Topic: Ive often wondered, Is the idea of SIN, just another Man Mad | |
Myself, as a Scientist, have spent quite a while now studing the similiarities between Great Apes and humans. Like it or not, we are very very similiar both on the molecular level and the Psychological level. The same emotional levels we have, they have. They form the same family bonds as we do, the use of tools, They have Mirrored self recognition, chimpanzees eat realitivly the same diet as we do. I could go on and on. It is very striking if you would take a look at it, we really are not all that different. So why would something be a "sin" to us, when its a normal behavior for something so geneticly similiar. It seems to me, if we were created by some all powerfull being, that would be very hypocritical of that being to put a behavior into his creation, then turn around and call in an abomination. This country sees sex in a totally backwards way from what nature intended, theres so much stigma and fear set into the idea that it is totally ridiculious and idiotic, take a look at Bonobo society, Sex is nothing but a form of communication and for reproduction. Violence is completly avoided almost entirely, because there are no stigmas or prejustice! It seems to me that the idea of sin is only a way to divide us humans into groups so fear and the feeling of inferriority can reign. We all are just apart of the world around us, the idea of supperiority and inferriority is just another man made BS story! Im not saying there is no such thing as right and wrong, Nature seems to be a good judge for that, We as humans, are just apart of everything that is around us, we are no better than any living creature on this earth, we just need to find our positive role and live it out while we are here. Nature is a wonderful guide to see where this world can go and its so arrogent to think that we are supperior to it when we are just a part of it. There has never been a case of lethal aggresion EVER DOCUMENTED in bonobo society, I WISH WE COULD SAY THE SAME FOR US HUMAN BEINGS!
we were apes tell god breathed life in to us
Your take on Bonobos is correct. Perhaps that's on reason that they lie on the verge of extinction while their cousins, the chimps, are faring much better. Good and evil are human contructs, not natural concepts. And yes, we are very hippocritical, regularly engaging in the activites we supposedly deplore. Sexual activity is highly regulated by human for two reasons: property rights and transmission of disease. People still see their spouses bodies as their property, exclusively, not to be shared with anyone else. We're very selfish creatures. Disease is a well-founded concern, yet our nature propels us to continue is risky sexual behavior that could possibly result in our death. It's all somewhat overwheming, isn't it?
USmale. What disease? Humans have protection against all deadly sexually transmitted disease, it's called condoms. Disease can easily be stopped by taking the proper precautions. The only risky sex is sex without contraceptives or protection.
Bonobos are simply going extinct because chimps are forced to interact with Bonobos because humans are interfering with their habitat. Chimps are pretty nasty creatures too. The don't have consensual sex, they literally rape each other. That doesn't mean that their peaceful lifestyle is a mute point. It simply means that less intelligent and more deadly force can eradicate any semblance of peace. I think the same holds true for humans too. For the most part we have Bonobo like people. But it's the Chimps that will be the downfall of our civilization. |