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Topic: How do you handle
IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:46 AM
Rejection? If you email someone and they're not interested or it doesn't progress to a place you want it to, how do you handle it? Do you get mad at the person and treat them rudely, tell them off, be rude to them in forums? What do you do?

What if you're the rejector? How do you reject a person that you're not interested in for whatever reason?

RKISIT's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:48 AM
if i get rejected i just accept it and move on if i'm doing the rejection i'd probably stay with her:smile:

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:49 AM
RK you're something else... laugh

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:53 AM
Its natural to be angry or hurt if someone you would like to recieve an email from isnt interested, but its up to them everyone has their own likes and dislikes so you just have to accept it and move on

I give mostly everyone a chance but I either click with someone or I don't so if I don't its cya later, you don't have to feel guilty for what you decide is right for you or not

misstina2's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:54 AM
I let the person know that I'm already interested in someone and wish them luck in finding loveflowerforyou

RKISIT's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:57 AM

RK you're something else... laugh
still think your hot:wink: ...goodnight.hope you enjoyed the holidaysflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:01 AM

Rejection? If you email someone and they're not interested or it doesn't progress to a place you want it to, how do you handle it? Do you get mad at the person and treat them rudely, tell them off, be rude to them in forums? What do you do?

What if you're the rejector? How do you reject a person that you're not interested in for whatever reason?

flowerforyou I only ever had one girl on here that treated me with disrespect and bashed me.flowerforyouThe hundreds of other gals I have chatted with on here have always been very polite and respectful to me the way I am to them.bigsmile

JoeW99's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:03 AM
Edited by JoeW99 on Mon 01/05/09 01:03 AM
I don't see any real point in getting mad, it's not going to make the person like you even more... if anything it will make them like you even less.

Here for "friends" not a relationship right now so i answer any mail i get, I guess if i was here for purely love it would be different.

Everyone says they want an honest person, but when an honest person tells you "no, thanks".. take it and move on is my advice flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:03 AM

I let the person know that I'm already interested in someone and wish them luck in finding loveflowerforyou

bigsmile me2bigsmile

JoeW99's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:03 AM
Edited by JoeW99 on Mon 01/05/09 01:05 AM
Double post.. I BLAME the Pool Stick picture, had me pushing the button to hard.

Hey it's my story, i'll tell it how i want!

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:10 AM
laugh laugh laugh You're right Joe it's your story.. that was funny thanks..

I agree as well.. Not everyone will click and if someone doesn't feel they do with us or vice versa then just move on, no hate or meanness....

May777's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:26 AM
try not to take it personally,..

we can`t always know the why,..

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:29 AM
I find that if I'm doing the rejecting it often results in threads created about me, saying what a horrible person I am. laugh

When I'm rejected I do the best I can to try and not let it get to me. After all, in a relationship or dating scenario lasting less than 3 months, it's rarely personal. It's about issues and behaviors and I can't play "shoulda woulda coulda"... although I've done so. It's fruitless.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:37 AM
Love the new hair!!

Either way the answer is the same......with kindness.

If that doesn't work I hunt them down and make 'em sing like a baby until they leave me alone.....laugh

Ready4U46203's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:39 AM
When I get rejected, I am usually offered friendship. But I don't think it is true friendship, so I generally say no. I think women offer friendship to "throw me a bone" after rejecting me.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:43 AM

Rejection? If you email someone and they're not interested or it doesn't progress to a place you want it to, how do you handle it? Do you get mad at the person and treat them rudely, tell them off, be rude to them in forums? What do you do?

That implies expectations. I don't have any here. BTW, you look much better as a brunette.

What if you're the rejector? How do you reject a person that you're not interested in for whatever reason?

I try not to reject but rather don't send the vibes that I'm interested. If someone doesn't get that non-hint, well, that's their issue and I'm polite about it usually. The only time it's a real conflict is when I'm being a friend and someone thinks because I'm being kind and empathetic that it means I'm interested.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:50 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Mon 01/05/09 07:50 AM
I try not to take it personally, if I'm being rejected. Especially on a site like this. There are lots of factors, many of which aren't personal.

buttons's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:58 AM

Rejection? If you email someone and they're not interested or it doesn't progress to a place you want it to, how do you handle it? Do you get mad at the person and treat them rudely, tell them off, be rude to them in forums? What do you do?

What if you're the rejector? How do you reject a person that you're not interested in for whatever reason?
well im both at different times... as far a rejection doesnt bother me a bit why would i hold a grudge? just cause i might be interested doesnt mean they would be in me.. who cares? move on why waste your time being angry? lolmaybe a lil embarrased for a quick moment i've had some turn real negative cuss, swear then tell me im no good , that im ugly etc... well why the heck did i have to tell them no then? strange lol BLOCKlaugh
rejecting... ill just tell them that the truth..

michiganman3's photo
Mon 01/05/09 10:02 AM
Edited by michiganman3 on Mon 01/05/09 10:02 AM
Suggest that we really wouldn't be a 'match'.
Take time in returning emails. Not post in their threads, or not post immediately after them if possible.
No anger or resentment.
Just move on.

Totage's photo
Mon 01/05/09 10:04 AM

Rejection? If you email someone and they're not interested or it doesn't progress to a place you want it to, how do you handle it? Do you get mad at the person and treat them rudely, tell them off, be rude to them in forums? What do you do?

What if you're the rejector? How do you reject a person that you're not interested in for whatever reason?

I just move on when rejected. When I reject someone, I just stop communicating with them.

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