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Topic: Your child is smoking pot
Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:07 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 01/07/09 11:08 AM

I don't have any kids so I'm not quite sure what my reaction would be...my sister on the other hand...just had this happen in her house...she just told her son thats it's illegal...and...that by all means she's not happy...but...at the same time she doesn't want him sneaking around with the possibility of getting caught and arrested...so...she told hime to keep it in doors...in his room...he's 18...

I couldn't do that, Gio. I couldn't condone drug use in my house especially with my child.

Your sister is in a tough spot with this one.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:09 AM

while I would really prefer that my child remain drug free as I have, I would be worried about the things that the pot might be laced with. My mother is a recovering drug addict, she had done alot of drugs before getting pregnant with me. We always talked about this kind of stuff. She kept me well informed and that helped me to make the decision to remain drug free and not give in to peer pressure to try something i didn't really want to try anyways.

Besides who needs pot?? I have video games, it's an addiction but at least I have something to show for the money i spend lol

Did your mom ever talk about how her addiction makes it easier for her children to become addicted?

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:10 AM

at least its not crack, meth, ecstacy, or anything worse than pot

People that use those drugs started with pot.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:14 AM

I don't have any kids so I'm not quite sure what my reaction would be...my sister on the other hand...just had this happen in her house...she just told her son thats it's illegal...and...that by all means she's not happy...but...at the same time she doesn't want him sneaking around with the possibility of getting caught and arrested...so...she told hime to keep it in doors...in his room...he's 18...

I couldn't do that, Gio. I couldn't condone drug use in my house especially with my child.

Your sister is in a tough spot with this one.

yeah...this one is a toughie...my first reaction was that I couldn't allow it inside or outside...but...she doesn't have her hubby anymore [ he's deceased she's got three boys 18...16...14...gulp !!]...so...it's really difficult for her...he doesn't really take her the disipline serious...just a few short years ago...he was such a good boy...doesn't even kiss his Uncle Anthony / Godfather anymore...:cry:

Foliel's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:15 AM

while I would really prefer that my child remain drug free as I have, I would be worried about the things that the pot might be laced with. My mother is a recovering drug addict, she had done alot of drugs before getting pregnant with me. We always talked about this kind of stuff. She kept me well informed and that helped me to make the decision to remain drug free and not give in to peer pressure to try something i didn't really want to try anyways.

Besides who needs pot?? I have video games, it's an addiction but at least I have something to show for the money i spend lol

Did your mom ever talk about how her addiction makes it easier for her children to become addicted?

Yes, she made sure I understood that even if i experimented, I might becomes addicted because she was an addict. I am proud to say that I have never touched drugs and have only been drunk one time in my life. I dont even drink alcohol since that one time.

brokenwings30's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:19 PM
shes only 9 so I would have to find whoever gave it to her and promptly kill themrant

Totage's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:21 PM

smokin You just found out that your child is smoking pot.smokin

what What do you do?what

Pray that's all they are doing. ohwell

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 01/11/09 10:20 PM
under 16? I would be dusting my knuckles off on someone! Then I would be giving my kids all kinds of grief!
16 and older? First I would tax them and burn their bag in front of them and make them watch. If it was crap weed I would give them a lot of lip about smoking crap weed and have a bag ba que. If it was KGB I would put it in my hong and moke it all in their face for not sharing! If I have to pay for the roof over their head the least they can do is share with their dad!

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 01/12/09 01:39 AM
Being a Social worker, having a large family and a Foster parent, besides my own; been a few times I ran into this problem.

First off I think prevention is key.

Teaching them coping skills for situations where they are going to have to deal with drugs helpes.

Keeping them out of situations that were not supervised by trustworthy adults.

My kids always had a good relationship with a pediatrician that they saw no less than three times a year. And by kissing them good night every night they would have had a hard time getting pot or alcohol past us.

They knew it might be their room but it was the family home and we were not going to loose it all for them bringing illegal substances into the house.

No matter where I lived tobacco, pot, and alcohol were banned. I firmly believe tobacco is the real "gateway" drug. And kids learn how to have fun without alcohol by seeing adults have fun without it.

They knew if they thought they were big enough to make their own rules they were big enough to provide there own way in the world.

House rules were for everyone. They saw people set on the curb and me end relationships with people who didn't have similiar rules.

I think my kids would have rather been caught by the police than me. lol They worked off fines earlier in their teens and in Georgia it is hot mowing lawns. I could always find them something to scrub knowing plenty of elderly and disabled.

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 08:10 PM
I have no children, but I raised a step daughter from the time she was thirteen till her mother and I split up at the time she was nineteen. Depending on the age of your child, the peer pressure is more likely much more significant than it was when you were growing up. Many people feel that marijuana is the gateway drug that leads to harsher drugs; however, alcohol that is perfectly legal will lead a child to do things that he or she would never do under the influence of marijuana. In my opinion weed is a far less detrimental on society than alcohol. Marijuana is just like any other part of society, some can partake in this practice and lead perfectly normal lives; however, others may let it control their lives. Some people can operate certain aspects of their lives under the influence of marijuana and others cannot. It simply has to be judged on an individualistic basis. You should let your child know that no that no matter how hard they try, the first affects that they felt from their first experiences with marijuana will never be achieved again, no matter how good or how expensive the weed may be. If you are dealing with a child that is a wanna be gangster, my recommendation is to drive them into the real ghetto and tell them to get out. Explain to them that this is where the real gangstas hang out and if they think that these people are their homies then they should have no problem getting out. It worked for me.

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 08:10 PM
I have no children, but I raised a step daughter from the time she was thirteen till her mother and I split up at the time she was nineteen. Depending on the age of your child, the peer pressure is more likely much more significant than it was when you were growing up. Many people feel that marijuana is the gateway drug that leads to harsher drugs; however, alcohol that is perfectly legal will lead a child to do things that he or she would never do under the influence of marijuana. In my opinion weed is a far less detrimental on society than alcohol. Marijuana is just like any other part of society, some can partake in this practice and lead perfectly normal lives; however, others may let it control their lives. Some people can operate certain aspects of their lives under the influence of marijuana and others cannot. It simply has to be judged on an individualistic basis. You should let your child know that no that no matter how hard they try, the first affects that they felt from their first experiences with marijuana will never be achieved again, no matter how good or how expensive the weed may be. If you are dealing with a child that is a wanna be gangster, my recommendation is to drive them into the real ghetto and tell them to get out. Explain to them that this is where the real gangstas hang out and if they think that these people are their homies then they should have no problem getting out. It worked for me.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/19/09 05:10 AM

Sexy_onion's photo
Mon 01/19/09 10:20 AM
My child is only 11 years old. She's the sweetest person I know... She also knows right from wrong, cool from stupid. Every time she comes to Detroit,
she sees bangers, bums and crackheads on the streets. I point them out to her on pupose,
so she'll know exactly what NOT to do. We come from a family that thinks higher anyway...

shygirl39's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:02 PM
My son was smoking pot.He was doing it in my house.Now he is 18 and he have not been doing it lately(I think).I told him if he contiune doing it in my house,I was going to put his ass out.He was also hanging around the crowd.I try my best to check out his friends and the kind of parents they have.He is in the process of going to Job Crops and I hope it work out.I hope it work out for you too.Some people told me that can't see theirself putting their kids out.I can.If they can't get theirself together then they need to leave.My son was smoking pot at age 16(might be sooner than that).I try to get him a mentor and try to keep him busy so he will not have time to hangout.noway

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 02/15/09 08:15 PM

This picture makes me furious! While this picture can be harmless a parent needs to think about what could happen. And angry grandparent and or non-custodial parents have a free pass more or less to step in.

It is nearly impossible to guess how much and infant can gulp in a matter of seconds. By the time you are aware how much your child coule get very close to accute alcohol poisoning.

As little as 1/4 cup of beer can cause permenent brain damage, seisures, kidney and liver failure which will cause clubbing of the fingers, vomiting, and convulsions. It can profoundly delay developement and cause cognitive failures. Failures that are undistinguishable from Autism. It can definitely affect balance and result in falls against the soft sides of the skull. .

If your child is hospitalized or seen by a helping professional and alcohol is on their breath they are definitely going to do a tox screen. Among extensive and expensive other tests. And the likelyhood of your child immediately going into Protective Services is very Good. You will not get visitation or even kiss your child good by.

You will be ordered to pay child support to the state. And the hospital is not going to mess around about going after the bill while you still have some assets left. It is possible any other children and pets will be turned over to Protective services or the Humane Society often the later to be put down.

You will have to get your own lawyer. It is highly likely that you will be arrested and charged with child neglect and abuse. Your face might or might not make the evening news but you will find your friends will drop away like leaves in a strong wind. Everyone in jail will know what you have been charged with even if you are not convicted. A search warrent will be issued and the the police will go to your home. If they find these pictures, unsecured lighters, out of date medications, paraphanila, pot, a dirty diaper, unsecured firearms, spoiled food the list of charges will get longer and longer.

If it establishes a pervasive pattern that would give many states what they need to fast track your infant out of the fostercare system and into an adoptive home before the childs developemental disabilities can be documented and the child might no longer be viable for adoption.

It will be made clear to Grandparents or siblings that even if they take custody that they are going to be jumping through hoops and have catestrophic expenses. With how the courts are backed up you can bet it will be a good two plus years before you can even hope to get your kid back. By then they will have been through a series of placements and could be placed as far away as possible and still be in state borders. Foster Care is and industry in poorer counties. Some of the homes are bi-lingual and your baby will probably not recognize you if they still recognize English. Infants in foster care often are put in state supported Daycare which means they get very little card and or affection. Useually they regress.

If you have a car or home you can pretty much guarantee to loose it for legal fees. A convicted child abuser you can pretty much count on haveing severe difficulty being hired again. You will be in jail long enough to loose your job. Most of the times spouses will abandon their rights which makes it even eaiser to take your child.

If you think I am being harsh or reactionary you are conning yourself. Children go into the system and can stay there until they are shipped out to the military at 18. Most don't graduate high school. By then grandparents can have died off or gone to nurseing care and the child will not be assisted in finding any of their family. In affect one careless act can cause your child to experience the entire social genocide of their family.

cKy2k's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:25 PM
smoke with your child

laughsandgiggles's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:37 PM

I can't honestly answer since I have no children.. But so far with what I think and know is... I would sit with them, in a non threatening way of course, and talk to them of how it is illegal and I wont allow it in my home or on the property. I would let them know if I catch them again I will be high disappointed in them. Talk to them of the different kinds there are and how many other drugs can be mixed in to it with out them knowing. To be careful of where the got it and who the got it from. To never drive or have someone drive while on it, to never have it in the vehicle either. Tell them I still love them and if I catch them with any other type of drug I will take them out of this world in flash.
Excellent answer!!!! aaaaaannnnnddd since addictions run in my family I really would have to add that he/she does not have to worry about drugs or alcohol or cigarettes killing them cuz if I find out they are using I will kill them with my own hands- HATE the stuff- have absolutely NO tolerance for it!

Filmfreek's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:52 PM
This child is smoking pot...


libertyfelix's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:54 PM
I'm thinking that lessons learned from interfacing with the cops aren't always a good choice! They might bolt and then get tazed to death.

Tell them that they aren't old enough to make stupid brash decisions like that. ...And that they are just playing into the hands of folks that want to make them subordinate slaves/serfs.

After all, criminals in our own government intelligence and military are the biggest drug dealers in the world. And folks working for them rise to positions like Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense/War under both Bush and Obama. Gates covered up and rationalized our guns for drugs dealings during the Iran-Contra scandal and we the public still can't get rid of him. Yes!, both Governor Clinton and President Bush(41) were complicit to the drug dealing and coverup.

libertyfelix's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:59 PM

at least its not crack, meth, ecstacy, or anything worse than pot

People that use those drugs started with pot.

How do you know? Were you there?

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