Topic: Betrayal
dbh1966's photo
Mon 12/29/08 12:32 AM
Edited by dbh1966 on Mon 12/29/08 12:34 AM
tears frustrated sad noway shocked shocked surprised waving rofl Then I moved on. Oh and the answer is yes I have been betrayed. That seems to be too nice of word for it though.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 12:46 AM

tears frustrated sad noway shocked shocked surprised waving rofl Then I moved on. Oh and the answer is yes I have been betrayed. That seems to be too nice of word for it though.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Mon 12/29/08 12:47 AM
Can violence be a solution?
Cuz I just vote to shank the person....

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 12:53 AM

Can violence be a solution?
Cuz I just vote to shank the person....

:laughing: I wish:laughing:

dbh1966's photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:00 AM
waving I will vote shank.:wink:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:12 AM

waving I will vote shank.:wink:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

dbh1966's photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:19 AM
frustrated frustrated Ok... I could never do that. Thats my daughters mother.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:24 AM

frustrated frustrated Ok... I could never do that. Thats my daughters mother.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

lilith401's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:25 AM
My ex husband is married to one of my old friends.

Double betrayal.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:30 AM

My ex husband is married to one of my old friends.

Double betrayal.
noway dangflowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:35 AM
I can't always do this right away.

But I try to remember there are two sides of the knife in betrayal.

The one the person who betrays you sharpens in stealth. I can not do as much about me so that is on them.

But the one I sharpen in fantasy that I am invincible and such a good person that my love/friendship will overcome is on me.

Trust is a metal best tested and validated by hard work and a keen eye. If you can't lay a hammer on the sword then you will eventually find it in your back.

lilith401's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:44 AM
Tell me about it....

It's a joy and a thrill to see them. Actually, they are seprated now, going to "counseling". When my ex and I went to counseling, he told me in the one and only session that he wanted a divorce.... he walked home. (I left him there)laugh

Only 35 percent of unions survive an extramarital affair.
65 percent of marriages break up because of adultery

And the failure rate for second marriages is way higher than 50%.... then add in the failure rate for marriage that start in infidelity...

Moral of Story: People get what they deserve.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:45 AM

I can't always do this right away.

But I try to remember there are two sides of the knife in betrayal.

The one the person who betrays you sharpens in stealth. I can not do as much about me so that is on them.

But the one I sharpen in fantasy that I am invincible and such a good person that my love/friendship will overcome is on me.

Trust is a metal best tested and validated by hard work and a keen eye. If you can't lay a hammer on the sword then you will eventually find it in your back.
flowerforyou So wiseflowerforyou

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:46 AM
MY X! He walked out & didnt come back! I had no car, no job & no money. I went a bit crazy for a few days, but THANKS BE to my cat & both my sons! I had friends who helped me also! At this point i guess i should thank him too, ive become a stronger woman because of it. BUT, you know what they say<"HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED"devil

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:48 AM

MY X! He walked out & didnt come back! I had no car, no job & no money. I went a bit crazy for a few days, but THANKS BE to my cat & both my sons! I had friends who helped me also! At this point i guess i should thank him too, ive become a stronger woman because of it. BUT, you know what they say<"HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED"devil

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:49 AM
TY M+M!:wink:

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:51 AM
its all good now, he just recently found out he has cancer!devil

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:58 AM

its all good now, he just recently found out he has cancer!devil
I am sure your feeings about all that are warrented... but to be glad that he has cancer? you really didn't mean it that way did you? I sure hope not... betrayal or not... and yes I have been betrayed like everyone else.. but I got over it ... she went back to living with her ex husband and is miserable now... thats good enough flowerforyou for me.

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 09:04 AM

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 09:22 AM
im a Scorpio with Taursus rising! Make me mad you get the stinger & the horns!devil I take a betrayal very seriously!pitchfork On the other hand, live in my heart & i will fiercely protect you.:heart: :heart: :heart: