Topic: Geo. Bush and the Magic Shoes
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Mon 12/15/08 01:56 PM
Pat Buchanan, just told CNN that people contacted him saying they were happy that this happened, and that He said that the president is a representative of this country.

Pat isn't known for seeing the bigger picture any more than Bush it seems. I wasn't happy to see this happen to my president, a representative of the country I live in. But it sure amazed me at how shallow Bush really is in his response, so far to this incident. And how he thinks of himself first, as evident in how he governed.

The fact that he represents this country, should have been his priority a long time ago, but he chose his path to our reputation as it is today.

Get a clue Pat, one gets respect by giving it, and Bush has shown little concern, empathy or the consumer, the voter, the environment or anyone living elsewhere in the world, except where it might give him quick praise for doing very little.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 05:14 PM

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Is the reporter better off now then before the war?....unless he was a Batheist then the answer is probably yes he is. Because someone does wrong in the past doesn't preclude them from doing right in the future. Past American presidents supported Saddam for reasons they felt were justified.... maybe they were right or maybe wrong...we don't know all the inside information the Presidents know.....However removing Saddam was clearly a good thing for the majority of the Iraq people.
How about this. On Fox news it is reporting the majority of Iraqis consider him a hero. Dam what does that tell you!!!!

buttons's photo
Mon 12/15/08 05:40 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl just seen it on tv! omg that was funny!

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:02 PM
I found it profoundly embarrassing, and pathetic. I am sure many feel he was a hero, I tend to think he is not thinking of himself as a hero about now, if we are talking about the reporter.

I am just so blown away by Bush making fun of the shoe size, saying he really has no clue why he did it. Saying he just wanted to be on the camera's? That is far more insulting to the people that lost families over there than anything I can think of. How can our president be so totally clueless.

I saw today the salad dressing being thrown on Buchanan at a speech he was making. That I found childish and stupid coming from an American in the audience. But this incident involved peoples lives and deaths and agony for the family of the reporter. Just sad that our president didn't recognize that pain and anger.

Ann Coulter getting a pie thrown at her. Ok I had less of a problem with that only because she is a tasteless B$it well you know. But still uncalled for, if you don't like where she is saying, then speak out but throwing pies is stupid.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:09 PM

I found it profoundly embarrassing, and pathetic. I am sure many feel he was a hero, I tend to think he is not thinking of himself as a hero about now, if we are talking about the reporter.

I am just so blown away by Bush making fun of the shoe size, saying he really has no clue why he did it. Saying he just wanted to be on the camera's? That is far more insulting to the people that lost families over there than anything I can think of. How can our president be so totally clueless.

I saw today the salad dressing being thrown on Buchanan at a speech he was making. That I found childish and stupid coming from an American in the audience. But this incident involved peoples lives and deaths and agony for the family of the reporter. Just sad that our president didn't recognize that pain and anger.

Ann Coulter getting a pie thrown at her. Ok I had less of a problem with that only because she is a tasteless B$it well you know. But still uncalled for, if you don't like where she is saying, then speak out but throwing pies is stupid.
It is sad he cant comprehend what his actions have done..Not only in Iraq but here as well. He just to dam smug about things when you consider the lives lost on both sides.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:18 PM
Edited by Whisperss on Mon 12/15/08 07:02 PM

How condescending.We caused the mess over there from the 1950's on so let's stop painting Bush as the Great White Father shall we?

Bush didn't cause the mess in the 50's. ...but....Bush did remove Saddam and make Iraq better. I doubt most of the Iraq people would want Saddam back.

madisonman's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:25 PM

How condescending.We caused the mess over there from the 1950's on so let's stop painting Bush as the Great White Father shall we?

Bush didn't cause the mess in the 50's. ...but....Bush did remome Saddam and make Iraq better. I doubt most of the Iraq people would want Saddam back.
I am sure they wouldtake saddam back if it meant running water, jobs electricity, no constant rain of bombs and missles etc etc.

madisonman's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:29 PM
Millions dead and displaced many crippled for life, families destroyed, children bleeding out in the streets crying for their moms and dads, I think if they could have a "do over" they would take saddam back in a minute

t22learner's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:52 PM
I heard the Yankees signed that shoe thrower for their 5th spot in the rotation.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:06 PM

Millions dead and displaced many crippled for life, families destroyed, children bleeding out in the streets crying for their moms and dads, I think if they could have a "do over" they would take saddam back in a minute

I think they did a poll......I remember seeing it on the news....they didn't want Saddam back.....

I don't know where you get your millions dead idea......some tabloid perhaps? Not even MsNBC says that...

Mass killings......random gassings.......torture prisons......
I don't think you understand just how bad things were under Saddam.

Winx's photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:15 PM
We didn't go to war to save the Iraqi people.

We went because Bush couldn't find Bin Laden and he distracted us from that fact, IMO.

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:15 PM
Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:18 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/15/08 07:18 PM

Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh
They are all making it known how they feel about us being there. The sad thing is we can not leave and wont be able to for along time.

Winx's photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:21 PM

I found it profoundly embarrassing, and pathetic. I am sure many feel he was a hero, I tend to think he is not thinking of himself as a hero about now, if we are talking about the reporter.

I am just so blown away by Bush making fun of the shoe size, saying he really has no clue why he did it. Saying he just wanted to be on the camera's? That is far more insulting to the people that lost families over there than anything I can think of. How can our president be so totally clueless.

I saw today the salad dressing being thrown on Buchanan at a speech he was making. That I found childish and stupid coming from an American in the audience. But this incident involved peoples lives and deaths and agony for the family of the reporter. Just sad that our president didn't recognize that pain and anger.

Ann Coulter getting a pie thrown at her. Ok I had less of a problem with that only because she is a tasteless B$it well you know. But still uncalled for, if you don't like where she is saying, then speak out but throwing pies is stupid.

I didn't like his casual analogy in front of another culture talking about drivers that couldn't put up 5 fingers. That's not very classy to me.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:25 PM
Edited by Whisperss on Mon 12/15/08 07:26 PM

Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh

My dad is a cameraman for CNN....and......he just returned from Iraq.....He says most of the Iraq people are very thankful we removed Saddam and they don't want him back. I speak to my dad constantly about what life is like in Iraq.........It's an area that interest me greatly.... I don't talk or make post unless I have my facts straight.
Iraq is better now then under Saddam....the Iraq people themselves have said so....
Not a word said on this forum will hold more weight in my eyes than my dad's first hand view of life in Iraq...

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 07:47 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 12/15/08 07:48 PM

Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh

My dad is a cameraman for CNN....and......he just returned from Iraq.....He says most of the Iraq people are very thankful we removed Saddam and they don't want him back. I speak to my dad constantly about what life is like in Iraq.........It's an area that interest me greatly.... I don't talk or make post unless I have my facts straight.
Iraq is better now then under Saddam....the Iraq people themselves have said so....
Not a word said on this forum will hold more weight in my eyes than my dad's first hand view of life in Iraq...


don't ruin their gloating

don't tell em that the only people celebrating are Muqtada's (and themselves)

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:02 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/15/08 08:11 PM

Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh

My dad is a cameraman for CNN....and......he just returned from Iraq.....He says most of the Iraq people are very thankful we removed Saddam and they don't want him back. I speak to my dad constantly about what life is like in Iraq.........It's an area that interest me greatly.... I don't talk or make post unless I have my facts straight.
Iraq is better now then under Saddam....the Iraq people themselves have said so....
Not a word said on this forum will hold more weight in my eyes than my dad's first hand view of life in Iraq...


don't ruin their gloating

don't tell em that the only people celebrating are Muqtada's (and themselves)
Gloating? Maybe if the dude hit him between the eyes.laugh I have several friends that have been there a nephew there now. Sry its not whats shown on the boob tube but what Ive been told by people I truly respect. Could be different areas? Who knows for sure. It doesn't matter anyway, we cant leave and wont be able to for along time. Plz talk to your dad about that. I would love to be wrong..

PS..Don'T let conservatives know about CNN. To them its Foxs way or the highway..laugh

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:26 PM

I didn't like his casual analogy in front of another culture talking about drivers that couldn't put up 5 fingers. That's not very classy to me.

None of it was classy, one can only hope there was a translation problem. But you can bet the middle east knows every thing bush has said in the last two days. But bush has no bloody clue when to shut the heck up. He might as well have insulted the dead of Iraq right there.

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:29 PM

Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh

My dad is a cameraman for CNN....and......he just returned from Iraq.....He says most of the Iraq people are very thankful we removed Saddam and they don't want him back. I speak to my dad constantly about what life is like in Iraq.........It's an area that interest me greatly.... I don't talk or make post unless I have my facts straight.
Iraq is better now then under Saddam....the Iraq people themselves have said so....
Not a word said on this forum will hold more weight in my eyes than my dad's first hand view of life in Iraq...

Whoopitdy freakin doo! He is a CAMERA MAN. He isn't fighting, he doesn't see what my brother has seen. You can have your color coated picture of Iraq from daddy, but it doesn't change what is going on! I don't watch CNN, nor any major news, I get it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak! 26 months he has been there. I'm sure daddy wasn't there quite that long! I'm sure some of the people in Iraq are glad that he is gone, but it doesnt change the fact that AMERICA is a huge part of the death and sufferage there!

Giocamo's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:33 PM

Have you been to Iraq? How do you know how GREAT it is now? Just because that is what the news told you? Give me a break!

Well my brother has been in Iraq, and I have heard horror stories, seen horrible pictures of the reality that is Iraq. Oh yeah, Iraq is marvelous now.frustrated grumble The air quality is really good, it's great when there isn't one single bombing in a day. huh

My dad is a cameraman for CNN....and......he just returned from Iraq.....He says most of the Iraq people are very thankful we removed Saddam and they don't want him back. I speak to my dad constantly about what life is like in Iraq.........It's an area that interest me greatly.... I don't talk or make post unless I have my facts straight.
Iraq is better now then under Saddam....the Iraq people themselves have said so....
Not a word said on this forum will hold more weight in my eyes than my dad's first hand view of life in Iraq...

Whoopitdy freakin doo! He is a CAMERA MAN. He isn't fighting, he doesn't see what my brother has seen. You can have your color coated picture of Iraq from daddy, but it doesn't change what is going on! I don't watch CNN, nor any major news, I get it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak! 26 months he has been there. I'm sure daddy wasn't there quite that long! I'm sure some of the people in Iraq are glad that he is gone, but it doesnt change the fact that AMERICA is a huge part of the death and sufferage there!

gulp !