Topic: Just ask JustAGuy - part 4 | |
i'm scared i'll be stupid ![]() Fear is just a negative emotion you can easily overcome. Whether you suffer from stage fright, approaching a stranger for a conversation (aka "meeting someone new"), or talking to someone on a "blind date" if you will. With one very simple technique, you can vanquish that inner-voice of negativity. This is something I've done... countless times, and have taught 100s of people this one, simple thing to overcome what they fear. Before going in to a situation you're "scared of," you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Draw in all that negative energy inside of you, and put it deeply in to your lungs. Now, think of a time where you were on top of the world! On Cloud 9! Felt INVINCIBLE!!!! Draw that feeling in and blow out that negative energy from your lungs. I personally say "F**k it!" as I do this. It helps get rid of that negative energy and you feel that incredibly positive state you just recalled. Do this enough times and, before too long, you'll be able to get in to that "F*** it" state of mind and not care about what's coming up, because you'll be too focused on just having fun to be "scared." OG F*ck it!! i think its working already ![]() Thanks OG ![]() i've never dated before because my past boyfriends (4) were guys i went to school with, and one lived in my neighbourhood so i saw them on a daily basis and got to know them as friends casually first. and when we eventually hung out there was no "date" label. we were just hanging out with no pressure to get to know each other or impress each other because we did already. sooo at 19 this would be my first official "date" , hence the nervousness. But i'll take your advice and i'm sure after i get out all the nervous energy i'll be fine. ![]() Jasmine keep in mind that your date is probably just as nervous.Do you have anything you like to do like playing pool ,iceskating or rollerskating.I find meeting for coffee is to intimading for me it feels like a job interview.So I will suggest a game of pool or checking out the Christmas lights in the park somewhere there are lots of people around followed by a hot chocolate. yummmy! have fun! |
what are the advantages and disadvantages of dating a guy with a kid?
Disadvantage - The potential for " Baby Momma Drama ". Advantage - He may, and I stress the " may ", have come to the realization that life isn't all about him now and has matured a bit. |
have you ever heard of a product called P-Mate?
it's a device that allows women to pee standing up I have never heard of it. Gotta admit that it doesn't surprise me all that much. : shrugs : |
Has anyone seen Heather lately???
I got an IM on Yahoo from her the other day. She's around. |
Just saw Heather in this thread yesterday.
justaguy no question today just wanted to say hiya! |
Just saw Heather in this thread yesterday. justaguy no question today just wanted to say hiya! ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 12/06/08 12:42 AM
How come in the 1960's people took acid to make the world weird
Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it seem Normal ![]() |
How come in the 1960's people took acid to make the world weird Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it seem Normal ![]() Because it used to be that people did drugs like LSD to " expand " their minds. These days, doctors prescribe drugs to shut down a person's mind. Has anyone ever thought about how the world would be if Einstein had been put on Ritalin?? I think that there are many, many children with high mental capacities that are being drugged out of their minds because parents have lost the ability to recognize intelligence and just think that their child has something wrong with them. |
How come in the 1960's people took acid to make the world weird Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it seem Normal ![]() Because it used to be that people did drugs like LSD to " expand " their minds. These days, doctors prescribe drugs to shut down a person's mind. Has anyone ever thought about how the world would be if Einstein had been put on Ritalin?? I think that there are many, many children with high mental capacities that are being drugged out of their minds because parents have lost the ability to recognize intelligence and just think that their child has something wrong with them. I think ritalin is the trend drug of modern times, and a major cop-out quick fixer for a lot of parents who would rather NOT actually do the parenting job. ps. Happy to see the thread flippy thing... weeeee JAG rocks !!!!! |
Edited by
Sat 12/06/08 05:16 AM
How come in the 1960's people took acid to make the world weird Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it seem Normal ![]() Because it used to be that people did drugs like LSD to " expand " their minds. These days, doctors prescribe drugs to shut down a person's mind. Has anyone ever thought about how the world would be if Einstein had been put on Ritalin?? I think that there are many, many children with high mental capacities that are being drugged out of their minds because parents have lost the ability to recognize intelligence and just think that their child has something wrong with them. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
How come in the 1960's people took acid to make the world weird Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it seem Normal ![]() Because it used to be that people did drugs like LSD to " expand " their minds. These days, doctors prescribe drugs to shut down a person's mind. Has anyone ever thought about how the world would be if Einstein had been put on Ritalin?? I think that there are many, many children with high mental capacities that are being drugged out of their minds because parents have lost the ability to recognize intelligence and just think that their child has something wrong with them. I agree. Too many kids lost to the world of drugs (prescribed or otherwise) at an early age because their parents are busy working two jobs keeping a roof over their heads. JMO Good morning Sharp and everyone. Congrats on the flip JAG. |
i'm scared i'll be stupid ![]() Stupid is part of the human condition...he's probably just as scared of the same thing. Just go... |
Should I go get pine boughs for decorating tomorrow or Sunday?
I'm hoping that this does NOT qualify for "constructive" work on a weekend and will not be forbidden by the ever-knowing and wise JAG! Methinks you are confusing " productive ", which has rules against it on weekends...with " constructive ". Constructive is fine as long as it doesn't morph into being productive. :-) Ahhh...thank you for clearing that up for me. Actually, getting cut boughs probably falls closer to "destructive" given that they are dead where they lay or if they are on my fence. Poor cut boughs... |
I am still trying to kick this cold I have so I was lying on the couch catching up on some DVR stuff. Hope you are feeling better... |
I think that there are many, many children with high mental capacities that are being drugged out of their minds because parents have lost the ability to recognize intelligence and just think that their child has something wrong with them. I think ritalin is the trend drug of modern times, and a major cop-out quick fixer for a lot of parents who would rather NOT actually do the parenting job. People are really trained to believe that high energy is problematic and's harder for kids to run off that energy & harder for parents to give them that opportunity. In most places, the parent can't just send them outside to play unsupervised with a "don't come back until dinnertime" like many of us got to do as kids. The parents are both working, trying to juggle everything else, and then have to add the job of taking kids out and wearing them out when the parents are already worn out. This is NOT an excuse of bad parenting or using drugs on your kids so that you can cope...I'm just making an observation about how the world has changed. It's sad, really... |
I used to hang my car keys on my ex's nipples. How can I make my own nipples more utilitarian?
Neener, neener, neener. <<<<< Nutz! |
I used to hang my car keys on my ex's nipples. How can I make my own nipples more utilitarian? Neener, neener, neener. <<<<< Nutz! Collagen injections. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 12/06/08 09:37 AM
I'm here!!! Just didn't have the new thread in my recents....haha. I had to hunt you guys down.
Hugs all around! Turned it over again eh? Woot! |
I'm here!!! Just didn't have the new thread in my recents....haha. I had to hunt you guys down. Hugs all around! Turned it over again eh? Woot! Hi again! Glad to see you! |
I'm here!!! Just didn't have the new thread in my recents....haha. I had to hunt you guys down. Hugs all around! Turned it over again eh? Woot! Can you believe that this thread has been around long enough to warrant a Part 4??? Who woulda thunk it? |