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Topic: You'll shoot your eye out
no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:09 PM
It's on! It's on!

24 hours of it

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:14 PM
oops my eye!!!!!

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:14 PM

michiganman3's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:15 PM
Lots of showings of 'A Christmas Carole' too.
But where is "Its a Wonderful Life"????

cityblues21's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:15 PM
Love that movie... LOL

keepthehope's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:17 PM
I never really cared for that movie. I don't even know why. Probably because my husband loved it, but I didn't care for it even when we were married.

I prefer White Christmas!!

misstina2's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:18 PM
I love that movie

justme659's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:21 PM

It's on! It's on!

24 hours of it

tears tears tears tears Not on my TV. I am going to miss it for the first time ever. Boo Hooo

livelife68's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:22 PM
drinker drinker drinker

bad_girl's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:23 PM
noway noway tears tears

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:24 PM
Yep, I'm old. Dangit. I don't know what the hll y'all are talkin' about.

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:26 PM

It's on! It's on!

24 hours of it

:thumbsup: winking
Gotta love it!

justme659's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:31 PM

Yep, I'm old. Dangit. I don't know what the hll y'all are talkin' about.

you are not older than me......

Its the Christmas Story. Ralphie, the leg lamp, the bunny costume and piggie, snork, snork.

misstina2's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:36 PM
when my son wanted a bbgun I said u'll shoot your eye out

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:38 PM

Yep, I'm old. Dangit. I don't know what the hll y'all are talkin' about.

you are not older than me......

Its the Christmas Story. Ralphie, the leg lamp, the bunny costume and piggie, snork, snork.

What? Where am I? Is Stallone President?

QTPIE11's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:39 PM
...the BBgun... the tongue on the flag pole...Santa ...Love that movie!love

misstina2's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:40 PM
I saw a lamp like the one in the movie in a catalog

QTPIE11's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:44 PM
Yuck on the lamp...I heard they turned the house into a museum and you could buy replicas of the stuff in the movie...:wink:

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:46 PM
Edited by Rockmybobbysocks on Wed 12/24/08 09:47 PM
i'm sooo watching this. :p

best part???

when ralphie snaps and beats up the bully... cursing all the way. hahaha

or when he can't stop petting the leg lamp. ;p

or when his friend sticks his tongue to the pole.

or when santa's an ass. AHAHAH!!

or when he says "FUDGE. but it wasn't fudge. it was the mother of all dirty words"



oh hands down...

Fah rah rah rah rah... rah... rah.. rah rah.

LOL "NO!! its not fah rah rah! its Fah La La!" lol

the duck.. its smiling at me!

Iwant2cusmile's photo
Wed 12/24/08 10:54 PM
i watch it over and over and over....and what is this? i just overheard the tv said 24 hours of santa clause 3 the escape clause, on starz family.....oh sooooooooooo original! lol

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