Topic: The Gospil of Thomas | |
What do you know about it and what do you think it means?
I gathered that these books where found by archaelogists who deciphered that these writings where written 20 years after Jesus's death. It mentions that Jesus wasn't the Messiah but a sage or a teacher so to say. That he was a normal human being who had a tremendous amount of knowledge on philosophy and other religious practices. He used his knowledge to teach people how to live peacefully amongst each other. What are your thoughts on the Gospil of Thomas and its discoveries of the writer who wrote it at the time? |
I think that you just opened a can of worms.
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What do you know about it and what do you think it means? I gathered that these books where found by archaelogists who deciphered that these writings where written 20 years after Jesus's death. It mentions that Jesus wasn't the Messiah but a sage or a teacher so to say. That he was a normal human being who had a tremendous amount of knowledge on philosophy and other religious practices. He used his knowledge to teach people how to live peacefully amongst each other. What are your thoughts on the Gospil of Thomas and its discoveries of the writer who wrote it at the time? It is one of the gnostic texts. They are refered to as "decievers" by John. I'm not sure about tha accuracy of ehen it was written - but the time period for the Gnostics were in this period of time. It is clear though that the author is not the Apostle Thomas. |
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Sun 12/21/08 07:52 AM
Seems to be the convenience of the Christian faith, if there are any writings that differ, just call them deceivers or liars.
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Sun 12/21/08 11:27 AM
The work of Thomas's gospels comprises 114 sayings attributed to Jesus. Some of these sayings resemble those found in the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), while others were not known until its discovery. No major Christian group accepts this gospel as canonical or authoritative although it was written only a short period after Jesus's death.
I would like to know why the Christian doesn't acknowledge these writings, yet can acknowledge the others from Mathhew, Mark, Luke, and John. Was there a reason why these writings were suppressed? Was it to help gather more followers to help build Christianity because of the fear of telling the truth of what Thomas's gospels say about Jesus. That he was indeed only a sage or teacher and not the messiah like many still believe in todays society. Many modern scholars believe that the Gospel of Thomas was written independently of the New Testament, and therefore, is a useful guide to historical Jesus research. |
What do you know about it and what do you think it means?
It's proof positive that there were multiple rumors of Jesus in those days. ![]() Just like I've always said. ![]() I think it's clear evidence that the so-called "Holy Bible" is probably not so "Holy" after all. It's far more likely to be the writings of men who were trying to using Jesus as a dead marionette doll to prop up their failing religion. I have total confidence that this is the case. The Old Testament can't possible be the word of any divine being anyway. The Burning Times are proof positive of that. As well as a myriad of other obvious reasons. So any writings that claim that Jesus was the Son of the God of Abraham must necessarily be fabricated lies. Therefore the Gospel of Thomas may indeed be far more credible than the so-called "Holy" bible. |
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Sun 12/21/08 09:46 PM
What do you know about it and what do you think it means? I gathered that these books where found by archaelogists who deciphered that these writings where written 20 years after Jesus's death. It mentions that Jesus wasn't the Messiah but a sage or a teacher so to say. That he was a normal human being who had a tremendous amount of knowledge on philosophy and other religious practices. He used his knowledge to teach people how to live peacefully amongst each other. What are your thoughts on the Gospil of Thomas and its discoveries of the writer who wrote it at the time? Depends on whom someone want to believe in, Smiless. ![]() I mean.... God WON'T Force ANYONE to Believe on HIM or HIS Word. Remember..God gave man a FREE WILL. And btw.....there are many books written out there.... and there are even many false christs out there. BUT Smiless? I can tell you what WILL happen , WHEN MAN DOES SEEK THE TRUTH WITH HIS WHOLE HEART..... AND THEN FINDS THE TRUTH. SMILESS..... WHEN MAN FINDS THE REAL Truth.... WHO IS JESUS HIMSELF.... JESUS Himself, will THEN step into that man's heart..... by way of GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT... and CONFIRM to that man, that HE indeed IS..... THE WAY THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE!!! THAT IS WHY, WHEN MAN FINALLY DOES FINDS THE TRUTH..... HE NO LONGER IS SEARCHING.... CAUSE HE HAS FINALLY FOUND WHAT HIS HUNGRY HEART HAS BEEN SEARCHING FOR!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() THAT MAN IS FINALLY AT PEACE.... CAUSE HE IS MADE COMPLETE IN CHRIST...CAUSE CHRIST JESUS FILLED THAT EMPTY VOID IN HIM. AND BTW...ONLY JESUS CAN FILL THAT EMPTY HOLE, PLACE IN EVERY MAN'S SOUL BY GOD HIMSELF..SO MAN WILL SEEK GOD. BUT WHEN MAN TRULY SEEKS GOD.... (GOD LOOKS FOR SINCERE HEARTS.... AND SEEKS AFTER THOSE WHO TRULY SEEK AFTER HIM... GOD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUS ABOUT SEEKING GOD..) GOD ALSO STEPS IN, WHEN HE SEES A SINCERE HEART SEEKING HIM....... AND WILL DRAW THAT MAN UNTO HIM...... UNTIL HE BRINGS THAT MAN SAFELY HOME.....BACK INTO FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE FATHER...AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The work of Thomas's gospels comprises 114 sayings attributed to Jesus. Some of these sayings resemble those found in the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), while others were not known until its discovery. No major Christian group accepts this gospel as canonical or authoritative although it was written only a short period after Jesus's death. I would like to know why the Christian doesn't acknowledge these writings, yet can acknowledge the others from Mathhew, Mark, Luke, and John. Was there a reason why these writings were suppressed? Was it to help gather more followers to help build Christianity because of the fear of telling the truth of what Thomas's gospels say about Jesus. That he was indeed only a sage or teacher and not the messiah like many still believe in todays society. Many modern scholars believe that the Gospel of Thomas was written independently of the New Testament, and therefore, is a useful guide to historical Jesus research. The BIBLE POINTS THE WAY TO JESUS ..... ALL THE WAY THRU THE BIBLE... FROM BEGINNINMG TO END. NO OTHER BOOK MENTIONS A SAVIOUR. NOR ANY OTHER RELIGION . EXCEPT THE BIBLE ONLY. (and btw, christianity was never meant to be turned into a religion , cause Christianity is not about joIning a religion.... but , is about joining JESUS.) JESUS is the MEDIATOR between man and God ..... and JESUS is the ONLY WAY for man to be able to Come back into RELATIONSHIP and FELLOWSHIP with God. JESUS CLOSES THE BREACH THAT SIN CAUSED.... AND JESUS RESTORES MAN BACK INTO FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD ONCE MORE. ALSO..THRU ACCEPTING CHRIST JESUS, MAN IS MADE WHOLE.....COMPLETE....ONCE MORE. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(and btw, christianity was never
meant to be turned into a religion , cause Christianity is not about joIning a religion.... but , is about joining JESUS.) I think this the way most Christains who check the checkbox marked "Christianity" actually feel. The religion true has expired. All that's left are people who check the checkbox and denounce the religion. ![]() |
You may have heard the nickname "doubting Thomas".It was named because Thomas refused to believe Jesus was the messiah even after they crucified him.Thomas said the only way he would believe is if he was able to put his finger through the hole in hand.Jesus did appear and with out Thomas asking,Jesus said "Thomas put your finger in the hole".Thomas never did because he knew Jesus was the messiah after that.Because Thomas was the most doubtful in the end he was probably the most faithful after the incident.
The idea that a God would use 'belief' in a story as the criteria to be 'saved' is an asinine idea to begin with.
Any mere mortal can see the flaw in such a system of 'judgment'. Belief clearly has nothing to do with morality, yet that's what this God supposedly originally started out caring about. Now he supposedly doesn't give a hoot about morality, all he cares about is that you believe that Jesus was his son? That's a totally asinine concept to begin with. Why would God place good people at risk just because they might not believe an utterly absurd story? Clearly the whole concept is ungodly. The only possible explanation is that men created this myth to try to scare people into following their authoritative religion. They told the people that if they don't believe in the doctrine of the religion they will go to hell and the people were stupid enough to believe them! I would hope that modern day people would have grown a bit wiser since those dark ages. But apparently not. ![]() |
Abra what on earth would you do with your time if the Christians didn't talk to you?
Abra what on earth would you do with your time if the Christians didn't talk to you? I thought you already did boycott me. ![]() I see you're still talking to me. ![]() I just post for the masses. I'm out to save people from Christianity. ![]() Don't mind me, I'm just bouncing off your thoughts for anyone who cares to read the ponderings. ![]() I'm not trying to save you. Carry on. I actually prefer the boycott. ![]() |
No I boycotted Krisma but as you wish I will not respond to your posts.
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Mon 12/22/08 02:22 AM
When we Love God, We Love Everyone. And Our Hearts Will Not Allow Us to Boycott Anyone. But if we CAN Boycott someone, then That can ONLY happen, because something has "STOPPED UP THE FLOW of GOD'S LOVE" in our hearts. Usually some kind of "Blockage" there. That is why it is Important for All Christians to do a Daily Checkup....from the Neckup. Myself Included. ![]() See.....although our Spirit man is brand spanking new... we still have that ole stinkin thinking, (the soulish area of man is not born again...just the spirit of man) , trying to still rear it's old ugly head.... usually because something is blocking God's flow of Love from our heart, to the head.... and that blockage could be caused by suppressed anger towards someone.. or unforgivness.... or unconfessed sin in our lives.... or.. it could simply be caused by not renewing our minds daily with the Word of God. But ,When we clear up the blockage, or start renewing our minds again on a daily basis.... THEN God's Love is able to start Flowing again... pure and beautiful.... and will once more Flow straight from the heart of God... to our hearts.... and then can't help but Overflow onto everyone else's hearts, too. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To get a picture from a more historical perspective try this web site. If there is doubt about its content, read what other scholars of history say about the times and about the Apostles. If one can envision what the major influences were to Jesus and the Apostles, it becomes clear just how far off base the Christian religion has run. It's really too bad, because I admire the kinds of values the early eastern religions placed on humanity. Viewing Jesus and the Apostles through the eyes of what influenced them,(India's tradational & often mystical, lifestyles and beliefs) The whole concept of what Jesus and the Apostles stood for makes so much more sense. Many scholars argue that Thomas was the only Apostle to maintain the original views - it was through his skepticism (both revered and rebuked, by Jesus) that Thomas may have been the only Apostle to continue with the actual message that Jesus taught. It was not Christianity, it was adherance to the ancient Eastern mystical traditional values. |
If one can envision what the major influences were to Jesus and the Apostles, it becomes clear just how far off base the Christian religion has run. I know. Christianity is about as anti-Jesus as you can get. Even in the demented twisted gospels of the Bible they didn't do a very good job of hiding Jesus' disagreement with their original religion. But then they knew that they had no choice. If they didn't include the real views of Jesus no one would have beleived it because the truth of Jesus was too well-known. Even as much as they retained they still had to shove the religion down the throats of the masses by threat of death or harm to anyone who questioned their "Holy Bible". I can't believe how modern day people can't see the farce in all of this. Once they buy into the idea that the Bible is the word of God, they're done for because that leaves them no choice left but to defend the book at all cost, thinking they are standing up for God. It's a seriously devastating brainwashing scheme. Fortunately it is dying out. The 'organized' religion is all but dead. All that truly exists anymore are a bunch of individuals trying to have 'personal relationship' with Jesus. That's not going to last very far into this new millennium, especially with the paganistic religions growing exponentially, so for all intents and purposes all we are seeing today is the last gasp of a dead horse. Thank God! ![]() |
What do you know about it and what do you think it means? I gathered that these books where found by archaelogists who deciphered that these writings where written 20 years after Jesus's death. It mentions that Jesus wasn't the Messiah but a sage or a teacher so to say. That he was a normal human being who had a tremendous amount of knowledge on philosophy and other religious practices. He used his knowledge to teach people how to live peacefully amongst each other. What are your thoughts on the Gospil of Thomas and its discoveries of the writer who wrote it at the time? ![]() |
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Tue 12/23/08 09:34 AM
I just watched a Documentary last night on Sundance called Jesus in India in which they quoted The Gospel of Thomas several times.
The filmmakers interviewed a spokesperson from the Vatican questioning Vatican/Roman-Catholic denial of any "valid" information available regarding the gap in scriptural documentation regarding Jesus' life and travels between the approximate ages of 17 and 30. The Vatican's response was essentially that ONLY the information documented by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John was to be considered valid. According to what is presented in this particular Documentary, Hindu text states that Jesus traveled to Kashmir and other areas of India (including the Himalayas) to study Eastern Religion for many of those so-called lost years. Eastern Religion emphasizes looking within. The Gospels of Thomas also suggest a turning inward to the God within and the Light within. This might seem to dilute the hold that the Holy Trinity concept would have on the faithful. To some, the Holy Trinity could be viewed as an idea created out of an agenda to further subvert Christians into a more defined and manageable following. In this scenario, Roman-Catholic denial of any validity to The Gospels of Thomas, would seem only logical. |
If one can envision what the major influences were to Jesus and the Apostles, it becomes clear just how far off base the Christian religion has run. I know. Christianity is about as anti-Jesus as you can get. Even in the demented twisted gospels of the Bible they didn't do a very good job of hiding Jesus' disagreement with their original religion. But then they knew that they had no choice. If they didn't include the real views of Jesus no one would have beleived it because the truth of Jesus was too well-known. Even as much as they retained they still had to shove the religion down the throats of the masses by threat of death or harm to anyone who questioned their "Holy Bible". I can't believe how modern day people can't see the farce in all of this. Once they buy into the idea that the Bible is the word of God, they're done for because that leaves them no choice left but to defend the book at all cost, thinking they are standing up for God. It's a seriously devastating brainwashing scheme. Fortunately it is dying out. The 'organized' religion is all but dead. All that truly exists anymore are a bunch of individuals trying to have 'personal relationship' with Jesus. That's not going to last very far into this new millennium, especially with the paganistic religions growing exponentially, so for all intents and purposes all we are seeing today is the last gasp of a dead horse. Thank God! ![]() How beautiful this world will be when this issue transcends mere tolerance of differing religions and shifts into an equal, mutual embracing of all religions for each religion's respective underlying intention for peace and unity. No matter how much mankind argues or goes to war over differences... don't we all wish for internal peace? Doesn't being in conflict with any other person over opposing ideas/beliefs reflect some degree of lack of peace with self? Perhaps all of mankind is finally ready to truly wish, in every fiber of its being, for peace for every last living soul on this planet. If not today, perhaps sometime soon. |