Topic: GUN CONTROL ! NOT. | |
Jean you are a TOTALLY UNIQUE person
Bless you. |
Ummm..thanks? LOL. "Unique?" In what way?
Just UNIQUE, but we love ya for it.
Opinionated, outspoken, not easily persuaded...
Old Sage, I'll take that as a high compliment, then, and thank you very
much. *** Well, I'm an intelligent individual and, as such, I do think I'm capable of forming intelligent and logic-based opinions. Why, then, *should* I be "easily persuaded?" I'm not "wrong," so far as I'm concerned, so changing my perception is not likely going to happen. |
As am I. I never try to persuade anyone, just expressing my own
viewpoint. |
I take most anyway I can get it.
Whatever makes you happy Jean. |
I meant it as a compliment BTW.
OS, okay, by that statement, then I should presume your "unique" comment
was meant to be taken as an insult? Just what do you find is so "unique" about me? What do you think is so "wrong," so "farfetched" about my opinions? |
thanks, 70.
If I ever want to insult anyone, it will be very upfront & obvious.
This is how I am & think. No insult meant or implied. |
then what DO you mean, or what ARE you implying? How is it you find me
"unique?" |
jean chill out,,,
thats just sage,,,,, get thy panties out of a wad,, dear. |
what a sexist statement! My "panties" are not "in a wad," ....DEAR.
I'm simply curious as to what he meant by his statement, that's all. Just wondering what it is he thinks is "unique" about me. |
from The Gun Control Act of 1968 established categories of prohibited gun purchasers and possessors, including convicted felons, fugitives from justice, minors, individuals with a history of mental illness, anyone dishonorably discharged from the military, expatriates, and illegal aliens. But, until the implementation of the Brady Law in 1994, gun sales operated on an "honor system." A prospective firearm purchaser merely had to sign a statement attesting that he or she was not legally forbidden from purchasing a firearm. In most states, no follow-up was conducted to make sure the statements made on the form were true. Thus, convicted criminals and other prohibited purchasers could simply provide false information on their firearm applications and purchase a firearm despite being legally forbidden from doing so. |
like i said enforse the laws you have b4 asking fo more
thats scary Robin.
We are all UNIQUE individuals. I mean just that. If you think I am using that in a bad way, that is YOUR choice. Referr to how I handle things, in past post. I don't need your e-mails, pushing your questions. I say what I chose & when I chose. |
I disagree sage, a lot of us are sheep, clones, carboncopies of what we
think is popular. If you called me unique, I would consider it a compliment... Im usually just called an asshole.... |
oh wow fanta,i'm usually called an ass