Topic: Free Will | |
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Tue 01/13/09 05:41 PM
Maybe you're destiny is to forever be learning and struggling. Maybe that's what you want.
HOPEFULLY... My "destiny" is what I make of it. I am a creator. I love creating things. I will learn to create. I will enjoy challenges. I will rest when I decide. I think we are free to choose what we will do and learn to find joy in our existence. I find joy in creating. I think where ever you are, finding joy is an important purpose. |
You are telling it like you think it is. It is a perception.
Touché. And you don't do this? ![]() Actually I'm not claiming anything is like this. I'm just offering a possibility. ![]() You are right, it didn't, you just decided to agree with the majority of people who complain and whine about the human condition, which only perpetuates that perception, helping to create and maintain that condition.
I'm suggesting that life gets better after death. ![]() Think positive! ![]() Why are you trying to turn that into something negative. ![]() That was your conclusion, not mine. I never made that claim.
My claim is simple. When you die, you don't suddenly have access to all knowledge. You don't suddenly have the power of a god. You are only kidding yourself if you think that. Why not Jeannie? We're all kidding ourselves by guessing in the first place. So why not guess big? Why limit your guesses to mundane guesses? ![]() Can you even control your dreams? Can you consistently have lucid dreams and control everything in them? If not, you will not be able to use your thoughts to create or control anything in the spirit worlds.
I used to be able to do this quite naturally to a fair degree in the past. Unfortunately that ability seems to have slipped away. I'm currently studying methods of shamanism in an attempt to regain that wonderful skill. In fact, the very idea that I once had this ability quite naturally and then lost it seems to fly in the face of the idea that we are on some kind of progressive learning curve. Of course, I confess that before it just happened pretty much naturally without a lot of discipline on my part. Now I'm having to learn how to take control with more focused intent. I'm getting pretty good at drumming anyway. ![]() Do you think that when you die you will suddenly have the power to control your thoughts after refusing to learn that skill while here in this reality?
I don't feel that I have refused to control my thoughts in this life. Where do you come up with that nonsense? ![]() I think I've always controlled my thoughts quite well, thank you. In fact, I'm currently studying on how to improve that very art. You jump to far too many unwarranted conclusions. |
Edited by
Tue 01/13/09 07:10 PM
Now I'm having to learn how to take control with more focused intent.
And you stated, "why learn anything?" Why not Jeannie?
We're all kidding ourselves by guessing in the first place. So why not guess big? Why limit your guesses to mundane guesses? ![]() If guesses are all they are, (which you seem to believe,) then dream away. I am just attempting to be practical and reason things out. I have some strange idea that there is a basic order and truth to the worlds above and below and that is what I seek. I don't think I am being negative at all. I wouldn't expect to solve all my problems in this world by running away from them, I don't expect to solve all my problems of this life by dieing and going to the next world either. That is because I believe the truth that you cannot run away from your problems because they reside within you. You cannot run away from yourself. Everywhere you go..... guess what? THERE YOU ARE. I don't feel that I have refused to control my thoughts in this life.
Where do you come up with that nonsense? ![]() I think I've always controlled my thoughts quite well, thank you. In fact, I'm currently studying on how to improve that very art. You jump to far too many unwarranted conclusions. I don't jump to conclusions. I believe the things you post. I take you at your word. You express somewhat negative outlook on your life and the human condition in general. Perhaps you believe these negative attitudes will create positive things or attract the things you want in your life. If you do you are mistaken. Perhaps, as you say, you are in the process of learning how to make it better. how to think better thoughts. But then, in another breath, you ask me "Why learn anything?" When you leave this world you will not take any material possessions with you. All you will take with you is what you are and what you have become and what you have learned. By our experience here, we will change. But perhaps you do not believe that. I believe we constantly learn, change and grow and pursue our chosen purpose in this life, and the next... and the next. |
And you stated, "why learn anything?"
I was speaking about spirit, and I made that perfectly clear. Obviously you didn't understand my position. I wouldn't expect to solve all my problems in this world by running away from them, I don't expect to solve all my problems of this life by dieing and going to the next world either.
I've learned better than to fall for clichés. Some problems are best solved by relocation. I did not enjoy living in the city where I was raised. It was not my choice to live in the city, I was born into it. One day I wised up and moved to the country. It was the best choice I ever made in my life. Sometimes 'running' from a problem is precisely the correct solution. Standing around and putting up with it would be stupid. Same thing would go for battered wives too I imagine. The best solution is to run from the problem as far as as fast as they can! Running from problems is often the best possible solution. You express somewhat negative outlook on your life and the human condition in general.
All I've said is that this world is strongly competitive-based. And it most certainly is. I confess this isn't my cup of tea. I also pointed out that it doens't need to be this way. In fact, I even conceded that there are pockets of cooperative-based societies that have proven that cooperative-based living can indeed work. Then I proposed that a spirit world can exist that is cooperative based. You seem to have a problem with that. ![]() I don't see any problem with it. And I don't see where your proposal is any better at all. On the contrary you seem to be suggesting that the competitive-based nature of the world should be preserved into the spirit world. Why bother? I mean, you seem to believe in reincarnation and spirit, yet you believe that every life (spirit or otherwise) is just going to be more of the same. Why then should we have such short lifespans? ![]() Why not just create physical bodies that last for eons? Or like Red suggested why even bother with the spirit side of things at all if that's the case? It's just more of the same. I feel that there are very valid reason why we should believe that the spirit world should be dramatically different from the incarnations. My theory on the reason that life is so short is so that we can get out of incarnations rather quickly without having to commit suicide. ![]() Seriously. Just like in the real world. Who would want to go see a movie that is much more than a few hours long? My hypothesis would be compatible with our short lifespans. Your hypothesis would actually do better if we lived for thousands of years inside the incarnation. Therefore my theory is probably right, and your theory is probably wrong. ![]() |
And I don't see where your proposal is any better at all. On the contrary you seem to be suggesting that the competitive-based nature of the world should be preserved into the spirit world.
If you believe that is what I have ever suggested then you have not been reading or paying attention to my posts. It is only the creative mind that succeeds in any universe. The competitive mind will always loose in the end. From the book (my Bible) "Science of getting rich" by Wallace D. Wattles: "You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now." "Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory and permanent; they are yours to-day, and another's tomorrow. Remember, if you are to become rich in a scientific and certain way, you must rise entirely out of the competitive thought." " that moment you drop into the competitive mind, and your power to cause creation is gone for the time being; and what is worse, you will probably arrest the creative movements you have already instituted." |
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Tue 01/13/09 08:30 PM
And you stated, "why learn anything?"
I was speaking about spirit, and I made that perfectly clear. Obviously you didn't understand my position. What do you think you are? You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are what you are ... no matter where you are, no matter what body or universe you are in. You will always be you. Where ever you go.... there you are. It is you. You will never stop learning. Of course maybe you would rather just be absorbed or assimilated by the one great spirit, never to be yourself again, with no memory of who you are or what you have learned or where you have been. That sounds like the Borg to me. ![]() I'll pass on that. ![]() |
Of course maybe you would rather just be absorbed or assimilated by the one great spirit, never to be yourself again, with no memory of who you are or what you have learned or where you have been.
I don't recall describing anything that would even remotely fit that description. On the contrary I painted a picture of a spirit world where all the spirits are egalitarian. I wasn't absorbed into any collective. Clearly you aren't even paying attention to what I've posted. |
well I have never used the word egalitarian. Perhaps we have a language barrier.
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Tue 01/13/09 09:23 PM
Clearly you aren't even paying attention to what I've posted.
I simply don't understand it. You believe you die and go to a nice place where you are just filled with happiness and joy and don't have to worry about anything. Sounds like heaven to me. And you don't pay much attention to what I post either. ![]() |