Topic: Police Get The Wrong House | |
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Sat 12/20/08 01:28 PM
ha!! welcome to Texas
say "yes sir" and "no sir" and hope to get out with your life and when the cop calls you "boy" you don't say anything back. they don't like it when you get uppity don't forget 20 years ago it was life in prison for possesion of one joint in Texas |
Everything is bigger in Texas!!!!
Then the arguement should be on who is passing the laws and what is proper conduct and respect for their position..I do not stand for any Police officer that is operating oustide of the specific code of conduct, but things aren't always as they seem.
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Sat 12/20/08 02:08 PM
Wait!!! You already have said gods law in another thread!! We should not do anything until god judges them! Make up your mind. Is it the law of god or the law of man!
Whatever comes in more handy, and fills his needs better I suppose.
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this thing is f@#$king ridiculous and I smell coverup.I'm sure a little street justice will be meted out to the three cops involved.
You need to go back and re-read my other thread posting, I never said that we should wait, and never said that Gods laws are what this country should follow, I said that in moral issues, and sin issues, God is big enough to take care of those things..the bible teaches to respect the laws of the land as long as they don't oppose our basic belief. If you are going to accuse of wrong or mixed messages, please double check first.
"this thing is f@#$king ridiculous and I smell coverup.I'm sure a little street justice will be meted out to the three cops involved." And you wonder why police officers feel threatened all the time..this is a perfect example of a lack of respect for what they do..not all are bad, and just because the media spins it this way doesn't mean it is always that way...when money and lawsuits are involved and lots of it, perspectives change.. |
Edited by
Sat 12/20/08 02:47 PM
You need to go back and re-read my other thread posting, I never said that we should wait, and never said that Gods laws are what this country should follow, I said that in moral issues, and sin issues, God is big enough to take care of those things..the bible teaches to respect the laws of the land as long as they don't oppose our basic belief. If you are going to accuse of wrong or mixed messages, please double check first. "this thing is f@#$king ridiculous and I smell coverup.I'm sure a little street justice will be meted out to the three cops involved." And you wonder why police officers feel threatened all the time..this is a perfect example of a lack of respect for what they do..not all are bad, and just because the media spins it this way doesn't mean it is always that way...when money and lawsuits are involved and lots of it, perspectives change.. |
Twist and turn as you may, but these are moral issues like right and wrong..maybe a new concept to you, but for most of us it is pretty simple..but of course it was written that the simplicity of the gospels would confound even the WISE...must be you He was talking about huh??
Laws have been passed to kill babies, this does not affect or impinge on your right to do that, just as my belief that it is wrong does not impinge on your right to kill them...simple enough??? or do I need to explain it again?? |
Twist and turn as you may, but these are moral issues like right and wrong..maybe a new concept to you, but for most of us it is pretty simple..but of course it was written that the simplicity of the gospels would confound even the WISE...must be you He was talking about huh?? Laws have been passed to kill babies, this does not affect or impinge on your right to do that, just as my belief that it is wrong does not impinge on your right to kill them...simple enough??? or do I need to explain it again?? |
oh for nazi germany policy again
how could we ever survive with out that --------------- if no cause is proven against a 12yo prostitute accusation they should suffer the full extent of the system and then double it they are the enforcer of the law anytime they break it they should get double the penalty |
adj..if that is the case and a jury of their peer..regular citizens determine that they were wrong and broke the law..then yes, they should suffer twice the penalty for breaking the law from a positon of arguement here.
adj..if that is the case and a jury of their peer..regular citizens determine that they were wrong and broke the law..then yes, they should suffer twice the penalty for breaking the law from a positon of arguement here. i have no respect for cops that are bad at there job and my son is a cop i looked him in the eye and told him straight out never forget what is in the constitution because i do not want to have to go to war against you just so you know where i am coming from |
The law is for protection, not the people, rules are rules and any fool can see we don't need no 12 year old girls scaring desent folks like you and me, no siry. How was that 12 year old girl scaring anybody? |
I wish that each of you that hate police officers could walk in their job for a see what they deal with every night..I don't know all the facts in this case, and if they acted outside of the guidlines, then they should be punished. Taking a snapshot of this and listening to the spin of people that are biased, make it difficult sometimes to see things as they are..not as they seem. |