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Topic: Your child is smoking pot
yellowrose10's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:25 AM

OK so im not a parent but i am a child. and yes...i smoke pot. i think my mom went about it the right way tho. she told me (since she used to do it herself when she was my age) that if you are going to do it...do it responsibly. i mean it may sound silly but shes right. when she says responsibly she means indoors and only with people that you trust. and she said she would rather me do that than harder drugs, ciggarettes, or alcohol. she has also told me all the consequences that could happen with pot like jail and probation and not getting a good job. and i understand that. but im not just gonna go outside a light up a joint anytime soon. but also understand that you would have to know that it can lead to other more dangerous drugs. like you would have to know how addictive your kids personality is. mine? i can quit cold turkey. but like my friends...she wanted a better high. so it all depends if your child has a good head on their shoulders. OH and dont be super strict on your kid because of it cuz it will want him/her to smoke more.

oh and ive never been caught =]

you are also 18....you are legally an adult. if someone calls CPS on the parents that let a minor smoke...I assure you it won't be pretty. keep in mind...it's still illegal and I teach my kid that. he is 18 now and he knows he has to own up to what he does...but as long as he is in my house....i won't put up with anything illegal. I was known as a military mom by my family...and me and my son are very close and he is a great kid

CKeef's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:25 PM
"...not only would I call the cops but CPS too "

Woah... totally F'd up. The only lesson he or she will learn is to not respect you as a person or a parent.

Y'all are puppets if your only reason is because it's illegal.

Where I come from, it is a sacred herb and a spiritual guide in life. Most everybody did it, but if not, they did not judge you or interfere with your life because of their feeble opinion. Nobody will learn anything unless they do it for themselves and play life by the *****. If you try to speed up the process, you will only further the damage. Cannibus should not be legal, and if you look at how it first was illegalized, it was all based off of lies and fear.

When my parents found out about me smoking and/or drinking, they both did differently. My mother yelled at me, called me an alcoholic & drug addict, and tried to force her belief on me just as she did with God. I grew up my whole life almost hating her because she never once looked at me, why i did it, and how it affected me... only how she had it in her memory. Still to this day, she tries to tell me the "FACTS" of her knowledge and experience, yet she wont take 2 minutes to look at real scientific research.
My father, on the other hand, knew I would be pushed away, and although he didnt like me doing it, he supervised me and made sure I didnt stray from my responsibilities as a person. He drank with me and taught me how to be responsible, how to function and even taught me philosophies from all around the world. I saw how well he acted and the strength he carried and learned then and there I did not need it and ever since, it has not effected my judgment, reasoning or cognitive skills and coordination.

I still smoke now and then, mostly when I'm with good people with good energy and am just relaxing... not causing trouble, just as somebody would have a beer after work. The lack of knowledge, understanding and wisdom about the substance itself along with how life works will forever keep you in fear, anger, and even hatred. I respect those who can let it be and post rules for their home. Thats cool, and I hope anybody (smoker, drinker or not) can respect that just as I would hope you do in return.

And yes, I am a parent. I wouldnt want my kids to do anything harmful to themselves or others, but I would never take away the right to learn and make mistakes just as any person does. Instead of telling somebody no, why dont you try to tell them BOTH the good and the bad, and help the understanding of what exactly it means, and what reactions their choices will have.

CKeef's photo
Tue 06/23/09 03:29 PM

look i say let the kids smoke, and parents, u go to a movie. they r going to figure a way to do it anyhow....with or without u knowing.... trust me...:wink:

That is basically the sum of things... they will find a way to do it. I dont know if i'd just brush it off, its too easy to find bad ways to do it and/or with bad people. I definitely think personal supervision or atleast a large discussion (and hopefully research) would be more efficient at helping steer the child to a better path, smoke or not.

Also, the problem with kids smoking and drinking early (which I started smoking weed at 11, drinking at 12) is that they are still growing and still learning who they are. If you just do nothing, you risk them finding acceptance in potentially bad crowds, and doing too much will give them no choice but to goto those crowds. By providing a safe-zone, even if you dont let them smoke in your house or bring it, having that trust and not letting the fact they smoke blind your perspective on who they are as people will make the difference between a drug-dealer/addict and a responsible young adult with the tools to make safer, more intelligent decisions.

Ghekkoo's photo
Wed 06/24/09 02:50 AM

smokin You just found out that your child is smoking pot.smokin

what What do you do?what

join in lol XXXXDDDDD

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/24/09 12:26 PM

"...not only would I call the cops but CPS too "

Woah... totally F'd up. The only lesson he or she will learn is to not respect you as a person or a parent.

Y'all are puppets if your only reason is because it's illegal.

Where I come from, it is a sacred herb and a spiritual guide in life. Most everybody did it, but if not, they did not judge you or interfere with your life because of their feeble opinion. Nobody will learn anything unless they do it for themselves and play life by the *****. If you try to speed up the process, you will only further the damage. Cannibus should not be legal, and if you look at how it first was illegalized, it was all based off of lies and fear.

When my parents found out about me smoking and/or drinking, they both did differently. My mother yelled at me, called me an alcoholic & drug addict, and tried to force her belief on me just as she did with God. I grew up my whole life almost hating her because she never once looked at me, why i did it, and how it affected me... only how she had it in her memory. Still to this day, she tries to tell me the "FACTS" of her knowledge and experience, yet she wont take 2 minutes to look at real scientific research.
My father, on the other hand, knew I would be pushed away, and although he didnt like me doing it, he supervised me and made sure I didnt stray from my responsibilities as a person. He drank with me and taught me how to be responsible, how to function and even taught me philosophies from all around the world. I saw how well he acted and the strength he carried and learned then and there I did not need it and ever since, it has not effected my judgment, reasoning or cognitive skills and coordination.

I still smoke now and then, mostly when I'm with good people with good energy and am just relaxing... not causing trouble, just as somebody would have a beer after work. The lack of knowledge, understanding and wisdom about the substance itself along with how life works will forever keep you in fear, anger, and even hatred. I respect those who can let it be and post rules for their home. Thats cool, and I hope anybody (smoker, drinker or not) can respect that just as I would hope you do in return.

And yes, I am a parent. I wouldnt want my kids to do anything harmful to themselves or others, but I would never take away the right to learn and make mistakes just as any person does. Instead of telling somebody no, why dont you try to tell them BOTH the good and the bad, and help the understanding of what exactly it means, and what reactions their choices will have.


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/24/09 09:51 PM

look i say let the kids smoke, and parents, u go to a movie. they r going to figure a way to do it anyhow....with or without u knowing.... trust me...:wink:

That is basically the sum of things... they will find a way to do it. I dont know if i'd just brush it off, its too easy to find bad ways to do it and/or with bad people. I definitely think personal supervision or atleast a large discussion (and hopefully research) would be more efficient at helping steer the child to a better path, smoke or not.

Also, the problem with kids smoking and drinking early (which I started smoking weed at 11, drinking at 12) is that they are still growing and still learning who they are. If you just do nothing, you risk them finding acceptance in potentially bad crowds, and doing too much will give them no choice but to goto those crowds. By providing a safe-zone, even if you dont let them smoke in your house or bring it, having that trust and not letting the fact they smoke blind your perspective on who they are as people will make the difference between a drug-dealer/addict and a responsible young adult with the tools to make safer, more intelligent decisions.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 06/24/09 09:54 PM
there are many reasons I wouldn't condone it and YES one of them is because it is illegal. that is something people tend to forget and if the child is caught...they parents go down too.

7z3r05's photo
Wed 06/24/09 09:57 PM

smokin You just found out that your child is smoking pot.smokin

what What do you do?what

join in lol XXXXDDDDD

this guy knows the deal


Winx's photo
Wed 06/24/09 10:20 PM

there are many reasons I wouldn't condone it and YES one of them is because it is illegal. that is something people tend to forget and if the child is caught...they parents go down too.

Yep, that's true.

Marie55's photo
Wed 06/24/09 11:24 PM

there are many reasons I wouldn't condone it and YES one of them is because it is illegal. that is something people tend to forget and if the child is caught...they parents go down too.

Yep, that's true.


As I have said before, I will agree to disagree with all the people who think that using drugs is okay. It is your choice, and my choice is that it is wrong, for many reasons as I have stated above. ohwell

CKeef's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:51 AM
Respect. And apologies if I offended for I did not intend to presume anybody's beliefs or reasons, only my own. I appreciate the concern for the people you care about, and that is always a good reason no matter what the subject. I would be delighted to share my philosophies and experience if you would like to give further detail on your personal belief and ideas. Mail me.
Thanks again

P.S. My only real problem is for those who are going to put their own self infront of the issue such as "The parents go down too." No. They dont unless they are involved in their own activities. I completely respect and understand setting your house rules, and by doing so, you have nothing to get caught with. At the end of the day, a person will be the same smoking or not, so their actions and lifestyle is on them, not cannibus.

Peace all

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:56 AM

Respect. And apologies if I offended for I did not intend to presume anybody's beliefs or reasons, only my own. I appreciate the concern for the people you care about, and that is always a good reason no matter what the subject. I would be delighted to share my philosophies and experience if you would like to give further detail on your personal belief and ideas. Mail me.
Thanks again

P.S. My only real problem is for those who are going to put their own self infront of the issue such as "The parents go down too." No. They dont unless they are involved in their own activities. I completely respect and understand setting your house rules, and by doing so, you have nothing to get caught with. At the end of the day, a person will be the same smoking or not, so their actions and lifestyle is on them, not cannibus.

Peace all

isn't condoning the action the same? that is what CPS and the law look at as well.

but me going down for it too...is not the only reason I won't allow my son to do that. he is now 18 and he knows under my roof there will be nothing illegal. I have also talked to him about everything such as smoking, drinking and drugs. he is a great kid (makes mistakes like anyone else) but a great kid and wouldn't put someone else in a bad position for his choices in life. he has seen how his friends are that smoke pot (maybe it's who they are, maybe it's the pot) but he doesn't want that.

plus the legal issue IS important to me because as parents we try to teach our kids to be responsible adults so when they fly from the nest....they won't fall or fall as hard. doesn't always work, but as a parent that is one of my goals

Adam wants to be a cop....so if he were to get busted on something illegal...it could hurt his chances....so that is another big reason

CKeef's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:14 PM

isn't condoning the action the same? that is what CPS and the law look at as well.

but me going down for it too...is not the only reason I won't allow my son to do that. he is now 18 and he knows under my roof there will be nothing illegal. I have also talked to him about everything such as smoking, drinking and drugs. he is a great kid (makes mistakes like anyone else) but a great kid and wouldn't put someone else in a bad position for his choices in life. he has seen how his friends are that smoke pot (maybe it's who they are, maybe it's the pot) but he doesn't want that.

plus the legal issue IS important to me because as parents we try to teach our kids to be responsible adults so when they fly from the nest....they won't fall or fall as hard. doesn't always work, but as a parent that is one of my goals

Adam wants to be a cop....so if he were to get busted on something illegal...it could hurt his chances....so that is another big reason

Well that is what I'm saying. You made your rules, and put it out of your life. It is not existant in your life, so nothing will happen to you.... And i'm sure he's a great kid. I myself have seen plenty of people go down the wrong path with drugs and even a few who only smoke weed. I learned from them that as a person it wasnt what i wanted, and i separated myself from that. I dont need it, and i dont want the bullshit that most bring with it, so i dont accept it into my life. I am friends with many people who dont do any drinking, smoking, or what have you. We all get along great, because only my head and heart rule my life, and i've walked away from substances and situations more times than not. I do not mean to say everybody should give it a chance. I know more people who put others in harms way that dont smoke than those that do... like i said, everything comes down to who they are. You have a good kid, you believe in your heart, and my point is if he did smoke, he would still be the same. I think its awesome to stay healthy, mentally and physically and wish him the best for his future. Thank you for sharing with me.

CORNBREAD13's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:18 PM
be real with him...i mean its alot better than alot of **** these kids are doing these days!!!its not like it was when we were kids.
talk to him and tell him you would rather him smoke pot at home where at least he cant get into trouble with the law!!!!
if he is smoking the **** the likelyhood that he will quit just because dad says so is pretty slim bro....try and look at the reasons why he feels it necessary to resort to dope...its obvious he is dealing with some issue bro.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:21 PM
my problem with some posts in this thread are these:

1. why condone your child to do something illegal and can get in trouble for?

2. why, as parents, would you risk CPS and the law instead of putting your foot down

3. "they could be doing worse" is a lame excuse....yes a lame excuse. they could be doing worse, but could be doing better and as parents it is our responsibility to teach them that.

I have made mistakes in my life and it is my responsibility to teach my child to be better. and from early in life...he was taught that actions have consequences or rewards.

keef...i'm not aiming this at you....you are just the only one posting ATM lol

tngxl65's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:22 PM

my problem with some posts in this thread are these:

1. why condone your child to do something illegal and can get in trouble for?

2. why, as parents, would you risk CPS and the law instead of putting your foot down

3. "they could be doing worse" is a lame excuse....yes a lame excuse. they could be doing worse, but could be doing better and as parents it is our responsibility to teach them that.

I have made mistakes in my life and it is my responsibility to teach my child to be better. and from early in life...he was taught that actions have consequences or rewards.

keef...i'm not aiming this at you....you are just the only one posting ATM lol

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

CKeef's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:30 PM

be real with him...i mean its alot better than alot of **** these kids are doing these days!!!its not like it was when we were kids.
talk to him and tell him you would rather him smoke pot at home where at least he cant get into trouble with the law!!!!
if he is smoking the **** the likelyhood that he will quit just because dad says so is pretty slim bro....try and look at the reasons why he feels it necessary to resort to dope...its obvious he is dealing with some issue bro.

i dunno if you are replying to me or not... but if so, what you are saying is a part of my statements earlier in the thread. if not, I agree with you, although I understand beliefs are different and i completely respect those who wish not to have it in their lifes.

And yellowrose, you are truly respectful and I have the utmost appreciation for your words and feelings. I definitely respect your views and reasons. My entire viewpoint is all about teaching, learning, and understanding beyond fear, worry, and unfamiliarity. Its no wonder that you're kid came out so good. I think you do understand my meaning, even if the solution or experiences are different.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:33 PM

be real with him...i mean its alot better than alot of **** these kids are doing these days!!!its not like it was when we were kids.
talk to him and tell him you would rather him smoke pot at home where at least he cant get into trouble with the law!!!!
if he is smoking the **** the likelyhood that he will quit just because dad says so is pretty slim bro....try and look at the reasons why he feels it necessary to resort to dope...its obvious he is dealing with some issue bro.

i dunno if you are replying to me or not... but if so, what you are saying is a part of my statements earlier in the thread. if not, I agree with you, although I understand beliefs are different and i completely respect those who wish not to have it in their lifes.

And yellowrose, you are truly respectful and I have the utmost appreciation for your words and feelings. I definitely respect your views and reasons. My entire viewpoint is all about teaching, learning, and understanding beyond fear, worry, and unfamiliarity. Its no wonder that you're kid came out so good. I think you do understand my meaning, even if the solution or experiences are different.

I agree with that hon. saying "because I said so" doesn't always work....but sometimes it does. parents are teachers as well.

i think some parents forget these things. being a parent means being the bad guy at times and friend, teacher, nurse, etc.. but parent first

CKeef's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:45 PM

be real with him...i mean its alot better than alot of **** these kids are doing these days!!!its not like it was when we were kids.
talk to him and tell him you would rather him smoke pot at home where at least he cant get into trouble with the law!!!!
if he is smoking the **** the likelyhood that he will quit just because dad says so is pretty slim bro....try and look at the reasons why he feels it necessary to resort to dope...its obvious he is dealing with some issue bro.

i dunno if you are replying to me or not... but if so, what you are saying is a part of my statements earlier in the thread. if not, I agree with you, although I understand beliefs are different and i completely respect those who wish not to have it in their lifes.

And yellowrose, you are truly respectful and I have the utmost appreciation for your words and feelings. I definitely respect your views and reasons. My entire viewpoint is all about teaching, learning, and understanding beyond fear, worry, and unfamiliarity. Its no wonder that you're kid came out so good. I think you do understand my meaning, even if the solution or experiences are different.

I agree with that hon. saying "because I said so" doesn't always work....but sometimes it does. parents are teachers as well.

i think some parents forget these things. being a parent means being the bad guy at times and friend, teacher, nurse, etc.. but parent first

AHAH YES! And that is a whole other discussion that is simply exquisite and incredibly interesting. I really wish i had to time to talk about that...
Peace and love

adoptmee's photo
Thu 06/25/09 01:50 PM
ask them to use the pans next time cause im running out of pots

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