenever physically possible, I snuck -into his office and found files with reports and memos addressed to CIA and military personnel. Included in these files were project, subproject, subject and experiment names with some code numbers for radiation mind-control experiments which I have submitted in my written documentation. I was caught twice and Dr. Greene tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning on a table, putting shots in my stomach, in my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal..." Is there a precedent for this kind of sadistic treatment by CIA and military personnel? Indeed there is. Here is a quote from the introduction to my book, U.S. Government Mind-Control Experiments On Children. It contains information from reliable published sources; such as The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks (2), Acid Dreams, by Martin Lee (3) and The Mind Manipulators, by Alan Scheflin (4). In part, these authors derived their information on the CIA and MK-ULTRA from the ten boxes of information released suddenly in 1975 by the agency in response to Freedom of Information Act requests: "Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University, as early as 1955, working for the Army, gave patients-LSD while he had electrodes implanted deep inside their brains. "Canadian researcher, Dr. Ewan Cameron, under long-term CIA contract, attempted to depattern, and reprogram his psychiatric patients' personalities wholesale. He started with 15 to 65 days of 'sleep therapy,' during which a patient was kept under nearly 24 hours a day, through the administration of cocktails of Thorazine, Nembutal, Seconal, Veronal, and Phenergam. Throughout this sleep period, the patient would be awakened two or three times a day for electroshock treatments, given at an intensity 20-40 times the 'normal' convulsion-producing strength. "In the mid-1950's, Paul Hoch, M.D., a man who would become Commissioner of Mental Hygiene for the State of New York, then a laborer in the field for the CIA, gave a 'pseudoneurotic schizophrenic' patient mescaline. The patient had a not- unfamiliar heaven-and-hell journey on the compound. But Hoch followed this up with a transorbital leucotomy...Hoch also gave a patient LSD, and a local anesthetic, and then proceeded to remove pieces of cerebral cortex, asking at various moments whether the patient's perceptions were changing." Claudia Mullin, the other of Dr. Wolf's patients who testified before the President's Committee on Radiation, said her experiences with CIA mind-control experiences began when she was seven years old: "In 1958, 1 was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called the 'Society' [the Human Ecology Society, a CIA front]. I was told to cooperate; answer any of their questions. Then, since the test 'might hurt,' I would be given 'shots, x-rays, and a few jolts of electricity.' I was instructed not to look at anyone's face too hard and to ignore names,' as this was 'a very secret project' but to be brave an all those things would help me forget... "A Dr. John Gittinger tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr. Greene the x-rays...By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath [of Tulane Medical School] gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind! "The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to 'sexually please men.' Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms (Deputy Director of the CIA), Dr. Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible...I was to become a regular little 'spy' for them, after that summer, eventually entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine when this kind of sexual humiliation began." Captain George White was a notorious agent for the CIA. He set up a brothel in San Francisco in the 1960s and, using hidden cameras, filmed men having sex with prostitutes. The men's drinks were "spiked" with LSD. In 1950, Morse Allen, another important CIA, man, was appointed head of Project BLUEBIRD, another CIA mind-control program. Ms. Mullin states that she was adopted when she was two years old. By the time she reached seven she had already been abused extensively by her mother. Her mother apparently turned her over for "testing" to CIA-connected people and Claudia then entered a 27-year period of what can only be called enslavement. Claudia states that she has been monitored, that she is still monitored and watched by agency related people, including a medical doctor. Now living in New Orleans, she has given information to local police authorities about her situation. In her testimony to the president's committee, Claudia remarked, "Although the process of recalling these atrocities is certainly not an easy task, nor is it without some danger to myself and my family...I feel the risk is worth taking." Claudia's therapist, Dr. Wolf, has written to the president's committee, "To the best of my knowledge, [Claudia] has read nothing about mind-control or CIA covert operations. Since she decided to listen carefully and remember as much as she could about conversations among the researchers, her memories are extraordinarily complete. I have sent written copies of memories to Dr. Alan Scheflin [author of The Mind Manipulators] for validation and he has confirmed that she has knowledge of events and people that are not published anywhere, that some of her memories contain new information and that some are already known and published. Some of her memories have been confirmed by family members. She has also shown me old scrapbooks where she wrote notes to remember what was happening to her and hid the notes under pictures in the scrapbook." I spoke with Alan Scheflin in May of this year. He said he had found one piece of information Claudia had mentioned in her recollections that had no precedent in published material. It involved a connection between two government researchers. This is just the tip of the iceberg on the 130 pages of testimony given before the President's Committee on Radiation, and it is also just the beginning of a history that will undoubtedly widen in the coming months and years. Dr. Wolf told me that when word got around she was going to testify before the president's committee, she was contacted by about 40 therapists "in just the 10 days leading up to my trip to Washington." The therapists had heard similar CIA mind-control stories from their own patients. Many of these professionals are afraid to go on the record about their patients' stories, as censure from their professional societies is a reality. The political mood these days is not conducive to granting an aura of credibility to revelations of CIA brainwashing. So what else is new? [Jon Rappoport is a distinguished investigative reporter and the author of AIDS, INC. He can be found inhabiting the late night airwaves of KPFK radio in Los Angeles and lecturing at the Hardware Humanitarian House in Santa Monica, California.] Notes: |
If I stay in this thread much longer I will be fitting my own shoes to my head..
![]() Norslyman and Yamin, please go get some Melatonin and get off that bible diet. ![]() Geeezuz, no wonder you guys can't sleep, your obsessed. I'm living in the mountains with some crazy-a$$ beer-guzzling gun-toting hillbillies who act saner than ya'll... ![]() |
More from - this site is HUGE!
![]() Chapter Nine: Programming Linked to Stories, Movies, Cartoons, or role Play Dramatization In this chapter, I want to address a special type of programming that is universal with the Illuminati. It is programming that is linked to a story, movie, cartoon, or role play dramatization. For countless centuries, Illuminati trainers and leaders have used role playing to reinforce as well as program children, and it is a favorite mode of teaching up to this day. A typical drama set up, or role play, will involve a "visit through time." The child is told, while drugged or hypnotized, that it and the other children with it (usually, a small group will go through this programming together) are going to " time travel". The trainer or teacher is seen as immensely powerful by the children, as he or she magically transports them through time. They enter another room, where people are dressed up in period costumes from whichever time period in history the teacher wants the children to see. Everything is historically accurate and well researched. An example: if the children are to visit ancient Rome, they will be taken to a room in the Senate, where the characters are dressed in togas. They will be speaking to each other in ancient Latin and debating issues. Caesar, or another king will enter the senate. Roman customs for a scenario such as this one will be adhered to throughout the role play. One purpose of this role playing, is that the children are told they are getting a "behind the scenes " peek at history. Illuminati agenda will be put forward, and the children will "see" that famous figures in history were actually Illuminists. This will reinforce their "special ness" and the historicity of the group. It will also reinforce language training, since the scenes may occur in medieval England, or the French court of Louis XIV, etc. The scenes will also contain a moral that builds on programming the children have been undergoing. Maybe they will watch a "traitor" being "guillotined" in the French court. Or an unworthy senator, who tries to betray his king, will be stabbed. The child may be given a role in the play, such as taking a secret message to the king or queen, to reinforce courier programming. The child really believes that they have stepped back into history, and are part of the process of helping create history. With modern times, programming has become more sophisticated with the advent of technology. Before television or movies, programming was often "scripted" around famous fairy tales, or stories, read aloud by one trainer while the second trainer worked with the child. A good see-song voice is necessary in a "reader". The child would be read the story, and under hypnosis and trauma, told that they are one of the characters in the story. They are told the "real" meaning of the story, its "hidden meaning" and told that whenever they hear the story, to remember what it really means. Now days, movies and videos are frequently used in programming. Favorite scripts include: Walt Disney movies (Disney was an Illuminist), especially Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast. The Wizard of Oz, both books and movie, has been used. Any movie that incorporates Illuministic themes can be used. E.T. and Star Wars have been used in more recent years. How Script programming is done: The trainer will play the movie for the child. The child is told that they will be "asked about " the movie, this cues the child to use photographic recall about what they are viewing. The trainer may show the child an edited shorter version of the movie, with only parts of the whole, or may show the child a short scene from the movie. After watching the movie, or scene, the child is drugged to relax it, then asked what it remembers. The child will be shocked if it cannot recall items the trainer deems important, and will be forced to watch the scenes repetitively. When the child has total recall of the segments, the trainer will tell the child that it is one of the characters. The child may be heavily traumatized first, and a blank slate personality created inside to be the desired character. The first thing the blank slate sees is a recording of the movie, or scene. This is its "first memory". The trainer will then link the scene with Illuminati ideology. They will teach the child the "hidden meaning" in the movie, and praise the child for being one of the few "enlightened ones" who can understand what it truly means. The script programming will often be linked to other programming the child is undergoing. Military programming may be linked to Star Wars. Total recall programming may be linked to Data in Star Trek. Computer programming may be linked to Hal in 2001 A Space Odyssey; internal labyrinth programming may be linked to the movie "Labyrinth". The possibilities are quite varied and will depend on both the child and the trainer as to which direction script programming will go. Music from the show, or scene, will be used as a trigger to access the programming inside or bring forward these personalities. Suggestions: Scripted programming will often involve a great deal of traumatization, to create the "blank slate" alters desired. The programming will be ground in with repetition, electroshock, torture, drugging and hypnosis. The alters inside who have gone through this programming will often be highly disconnected from external reality and may believe that they are part of a "script". They may be Dorothy seeking the Emerald City (or the achievement of Illuminati rule on earth). They may be a computer or the character Data. Reality orientation will be very important. Allow these parts to experience safe outside reality, and test for themselves if they are really part of a man or woman. Looking in a mirror may help, when they express readiness. Having cognitive helpers who can share daily life memories with them, may help to ground them. At first they will be very surprised, even indignant or hostile, at suggestions that they are not the character. They will think the therapist is a trainer, or part of the script, since this is the only reality that they have known. Re-grounding, patiently, over and over to present reality, increased communication with others inside, and eventually grieving over the intense amount of trickery and deception that they experienced, will be necessary. With time and patience these parts will be willing to give up their old "scripted" roles and become part of the person's present reality. top -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Ten The Sixth step of Discipline: Betrayal; Twinning, Internal walls, Structures, Geometry This chapter will address the sixth step of discipline in the Illuminati: Betrayal programming. Betrayal programming will begin in infancy, but will be formalized at around ages six to seven, and continue on into adulthood. The sixth step can be summarized as : "betrayal is the greatest good." The Illuminists teach this to their children as a very important spiritual principle. They idealize betrayal as being the true state of man. The quick witted, the adept, learns this quickly and learns to manipulate it. The child will learn this principle through set up after set up. The child will be placed in situations where an adult who is kindly, and in set up after set up "rescues" the child, gains its trust. The child looks up to the adult as a "savior" after the adult intervenes and protects the child several times. After months or even a year of bonding, one day in a set up the child will turn to the adult for help. The adult will back away, mocking the child, and begin abusing it. This sets in place the programming: adults will always betray a child and other adults. Another set up will involve twinning, which deserves special mention here. The Illuminati will often create twin bonds in their children. The ideal is to have a set of real twins, but of course this is not always possible. So, the child is allowed to play with, and become close to, another child in the cult from earliest childhood. At some point early on, the child will be told that the other child is actually their "twin", and that they were separated at birth. They are told that this is a great secret and not to tell anyone, on pain of punishment. The child, who is often lonely and isolated, is overjoyed. It has a twin, someone who has a special bond to them by birth. The children do everything together. They are taught together, do military training together. They tell each other secrets. They are also frequently friends in the daytime as well. They are taught to cross access each other just as real siblings would be. But at some point, they will be forced to hurt each other. If one "twin" is considered expendable, the ultimate set up will be one in which one twin is forced to die while the other watches. One twin may gather secrets from the other twin, be forced to disclose them to a trainer or cult leader, then may be forced to kill the other. One twin may be forced to hit, or hurt the other. If they refuse, the other twin will be brutalized by the trainer, and the refusing twin told that the child was hurt because of their refusal to comply. Many setups will involve one twin being forced to betray the other, turning on the other child after intense programming. This betrayal set up will devastate both children, and they will learn the true lesson: trust no one. Betray, or be betrayed. The children will also have adult role models on every hand, since the cult is a very political, hierarchical, back stabbing society. Adults are constantly betraying each other, stepping over each other to move up. The children will watch one adult being praised, advanced, because they betrayed others below them, or set them up to fail. The children will learn quickly to mimic the adults around them, and both adults and children can become quite cynical as to human nature. They will have seen it at its worst, whether in training sessions, the brutality of a C.O. in military, or the gossip and back stabbing that occurs before and after rituals. They also incorporate the message internally: play the game, or be run over. Even the youngest children learn to manipulate others adeptly, at a very young age, while the adults laugh at how quickly they are learning adult ways. People manipulation is considered a fine art in the cult, and those who do it best, as in any group, often win out. Suggestions: Betrayal programming may have totally shattered the survivor's trust in outside people. It will take a therapist a long, long time to gain the survivor's trust. These are people who were taught over and over again that talking, sharing one's secrets, would be punished harshly. Inside littles will be very cautious at first, not trusting that the therapist is not just another trainer who will one day shout "aha!" and betray them if they begin to trust. This trust building takes time and patience, and must be earned through session after session where the therapist shows trustworthiness and non abusiveness. Survivors will test therapists over and over again, to see if they really are what they say they are. This is a normal part of the therapy process. Survivors may even try to back away from therapy, or outside support, as true caring support will "wig them out", i.e. conflict incredibly with their world view and experiences prior to leaving the cult. Both survivor and therapist need to realize that some amount of distrust is healthy, based on what the survivor has experienced, and may be life saving, helping to protect them from outside accessing. Honor this need and be patient while the survivor tests over and over. The survivor can try to reason with inside alters who may have been betrayed to the point of legitimate paranoia. They may ask them to watch, and see what the therapist, and/or support person is like. To take their time, check them out. To be aware that what they went through may magnify normal feelings of caution. Helping orient these parts to outside reality, and especially positive experiences of trusting a little, and not being harmed, will help make great strides in undoing this. The survivor may feel confusion and internal conflict, as they experience a world where trust is possible. They may pull away, or the reverse, become highly dependent on the therapist and share too quickly due to a longing for safe intimacy that has never been met. Setting healthy boundaries while acknowledging needs will help the survivor through this stage. Another type of programming involves the deliberate creation of internal structures within the cult member. Internal structures: temples, eyes, mirrors, carousels etc. The Illuminati trainers will try to create internal structures within the person's personality systems. Why? They believe this creates better stability. It also gives the alters and fragments a place to "hang on to" inside, and creates a convenient way to call them up. If a fragment is indexed inside to an internal helix, for example, the trainer knows how to locate them more easily. Internal structures will vary greatly depending on the trainer, the group, the region of the U.S. or Europe and the goals for the individual. Common internal structures will include, but are not limited to: Temples: these are often consecrated to principle Illuminati deities, and spiritual alters will congregate here. This may represent actual temples, Masonic or private, that the subject may have visited. Temple of Moloch will be created out of black stone with a fire burning internally. All seeing eye of Horus: one of the most common structures in an Illuminati system; universal. Horus is a deity revered by the Illuminati, and the all seeing eye internally represents the fact that the cult can always see what the individual is doing. It will also represent being given to Horus in a high ceremony. The eye may be closed, or open, depending on the system's status at the time. This eye will also be linked to demonic watching of the person's activities at all time. Pyramids: the Illuminati revere ancient Egyptian symbology, especially "mystery religion" and Temple of Set teachings. Pyramids will be placed internally both for stability (a triangle, and/or pyramid represents strength and stability), and as a calling place for the demonic. Pyramids and triangles, and the number three, represent calling up the demonic in Illuminist philosophy. Sun: represents Ra, the sun god Geometric figures: configurations of circles, triangles, pentagons, etc. Geometric patterns are considered sacred, and are based in ancient philosophy. There may be hundreds overlapping in a training grid for complex systems, which will house fragments in each one. Training grids: these may be simplistic, such as cubes with patterns on them, rows of boxes, or more complex such as helixes, double helixes, infinity loops. Each trainer will have favorites classified as simple, medium and complex, depending on the child and its ability to recall and memorize. Columns: Greek Doric, ionic columns. Often hold "time travel" programming, with a portal between two columns. Computers: complex, highly dissociated systems with alters and fragments held within a computer system. Robots: may be seen in older systems Crystals: gems, balls, multifaceted. Used in spiritual systems to enhance occult powers. Alters and fragments may congregate on facets of a large ball. Mirrors: used internally to reinforce other programming sequences, internal twinning, and distortion of reality programming. May create shadow systems of functional systems. May also lock in demonic programming. Carousels: used in some programming sequences to confuse alters inside. Often linked to spin, confusion programming internally. May be used to punish internal alters; they will be spun on the carousel if they tell. Deck of cards: this can include cards from a deck, or complex configurations made of hundreds of card inside. Dominoes programming is similar. All touch each other and if person tries to dismantle programming, the deck will "fall". Black boxes: represent self destruct and shatter programming sealed off into a black box to protect system. Should not be opened without careful preparation and good therapy. Mines, booby traps: see above Spider webs: represent linked programming, with a spider (internal programmer) who continuously reweaves the web and reinforces internal programming and punishments. The web also communicates with other systems. Can also represent demonic linkages internally, woven in. Internal training rooms: used as punishments for internal alters. Will represent external training rooms person has been in. Internal walls: these will often represent very large internal amnesia barriers. The walls may be very thick, impermeable or semi permeable. A typical use for a wall will be to maintain high levels of amnesia between "front" or daily living, amnesic alters, and "back" or cult active alters that contain more of the person's life history. The back may be able to selectively see over and cross past the wall, but the front will be completely unaware that there is a wall, or what lays behind it. Seals: usually in a group of six or seven, represent demonic sealing, and may cover end times, shatter programming, as well as role within cult in new hierarchy. These are some common programming structures. Again, there are many, many other types of internal structures used and the number and type are only limited by the trainer's and survivor's creative abilities. The way that these structures are placed within the person are fairly similar. Under drugs, hypnosis and electroshock, the person is traumatized into a deep trance state. In the deep trance they will be told to open their eyes and look at: either a projected image of the structure, a 3D model of it, or a holographic image using a virtual reality headset. The image will be ground in, using shock and bringing the image closer and closer to the person's visual field. It may be rotated, if graphics are available, or a 3D is used. They may be told that they are entering inside it, if it is a temple or pyramid, under deep hypnosis, that they (the alter being programmed) will now "live inside" the structure/box/card, etc. This will also be used to reinforce amnesia and isolation programming internally, since the structure will be used to reinforce walls between the alter/ fragment and other alters and fragments internally. Suggestions: If the survivor finds structures inside, it will help for them first of all to try and realize WHY they are there. What purpose do they serve? To reinforce amnesia? Isolation? spiritual programming? punishment? To hold dangerous programming sequences? This is important, since some structures such as internal walls or barriers may have been created not only by the cult, but reinforced by the survivor as well, as a means of internal protection. The survivor may not want to dismantle internal structures too quickly without knowing their purpose and what they contain. Both the survivor and the therapist will need to go slowly. Learning how the structures were put in and which alters are linked to the structure, will be a first step. Long, slow and careful preparation, with lots of system cooperation, will be needed to look at some structures. This may only come after years of extensive therapy. Each survivor will progress at their own pace. If a wall is present, taking it down slowly, one brick at a time, or allowing part of it to become semi permeable, may be first steps in healing. Training rooms can have the equipment turned off and dismantled; it can be turned into a safe room, redecorated and refitted with toys and safe objects. Computers can slowly begin to realize that they are human, and gradually allowed to take on human characteristics. Survivors can use their creativity to reclaim themselves, with the support of their therapists, and undo what was done. top In the movie "Butterfly Effect" they were doing Robin Hood as the movie they filmed Kiddie Porn to. |
If I stay in this thread much longer I will be fitting my own shoes to my head.. ![]() Norslyman and Yamin, please go get some Melatonin and get off that bible diet. ![]() Geeezuz, no wonder you guys can't sleep, your obsessed. I'm living in the mountains with some crazy-a$$ beer-guzzling gun-toting hillbillies who act saner than ya'll... ![]() that's funny ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There is something seriously wrong with some of the people in this thread......
There is something seriously wrong with some of the people in this thread...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ya know what would be great?! if someone would post realy long articals from the internet that no-one will read.
Yeah that would be cool. Although I would like to hear more about that crazy thigh bruseing sex!! ![]() |