Topic: Daily Spiritual Tarot Card Reading | |
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Thu 01/15/09 07:59 AM
Spiritual Tarot reading for January 15, 2009, Thursday.
Card drawn: THE DEVIL This card personifies temptation, burdens, restrictions, choices, and misdirection. It is the opposite of the magician card's energy in that it is one of a weak will. It reflects belief in the surface rather than in the inner truth of a situation. Limits, boundaries, and being a slave to desires overpower innate good judgment. The Devil represents your own fears, he is the path of least resistance. You believe that you can't do anything that you're powerless to exert control over your life. In order to escape his bondage, you must alter your thoughts and actions. It is time you realized that the chains that hold you can be removed at will. Note the use of "removed at will." I have said that the magician card represents the power of the will. The Devil represents the weak will that has allowed itself to be bound with the chains of the material life and its problems. In most "Devil" tarot cards you will see a picture of a man and a woman bound in chains. When I draw this card it is a reminder that I do have the power of will, and that I am not a slave to the material world and its problems unless I allow it. The Devil card reminds me to take charge of my thoughts and to think the thoughts that will take me in the direction I want to go. It says "Change negative thinking to positive thinking." THE SPIRITUAL READING SAYS: Your transformation begins the moment you affirm your intention to cast out negative energies and replace them with positive thoughts and actions. Empowerment: Refuse to relinquish control of your own life. So I do not fret when the Devil shows up in a reading. I know what the message and advice is. Use the power of your will to direct your life. Don't fall back into negative thought patterns. Keep on your positive path. Each morning affirm your positive intentions and do everything that day in the direction of that goal. Be the magician. HERE ARE SOME OTHER DESIGNS FOR THE DEVIL CARD WE WERE EXPERIMENTING WITH. ---- ---- |
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Fri 01/16/09 02:43 PM
Spiritual Tarot reading for January 16, 2009, Thursday.
Card drawn: THE STAR Once again I draw the star. It has been drawn before in this thread so my question was why today? What is going on that I needed to write about the star again? With this question, I draw another card for the answer. Second card drawn: Three of swords. ----- The star is a message that tells us "Everything will be all right, you are not alone! Have faith, have hope, it will all be for the better!" It is a great card to draw when you are worried or depressed about something. It tells you to have faith. The Three of Swords, in answer to my question tells me that someone has had their heart broken. It is about loss and disappointment. The news hurts. Intense feelings take their toll and cause you deep distress. The advice is to take some time out to pamper yourself at a health or resort or spa. Do something to make yourself look and feel beautiful. The message of the star tell you that your life will achieve wholeness and everything will work out the way it should. The star fulfills promises and brings good fortune in general. So if this message is for you, you will know. |
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Sun 01/18/09 07:36 PM
Spiritual Tarot reading for January 18, 2009, Sunday
Card drawn: Six of Cups You recall the warmth and safety you found in your childhood beliefs and family rituals. This could lead you back to the church or synagogue of your youth or on to the new beliefs and rituals through the study of mythology and the Old Religion. It is a day to revive, recycle, reuse. You find current answers in forgotten skills, old dreams, and unlived fantasies. |
Monday, January 19, 2009
TODAY I SIMPLY ASKED FOR ADVICE AND CUT THE DECK: CARD DRAWN: KNIGHT OF CUPS The Knight of Cups follows the path of his heart. Therefore, the advice for today is to follow your heart. The heart is very often your instinct but if in doubt, follow your feeling and your heart. That is my advice today. Listen to your heart. |
Spiritual Tarot reading for January 20, 2009, Tuesday
Card drawn: Queen of Pentacles Queens represent female energy, the yin, the receptive qualities of the inner self, the female influence in society and in our lives. They will often appear when you approach the completion of a relationship, a project, a job, a pregnancy. As people, queens are mature women who have confronted the duality in themselves, incorporated it into who and what they are, and now enjoy the wisdom their knowledge has brought them. They represent mothers, wives, mistresses or lovers, sisters, bosses and coworkers and friends. The Queen of Pentacles is the Empress in her guise as Mother Earth and represents the procreative, nurturing and protective aspect of motherhood. She rules her home and office with equal efficiency. She's infinitely practical, a go-getter, and may be an artist, writer, actress, dancer or business executive. SPIRITUAL READING: You enter a spiritually rich period of your life, in which your intuition and your reason work beautifully together. Everything seems to be clicking into place. EMPOWERMENT: You will find it very rewarding to use your wealth and abilities to empower yourself and others. |
for Jeannie & her cards
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Wed 01/21/09 07:49 AM
Spiritual Tarot reading for January 21, 2009, Wednesday
Card drawn: Seven of Cups The energy of this card is daydreaming and fantasy. It shows a woman sitting back letting her mind wander and think about her many choices and paths she could take. SPIRITUAL MEANING: The mysticism and idealism of this seven recalls the diversity of the many paths of New Age philosophy. You sample and explore everything; dreams, out of body experiences, meditation, yoga, candle magic, tarot, astrology, runes, aromatherapy, crystal healing. You derive a different type of spiritual nourishment from each of these. Manifest your dreams by using creative visualization to focus on specific goals and bring them into physical reality. The advice of this card is that until you pick one of your alternatives and begin working with it, all your dreams and ideas remain just castles in the air. Beneath your confusion and indecision lies an abundance of innovative energy and ideas to be released. You need to make a choice and should devote much care and consideration to making it. What you desire most may be right under your nose, just waiting to be noticed. Your subconscious mind will alert you where to find what you want as soon as you tell it what you want and desire by directing your thought towards it. Decide and then think about what you truly want. The universe is abundant. Your unconsciou mind is waiting for your order. |
Snap!!!! sometimes it takes an outside voice to clarify things,,,thanks jean. I had been hitting the mark with the I-Ching and Tarot Counsels for others in the last month, but when i would go to do my own the confusion i would feel afterwards felt like a brick wall. A choice to made. strange dreams, things in motion that i could not see. I had all these pieces but i couldn't form the picture till today. I'll try to explain by showing how everything came together. As you know i live in a nursing and this frustrates me to no end. A life of seclusion,stagnation and isolation. These were all in the cards but the confusion festered in the layouts when the cards would suggest a choice or realization to be made and events in motion that i had no control over or did not understand. I had been having vivid dreams about meeting with people, a female sculptor, a what looked like a 16th century cartographer, a group of crafters, people whose trades were art and creation. Carrying on conversations with these individuals like we had known each other my entire life, then it would hit me, wait where am i and who are you? The second i had that thought the reality i was experiencing was slipped away like a whispher. I would awake to find myself grasping for details that just instant before that were so vivid and clear. Names, places, things i read and other very specific details were gone but the feelings, thoughts and personifications were still there. There was an urge welling up but i did not know what it was. I felt i needed to get out and clear my head, so some my friends Carol and Josh offered to let me hang out with them for a couple days if i helped them move some furniture. My friend carol suddenly decides we should go to hobby lobby. She had easel given to her by her father and with brushes but lacked the paint. So i went with them to offer my aid and advice about painting and the supplies she was selecting. The next day we watched a documentary we found on netflix about a four year old abstract painter named Marla. It was a documentary called my daughter can paint that. Just stumbled across it you might say when we were scrolling through selections off netflix. We move the furniture last night and went out to buffalo wild wing s for dinner and to play video texas hold em poker. The number seven kept appearing in the flop and even in pairs. The worst you hand you can play in the game is when you have a seven and two as your cards. Yet here if anybody had those cards they would be getting three or four of a kind and in one hand it would have been a full house with three sevens and a pair of twos. The icing on the cake came when a couple of the girls running the bar were asking all us guys playing what we do for a living and were flirting with guys to get them to order more drinks from them. They got to me and said, " You must be the shy, quiet silent type out of the group. Seven guys up here playing poker and your the only one not drinking or talking. So what is your story, what do you do for a living?" In a moment of blatant frustrated honesty i replied, " Nothing and I live in a nursing home and don't drink becuase i am very sick." Their response summed every females response to that kind of honesty, " Really? Oh ok." So i had been sitting up nite thinking about all this when i decided to check the forums. Seven of Cups like a slap in the face. It all just came together. Every word you said sums it up perfectly. All the pieces fit. My want to honest and open through art and the desire in me to want do an art show. It was my deepest need to express, create and share my entire life. Ironically since i was diagonsed at the age of seven with diabetes i have felt repressed and it drove me to the arts as an outlet. It was under my nose the whole time, I have been needing to do this. I had to empty my cup to see the desired that needed to be filled. My need to get out there, share and let people see what i see through my art. I hope i don't sound like jim carrey did in the number 23 movie. But its been there all along, right there in front of me. It is the realization of it all, all the elements, numbers, the pieces and events. Chaos that has a design, the truth that i have been seeking, desiring to express has been in play all along, both a part of me and manifesting itself in way i could have never imagined myself saying i would have the evidence to show.
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Thu 01/22/09 07:20 AM
I am glad this card brought some meaning to you. I did not think it was for me because recently it has become very clear what I want and I am moving towards that goal. The time for daydreaming about it is over. I am no the path and it feels good. Good luck in what you do. Don't let your mind hold you back. Think about where you want to be, not where you are. |
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Thu 01/22/09 07:32 AM
January 22, 2009 Card Drawn:FOUR OF WANDS I believe I have drawn this card in this thread or the other one, but I guess I should proceed with the reading anyway as the message is probably needed by me or someone reading. The energy of this card is friends and great happiness and the buzz words I gave it are : "The support of the court." In your kingdom, you will find that your friends (your court) supports you in whatever you do. The foundations you have laid are solid and they see you through virtually everything you decide to do. Your belief system may not be like everyone else's but it serves you well. Rejoice in your happiness and in every moment and direct your moments with your thoughts which instruct your unconscious mind where to take you. |
January 23, 2009 Friday Card Drawn: Six of Wands Known as the victory Card. You have overcome all obstacles, triumph is nearly upon you. With a combination of persistence, intelligence, and clear vision, you achieve your cherished dream. Welcome this card. In a regular reading, it means that in spite of problems or delays you have experienced, you win. It portends vindication and reward for your hard work. Whatever it brings, you have earned it through drive, ambition, desire and belief in your own abilities. Once I asked the cards how I would do in a local art contest I had entered. Then I drew this card. I went to the art show awards ceremony and discovered that I had won first place, best of show, the people’s choice award, and the merchants award. These were all the top awards you could possibly win for a single painting. Then, to top that off, I won the best door prize which was a small oil painting kit. This is the card of victory. SPIRITUAL READING: Your spiritual program, whatever it is, shows tangible results. During your daily meditation you begin to receive the answers you need. Your attempts at lucid dreaming or out-of-body travel pay off. Your psychic abilities are accelerated. You radiate contentment and well-being. You learn an important lesson about yourself and it gives you incite into other people. You successfully resist temptation and see it for what it is. |
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Sat 01/24/09 01:44 PM
January 24, 2009 Saturday Card Drawn: Ace of Pentacles The heart of your spiritual power is gratitude. It puts you directly in touch with your higher power. With that gratitude love flows naturally and good things gravitate towards you and yours. Personal thoughts about gratitude: If one has gratitude in their heart, they will not feel resentful, cheated, impatient, irritated. Gratitude is the feeling that melts negativity and opens the door to love and appreciation for all that you have. Open your prayers, begin your day with thoughts and thanks of gratitude and God is with you, next to you, guiding you in the right direction. For those who do not relate to the idea of God, try feeling gratitude anyway and see how that attitude changes the way you relate to people and they to you. It is almost like magic. The feeling of gratitude will squash negativity. |
((( Jb ))))
I just want to say I have enjoyed reading your daily enlightments,, and as I may not post,, Please don't stop,,,, Namaste Mom |
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Sat 01/24/09 04:52 PM
Thank you (((Lamom.))) I was just wondering if I should continue as it does not seem that too many are reading them.
I decided to just do it anyway, even if no one is reading because it is a way for me to develop a habit and to learn to read cards better. It also gives me an outlet for expressing the feelings I get from the cards and their meanings. Most of the time I can relate to them on a personal level. jb |
someday, I might ask you to draw one for me, if not, I hope you are not offended. Smiles.
someday, I might ask you to draw one for me, if not, I hope you are not offended. Smiles. Why would I be offended? |
someday, I might ask you to draw one for me, if not, I hope you are not offended. Smiles. Why would I be offended? I apologize, I made an assumption without proper thinking behind it. I'm sorry, my mind was somewhere else when I wrote it, not a bad place, when I said I hope it does not offend you if I do not ask, I meant that in kindness, in other words, I respect what it is you do and I would not wish to offend you by seeming to be rude, by not asking. Call me timid if you like, or maybe, a bit nervous to ask. I think many are nervous to see such things. I for one, am at a stage in my life, when such things hold great wieght as you can see now. smiles, thank you for responding. |
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Sun 01/25/09 08:24 AM
You are welcome lilwick86. You are a delicate flower like the picture you display. Thank you for reminding me that there are many impressionable and delicate flowers in the garden and one should walk with care and kindness in dealing with others. You have been my teacher this in this precious moment. |
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Sun 01/25/09 08:36 AM
January 25, 2009 Saturday Card Drawn: Ace of Swords The ace of swords in a normal reading is the energy of the person who fights for a cause, battles for what they believe in or rushes to save the damsel in distress. But for the Spiritual reading it gives us some advice, which is the perfect advice I needed to day as I got up a little grumpy and impatient and disgusted with the clutter on my desk. ***** The advice from the Knight of swords is that impatience works against you. It tells you to slow down and take time to process what is going on around you in a calm clear headed manner. Its direction is to listen to your heart not your mind, because the mind is loud. My mind this morning was complaining loudly as my inner nag yelled at me to get this clutter cleaned up and began thinking about all I needed to get done today. Slow down. Take things one at a time and focus on the task before you in a patient and calm manner. Do your chores with love and gratitude today and they will proceed smoothly. |