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Topic: if you
RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:07 PM
were a cop and had a warrant to arrest a chester,would you arrest them without incident or say he resisted and beat the crap out of him/her?

izzie's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:08 PM
he totaly resisted!

eileena9's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:09 PM
I couldn't help it that he fell under the rolling tires on my squad car........fifteen times!!embarassed

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:09 PM

he totaly resisted!


no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:09 PM
Why would I arrest a "chester"?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:10 PM
He resisted to within an inch of his life.

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:10 PM
Kind of a weird post out of nowhere, but yeh.. no resisting, he wouldn't make it anywhere past where I found him alive.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:10 PM

were a cop and had a warrant to arrest a chester,would you arrest them without incident or say he resisted and beat the crap out of him/her?

arrest him. he is innocent until proven guilty.

after the trial then you beat him

Speaking of chesters, Michael Jackson is coming back to the America. He bought a house in California

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:11 PM

Why would I arrest a "chester"?
its slang for a molester

eileena9's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:11 PM

Why would I arrest a "chester"?

Chester the Molester

eileena9's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:12 PM owe me a beer!!!!!!bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile :tongue: drinker

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:13 PM

Why would I arrest a "chester"?
its slang for a molester

Ah! I see! Would emasculation with a dull, serrated steak knife be undue punnishment?

chickayoshi's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:14 PM
They wear the sign "Arrest Me". So, that's what I'll do. The inmates have their own agenda with Mr. Chester.

nlas's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:15 PM
Well considering he probably won't last long in prison, i'll add in a couple shots to make the pain start just a little bit sooner. bigsmile

jacaspian's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:15 PM
Honest, Captain... I don't know why he swallowed the side mirror...

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:15 PM

were a cop and had a warrant to arrest a chester,would you arrest them without incident or say he resisted and beat the crap out of him/her?

There's a neat thing about high power lasers. They carterize a wound when they cut flesh. An average chester damages the lives of 52 victims before they're caught. do the math.

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:16 PM

were a cop and had a warrant to arrest a chester,would you arrest them without incident or say he resisted and beat the crap out of him/her?
Just arrest him because he's SICK & two wrongs don't make a right!

yaya28's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:17 PM
Arrest him, I wouldn't lower myself to his standards and hurt someone like he/she did. If you're that much of an evil person, it will come back to bite you eventually!

nlas's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:19 PM
I gotta lot of anger. Who better for me to take it out on than a child molestor?

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:19 PM

were a cop and had a warrant to arrest a chester,would you arrest them without incident or say he resisted and beat the crap out of him/her?

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