Topic: I am Tired of Fake MSN
whispertoascream's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:10 AM
So I have been using the web version of MSN because MSN or Windows Live will not install into my laptop, it has been a problem, for awhile now is. What I want to know is there a fake MSN or something that I could try to download?

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 09:21 AM
I cannot be certain but if MSN or Live Mail doesn't install on you machine it might be that you have an illegal copy of Windows install on your Labtop, if you are sure you have a legal copy then I do not know why without more information. As for a fake MSN to my knowledge I don't think there is you can install other IM like Yahoo or others but Microsoft being what they are you can't use all the services (Webcam,Video phone ect)with contacts on MSN when using other IM.

whispertoascream's photo
Fri 12/05/08 09:47 AM
I can promise you that my OS is 100% legal. and I thank you for your response. I have found an open source one, called aMSN, it seems to be working fine.

Rainbolt's photo
Fri 12/05/08 10:15 AM
nah msn works fine on "pirated copies of windows" :P

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:56 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 12/05/08 03:58 PM

So I have been using the web version of MSN because MSN or Windows Live will not install into my laptop, it has been a problem, for awhile now is. What I want to know is there a fake MSN or something that I could try to download?

It has something to do with one of your windows updates got messed up, most likely. I had this problem too, I don't know why they only offer the msn-live without that stupid insta-download thing.

try this, it's a full download and install: (click the US Mirror)

Jtevans's photo
Fri 12/05/08 08:11 PM
you could try installing something like Trilian,Miranda IM....etc

they'll allow you to use just one messenger to log into all your MSN,Yahoo,AIM,ICQ...accts

Wrenches's photo
Fri 12/05/08 08:46 PM

dump MSN. it's poop. just use Firefox. try it

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 12/05/08 08:50 PM

dump MSN. it's poop. just use Firefox. try it

Yeah, I've been using it for years now.. and I also I recommend it for everyone..safer and faster and more efficient, but this was about the msn messenger, which lately just such a biatch to install.

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 04:23 PM
HERE is what you're looking for. Download Trillian, from cerulian studios. Google Trillian software and you'll find a program that will let you chat on AIM, YAHOO, MSN, etc, all at the same time.

Alternatively, You can use Yahoo IM and talk to/from MSN folks with it.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:51 AM

dump MSN. it's poop. just use Firefox. try it

Thank you, but I am talking about the messenger service not the browser, I have been using Fire Fox forever now.

sweets_bebe's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:53 PM
Have you heard of pidgin? You can use your msn account on it and others as well like yahoo. You can sign on with all these different providers at the same time in the one app. It's at:

But it doesn't have all the features of msn, ofcourse. But for basic im, it's pretty good.

What you can also consider, is the web version im, ebuddy which is similar. It's at:

You don't have to download anything. One really annoying thing about ebuddy though is there's the add in the im window which is huge and bright and annoying...