Topic: The Republican Party! | |
like I said a couple of weeks ago
the left is gonna howl at Obama's "betrayals" after he turns out to be a moderate centrist Democrat and it's beginning already |
like I said a couple of weeks ago the left is gonna howl at Obama's "betrayals" after he turns out to be a moderate centrist Democrat and it's beginning already |
Is it bad to filling the positions with experienced people? I do see that there is a variety of people - Dem., Repub. Females, Hispanics. experience is good if you want what they are experienced at doing if you want to change things you go for intelligence and ideas |
Don't forget! Im an Independent, but the Republican Party is just anti-american and should be disbanded! Period!!! |
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Would have been nice if you lot would have voted Ron he had a good plan, Obama has a good plan as well...but he isn't showing a lot of follow through as of late. my guess is that he won't either. I figure him for a pretty centrist Democrat. only about half the Democrats and none of the Republicans would support him in any radical agendas and he knows it the both of you. Obama's not President yet. I hope he takes a vacation before he becomes President. the both of you. Obama's not President yet.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I can't wait until he is President. ![]() ![]() ![]() If I was Michelle Id paint the green room purple just to piss them all off! |
Have you noticed something different since you came back? We have pictures. ![]() ![]() We have different colored print too. ![]() |
hi babe
hi babe Hi, Fanta. ![]() I see that you've still been working out. |
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This fits perfectly with this thread, enjoy.
International criminals Michael Hasty Online Journal Tuesday, Dec 23, 2008 There is pressure building on the incoming Obama Justice Department to somehow adjudicate the war crimes committed by the George W. Bush administration, starting at the top. The political problem is that these crimes also implicate leading Democrats, thereby rendering true justice nearly impossible. This is another compelling piece of evidence for the fact that we are living under a post-constitutional government, no longer responsible to the rule of law. If we don’t hold our leaders to the same standard of justice as the rest of America’s citizens, or any other of the world’s criminals, I don’t see how anyone could argue that this is a functioning democracy. Equality under the law is democracy’s cornerstone. But in our post-constitutional, post-Bush v. Gore age, we already know that the judiciary is just as politicized as the other two branches of government. And under a political system dominated by the military-industrial complex, there doesn’t seem to be any such thing as a war crime. Americans were torturing people in Vietnam and Korea. The officer in charge at the My Lai massacre, where hundreds of women and children died, served three years of house arrest. The defense industry protects its own, and always has. It’s hard to see how a president could get a fair verdict in this country, in any case. As David Sirota notes, “presidentialism,” which confers on that office an elevated, almost sacred character, is a basic element in America’s civil religion. We’re all brainwashed with the idea that the president is somebody who needs rows of heavily-armed storm troopers lining Pennsylvania Avenue to protect him — rather than somebody like Thomas Jefferson, who walked alone back to his rooming house to have lunch with the other boarders, after his inauguration. We’ve given the president the “emperor” status suitable to an empire. Where would you find a jury of his “peers,” outside of the establishment accessories to the crimes, like the Democrats? To spare ourselves the national agony of suffering through either the exoneration or trial of the Bush war criminals, the United States should join the International Criminal Court and turn them over to that body. The justice would be at the very least poetic, given Bush’s unrelenting opposition to the ICC. But putting Bush and company before an international tribunal would also help repair exactly the damage that was done to America’s international reputation with the barbarous scandals of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Handing the criminals over to the ICC would mean, in a way that no other action would, that this nation hereby agrees to abide by the international rule of law. It would allow America to once again take a place among civilized nations. It can also be a rallying point for those who think that we cannot have a full restoration of the rule of law in this nation without some accounting for those who led America down a very dark path. If it is politically impossible to put war criminals on trial in this country (except for low-level “bad apples” who made the mistake of filming themselves in the unfortunate act of following orders), then the only resolution is to turn them over to the international community, for the sake of justice. That’s the direction in which a President Obama needs to be led. America needs to rejoin the international community by recognizing the global jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. That act alone has the potential to mark the beginning of the end of “American exceptionalism.” It could also mean the beginning of justice for American war criminals. |
Remember what Fanta said a long time back!!
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Damn Republicans!!!
Bush didnt use the veto one time before the Dems gained a majority, if you want to call it that, it still wasnt enough to override a Presidential Veto. After the Dems gained the majority he used his veto dozens of times. Check it out if you dont believe me. To blame anything on the Dems in his 8 yr Republican dictatorship is rediculous and anyone who cant see that the Republican Party didnt seek to rule despite what the world, the other party. or the People thought are just blind. Thank God and common sense that the majority did see it before the country was beyond repair. I say disband the Republican Party and make room for the Libratarian Party. Before they figure out how to flank the sheeple and wrangle them back into their herd! it takes both parties to agree b4 it gets to the prez desk until obama gets in office the dems have enough in both houses to pass whatever they want we shall see if they abuse that power or use it for the people |
Yep, the Dems passed several bills, Bush vetoed them, and they didnt have enough of a majority to override the veto.
All the damn Republicans backed Bush. Therefore the whole Republican Party should be disbanded. If for nothing else, because they cant think for themselves even when the "People" speak against his policies. They tried to take over our gov and run it in the direction they wanted it to go despite the many voices of the people. They lied, they cheated, and they used every loop-hole available to try and accomplish their dictatorial motives. Even using Presidential powers to make it harder for anyone to stop them. Now look where we are! |
Now look where we are!
exactly where we were but with Democrats? |
Now look where we are!
exactly where we were but with Democrats? I'm beginning to be afraid you are right! ![]() ![]() |
But George was a separatist, not a Republican.
he's a uniter not a divider