Topic: Do you ever feel
RU4REEL's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:52 PM

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:27 PM

Damn. Nice ... sword.

I must get one... more.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:05 AM
I do but I really shouldn't feel that way...I am loved by many...but I feel empty inside sometimes...don't let people know that who are close to me....just not complete anymore.

scoundrel's photo
Tue 01/27/09 02:19 AM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

I don't know.indifferent

Have you heard something about me?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/03/09 09:02 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

I don't know.indifferent

Have you heard something about me?

pitchfork I sure didpitchfork

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 09:04 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

All the time. In fact, I've felt that way for much of my life.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:23 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

All the time. In fact, I've felt that way for much of my life.

bigsmile me2bigsmile

Totage's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:27 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

Yeah, then I buy myself something nice.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:29 PM
Mostly at work. They don't even give you any's just "oh, by the way we are cutting you to 32 hours...and you'll be working these days now".

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:40 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

Yeah, then I buy myself something nice.


Adamal29's photo
Wed 03/04/09 09:18 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

yes, but then again people are evil. I probably don't care for some as much as I should or should have also.

scoundrel's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:56 AM

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 01:04 AM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:
Ya!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!explode grumble laugh laugh laugh laugh

scoundrel's photo
Thu 03/05/09 01:17 AM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:
Ya!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!explode grumble laugh laugh laugh laugh

Consolidate 8 of your cabana boys into one.
That would be your ideal mate. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 01:20 AM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:
Ya!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!explode grumble laugh laugh laugh laugh

Consolidate 8 of your cabana boys into one.
That would be your ideal mate. bigsmile
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......devil Im tinking........ja.........Im tinking.....laugh laugh laugh

scoundrel's photo
Thu 03/05/09 01:24 AM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:
Ya!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!explode grumble laugh laugh laugh laugh

Consolidate 8 of your cabana boys into one.
That would be your ideal mate. bigsmile
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......devil Im tinking........ja.........Im tinking.....laugh laugh laugh

You didn't know? surprised
I figured that out during the first month that we were friends.:wink:

74Drew's photo
Thu 03/05/09 02:00 AM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

i'm cared for, but not by the right people in the right ways. don't get me wrong, it's nice to have friends and family who care about you, but i'm tired of the maternal and platonic love already. where's the romantic love people?

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/05/09 07:10 PM

:smile: Do you ever feel like you are not cared for as much as you should be?:smile:

yes, but then again people are evil. I probably don't care for some as much as I should or should have also.

brokenwings30's photo
Thu 03/05/09 07:11 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 03/06/09 01:43 PM

