Topic: There is no sin, there are no commandments | |
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Fri 01/02/09 08:58 PM
Heaven doesn’t look all that appealing to me really. I kind of have my heart set on reincarnation. I guess to many Christians the prospect of returning to earth might as well be hell. reincarnation? A respectful question...Purely out of curiousity... Would you hope to return as a human ? I promise that no sarcastic remarks on my part will ensue...purely respectful... For me, reincarnation is a fact. Each person lives around 1500 lives on earth alone before ascending to the higher worlds. You will seldom incarnate into a lower animal, that would be like going from 12th grade back to 3erd grade. But I don't see "heaven" as the reward after leaving this world. The reward for our spiritual progress is more and more freedom to do what we want and go where we want in the vast universes available to us. The ultimate reward is to be able to follow our purpose towards what ever creative work we enjoy doing. How about those who's creative work is to do all manner of evil? What do they progress to? Or are we bound to host them repetitively? In a world of duality (good and evil) there are two sides. The ones who are on the path of love and compassion now, may have, at one time, been on the path of evil. I think eventually, all souls will graduate to love and compassion and to the creative activity of the higher worlds, but some of them will remain in the dark side for a very long time simply because they are addicted to the physical worlds of materialism and the power they can exert over others with their technology. |
reincarnation? A respectful question...Purely out of curiousity... Would you hope to return as a human ? I promise that no sarcastic remarks on my part will ensue...purely respectful... When I think about reincarnation I don't limit myself to thinking about necessarily returning to Earth. That would be extremely limited. We already know for a fact that we live in a universe where there are over 70 sextillion stars. That's 70 thousand million million million stars. And clearly potentially as many planets to live on as well. And that's only in the observable part of the universe. There are very good reasons to believe that the universe is far greater than the part we can observe. So the possiblities for reincarnation on endless just in this universe alone. To think that you would need to come 'back' to earth is extremely limited and not at all what reincarnation would mean. Not only would you not be bound to such a limited physical choice, but you wouldn't be bound by temporal choices either. In other words, not only can you reincarnate at any physical location, but you can also reincarnate at any location in time. The Buddhists believe that there even infinitely many universes. So the possiblities of what you might be reincarnted into are endless. I personally believe that we have the choice. I had a vision (a lucid dream), I'm not claiming that it was divine in origin. It was just a lucid dream, that's all I know. But in this dream I went to the spirit world. I became pure spirit. I was a ball of light. There were many spirits who also appeared as shperes of light. More like a fuzzy cloud of light than like a star. They could also tranmute into any physical form whatsoever. I got a sense that the spiritual world was like a huge (infinite) library. And I had just returned from having interacted in the book called "Earth". From there I could chose to become incarnated into anything I want. And book on the spiritual library shelf. Now, this may not be true for everyone. Perhaps we have a karma and that may limit which incarnations we can participate in. I have no clue. I only know that in my dream the entire library was open to me and I could become incarnated into anything I chose. The dream was much more elaborate than this and I did choose a incarnation which I experienced for bit in that dream. I'm not saying that the dream represent any divine message or anything like that. But I will say this. If I can imagine such a scenario and "With God all things are possible", then surely such a scenario must be possible for God. Besides, consider this,... What does Christianity offer? A heaven spent worshiping a God and doing only HIS WILL? Isn't that a form of slavery? What of heaven? What could it possibly be like? Well form my point of view, that best possible heaven would be an eternity of being able to be reincarnated into whatever lives you would like to experience. Forever, non-stop reincarnation. If that sounds "boring" then what's up with an eternal heaven where all you do is worship a God and do HIS WILL? No more free will of your own. Only God's will from that point forward. Why would that not be boring? What's even inviting about taht picture? So when you think of reincarnation don't limit yourself to just thinking about coming back to Earth. That would be horrible if that were the only choice! Nobody would want that. You need to think in terms of infinite possiblities. Keep in mind, we aren't talking about atheism here. We're talking about an omniscient spirit (us). We are "god" in this scenario. Just as the Bible claims that Jesus had said, "Ye are Gods". Now how did that even get into the Bible? My bet is because Jesus actually did say that. But that's eastern mysticism! |
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Fri 01/02/09 09:04 PM
Allen Thats interesting. I do believe we have all lived life after life but I dont know if its always human to human transference or it can cross. And if so, do ALL organic life forms have souls like trees and bushes and grass. It seems like if humans have souls, everything else living would just as easily. . I think Hinduism incapsules that idea. I'm not sure if there's other well known faiths that do or not... I think there are several. Probably JB knows a lot more about it. Its just a hunch in my case. Im pretty sure Hindus believe we can incarnate as animals. The cow is sacred in Hindi culture. Moo! |
Allen Thats interesting. I do believe we have all lived life after life but I dont know if its always human to human transference or it can cross. And if so, do ALL organic life forms have souls like trees and bushes and grass. It seems like if humans have souls, everything else living would just as easily. . I think Hinduism incapsules that idea. I'm not sure if there's other well known faiths that do or not... I think there are several. Probably JB knows a lot more about it. Its just a hunch in my case. Im pretty sure Hindus believe we can incarnate as animals. The cow is sacred in Hindi culture. If that is so, are we not slaughtering our ancestors on a daily basis for nourishment? |
If that is so, are we not slaughtering our ancestors on a daily basis for nourishment?
All the universes have one thing in common. Energy is exchanged one way or another. In worlds like this one, we do it by consuming each other. In worlds where the "lion lies down with the lamb" energy is probably transferred via vibrations, like light from the sun or other light sources. |
Allen Thats interesting. I do believe we have all lived life after life but I dont know if its always human to human transference or it can cross. And if so, do ALL organic life forms have souls like trees and bushes and grass. It seems like if humans have souls, everything else living would just as easily. . I think Hinduism incapsules that idea. I'm not sure if there's other well known faiths that do or not... I think there are several. Probably JB knows a lot more about it. Its just a hunch in my case. Im pretty sure Hindus believe we can incarnate as animals. The cow is sacred in Hindi culture. If that is so, are we not slaughtering our ancestors on a daily basis for nourishment? Allen, its only the cows. In India they will slaughter bulls for food. In ancient India, oxen and bulls were sacrificed to the gods and their meat was eaten. But even then the slaughter of milk-producing cows was prohibited. Verses refer to the cow as Devi (goddess), identified with Aditi (mother of the gods) herself. |
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Fri 01/02/09 09:17 PM
Do they think the Christians are going to round up all the unbelievers and cast them into lake of gasoline? Christianity does indeed represent a danger to world peace. Now this wouldn't apply to an individual like yourself. I feel confident that you personally aren't a danger to anyone in anyway. However, by supporting Chrisitanity you are supporting the bigger picture. Please let me add also, that it's not just Christianity, everything I say about Christianity holds true for all the Mediterranean-based religions, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The members of the United Nations are seriously concerned with proseltyzing religions because they are indeed causing much angst and hostility in the world. The very notion that the Bible predicts a holocaust in the Middle East over these religions causes people to participate in these beliefs. If you believe that it's God's will there be a battle in the Middle East it's easy for you to support such a war. The battle of Armegeddon can be a very real self-fulfilled prophecy simply because the people who beleive in it will make it come true! I've heard Christians on these very forums who proselytize like crazy say things like, "Jesus won't return until everyone has heard the word and had a chance to convert to Christianity". So they are proselytizing like crazy in the hope that this will speed up the return of Jesus. Also, I personally believe that any religion that believes that God is in control of the big picture causes people to think that everything is in God's hands, so why bother planning the future of mankind? That would almost be blaspheme to plan the future of mankind. That would fly in the face of the idea that God has a Plan. Finally, I think it's just horrible to have any religion constantly proseylting to people that if they don't convert and believe that Jesus was God they are rejecting God. I see nothing positive in that mentality. So yes, I speak out against it. And I do so as a humanitarian. For the sake of humanity as a whole. If I can convince anyone to stand up for sanity I will have made my contribution. I might get real lucky and help some young person realize the follow of the religion and perhaps they can articulate it better than me and maybe even right books for future generations. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, for the sake of sanity and humanity. I feel bad that decent Christians get caught in the crossfire. But hey, my sword is the word, and only the word. In past history Christianity and other religions like it have been the cause of brutal torture and death to countless individuals. So yes, you may get jabbed by my word. But you can shake it off. I thank you for posting and giving me an opportunity to bounce off your comments thus helping me to get my message out to those who need to hear it. The next generation. If all I do is raise questions in their minds, I have sown seeds in fertile spirit and they will take root and grow to produce good fruit. |
If that is so, are we not slaughtering our ancestors on a daily basis for nourishment?
All the universes have one thing in common. Energy is exchanged one way or another. In worlds like this one, we do it by consuming each other. In worlds where the "lion lies down with the lamb" energy is probably transferred via vibrations, like light from the sun or other light sources. So it's ok to have another serving of granpa's brisket then ? I'm sorry...I know I promised... |
If that is so, are we not slaughtering our ancestors on a daily basis for nourishment?
All the universes have one thing in common. Energy is exchanged one way or another. In worlds like this one, we do it by consuming each other. In worlds where the "lion lies down with the lamb" energy is probably transferred via vibrations, like light from the sun or other light sources. So it's ok to have another serving of granpa's brisket then ? I'm sorry...I know I promised... I always thank my food for giving its life for me. I am very grateful for lobster. |
People talk of "free will" but they don't practice it. If free will has any meaning or truth at all there can only be suggestions. No such thing as commandments. These are guidelines which were later called "commandments" by men who wanted more control over the flock. There is no "sin" as the term is only owned by religious doctrine to describe disobedience of God. Outside of a religious organization or belief, the word "sin" is meaningless. There is no sin. There are no commandments. There is only freedom. Freedom is paramount. This would be hell of a dream, for the lazy people. Oh, I happen to remember. There are a lot of lazy people in these days. Freedom is not the simple and mere idea of living without rules. That is known as LIBERTINAGE, at least for those who live outside of the MATRIX. Those who live in REAL LIFE follow rules. Those who live in real life choose to follow rules. And there are others who choose to dream about some sort of hologram where there are no rule. The problem is that when that hologrom breaks when the MATRIX does not work anymore, is when they face the reality, and they will say: oops we should have followed the rules. On the other hands, those naives enough to think that there are no rules are just betraying themselves because if they were no commandments why don't they kill or steal. They may say things like such as moral and ethics or whatever. However, they are so blind to see that that they call moral and ethics is the imprinted divine law which God planted in them, and they are obeying, they just don't want to accept that they are obeying the Creator. That is known as arrogance, yet they are still obeying God's law. Let them keep living in their HOLOGRAPHIC MATRIX. Let them be happy in that little box. Very truely yours, TheLonelyW@lker. |
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Fri 01/02/09 09:48 PM
Do they think the Christians are going to round up all the unbelievers and cast them into lake of gasoline? If all I do is raise questions in their minds, I have sown seeds in fertile spirit and they will take root and grow to produce good fruit. As I can only pray that I've done the same, at least, as well my friend. |
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity.... But he loves you! ...And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money!
People talk of "free will" but they don't practice it. If free will has any meaning or truth at all there can only be suggestions. No such thing as commandments. These are guidelines which were later called "commandments" by men who wanted more control over the flock. There is no "sin" as the term is only owned by religious doctrine to describe disobedience of God. Outside of a religious organization or belief, the word "sin" is meaningless. There is no sin. There are no commandments. There is only freedom. Freedom is paramount. This would be hell of a dream, for the lazy people. Oh, I happen to remember. There are a lot of lazy people in these days. Freedom is not the simple and mere idea of living without rules. That is known as LIBERTINAGE, at least for those who live outside of the MATRIX. Those who live in REAL LIFE follow rules. Those who live in real life choose to follow rules. And there are others who choose to dream about some sort of hologram where there are no rule. The problem is that when that hologrom breaks when the MATRIX does not work anymore, is when they face the reality, and they will say: oops we should have followed the rules. On the other hands, those naives enough to think that there are no rules are just betraying themselves because if they were no commandments why don't they kill or steal. They may say things like such as moral and ethics or whatever. However, they are so blind to see that that they call moral and ethics is the imprinted divine law which God planted in them, and they are obeying, they just don't want to accept that they are obeying the Creator. That is known as arrogance, yet they are still obeying God's law. Let them keep living in their HOLOGRAPHIC MATRIX. Let them be happy in that little box. Very truely yours, TheLonelyW@lker. I say let them not be happy as such and let them seek divine truth instead. I'd kind of like for ALL of us to find our respective nirvanas... Mine is not to judge, for I am a mere mortal. And mine is especially not to be satisfied or indignant about the possibility of their downfall but my heart goes out to all who even stops to question whether or not this is all that is... |
People talk of "free will" but they don't practice it. If free will has any meaning or truth at all there can only be suggestions. No such thing as commandments. These are guidelines which were later called "commandments" by men who wanted more control over the flock. There is no "sin" as the term is only owned by religious doctrine to describe disobedience of God. Outside of a religious organization or belief, the word "sin" is meaningless. There is no sin. There are no commandments. There is only freedom. Freedom is paramount. This would be hell of a dream, for the lazy people. Oh, I happen to remember. There are a lot of lazy people in these days. Freedom is not the simple and mere idea of living without rules. That is known as LIBERTINAGE, at least for those who live outside of the MATRIX. Those who live in REAL LIFE follow rules. Those who live in real life choose to follow rules. And there are others who choose to dream about some sort of hologram where there are no rule. The problem is that when that hologrom breaks when the MATRIX does not work anymore, is when they face the reality, and they will say: oops we should have followed the rules. On the other hands, those naives enough to think that there are no rules are just betraying themselves because if they were no commandments why don't they kill or steal. They may say things like such as moral and ethics or whatever. However, they are so blind to see that that they call moral and ethics is the imprinted divine law which God planted in them, and they are obeying, they just don't want to accept that they are obeying the Creator. That is known as arrogance, yet they are still obeying God's law. Let them keep living in their HOLOGRAPHIC MATRIX. Let them be happy in that little box. Very truely yours, TheLonelyW@lker. LW: You sound rather like you have an attitude. I did not say there were no laws or no rules. The laws are laws of cause and effect. No man can wield them, and no religion can lay claim to these universal (God's) laws. They are unwritten. I suggest that no man-made religion owns them. Go ahead and make your free choices. The law will teach you which ones are not so wise. It is the law of cause and effect. |
Time is wiser, and time belongs to God.
We will see. |
cause and effect
CAUSE = GOD EFFECT = CREATION (us included) |
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity.... But he loves you! ...And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money! You're only referring to the Abrahamic idea of god. Despite the fact that we live in a total judeo-christian lie machine, there are other ways of interpreting god in the western world. That just seemed a little more than closed minded, you don't sound much better than all the other religious zealots right now... |
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity.... But he loves you! ...And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money! You're only referring to the Abrahamic idea of god. Despite the fact that we live in a total judeo-christian lie machine, there are other ways of interpreting god in the western world. That just seemed a little more than closed minded, you don't sound much better than all the other religious zealots right now... I'm atheist and proud of it...thats a quote from George Carlin |
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity.... But he loves you! ...And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money! You're only referring to the Abrahamic idea of god. Despite the fact that we live in a total judeo-christian lie machine, there are other ways of interpreting god in the western world. That just seemed a little more than closed minded, you don't sound much better than all the other religious zealots right now... I'm atheist and proud of it...thats a quote from George Carlin To Mr Carlin I would have replied "I'd rather go to my nothingness with a false sense of my Creator, than to my Creator with a false sense of nothingness" |
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Fri 01/02/09 09:53 PM
You can be proud of whatever you want, but you don't have to be a **** to people who don't believe the same things as you. It's the same old game muslim extremists, the inquisition and the nazis and everyone else who uses religion as a weapon have been playing since the dawn of man. My god is bigger than your god, my void is deeper than your void, whatever.
I hate christianity myself, but fighting it is an uphill battle you can't win. If it helps people sleep at night, why poop on their parade? |