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Topic: waterbeds
catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 03:53 PM
I dont have one...although when i was 12 i had one briefly.

i am thinking about getting one.

pros/cons from anybody?

Lily0923's photo
Wed 12/03/08 03:55 PM
They are awesome if you put them in the back of a 1978 Ford Aerostar conversion van with beads and a peace sign I've heard...

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 03:57 PM
They were GREAT in my 20's...with 50 soon approaching, it isn't so great any more. We have one, I wake up achey ALOT of the time.

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 03:57 PM
I have a KING size semi-waveless one I ve had for about 17 yrs-

I LOVE IT:thumbsup:

It sooooo warm & cozy in the winter...
and cool & comfy in the summershades

& Lots of fun for makin "waves"winking

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 03:59 PM
i would think it would be so comforting to crawl in those sheets..and feel the heated water.

thats what i remember about the onbe i had when i was a child.

of course i had cats in my room...and they put little holes everywhere and i remember the durn thing leaking all the time. destroyed my carpet. my mama was so mad

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:02 PM

They are awesome if you put them in the back of a 1978 Ford Aerostar conversion van with beads and a peace sign I've heard...

shag think those are the vans we used to call "sharks" because of the way the windshield was.

newarkjw's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:05 PM
Damn, that sure brings back some memories. biggrin

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:10 PM
Don't go to bed drunk on oneill

newarkjw's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:14 PM

Don't go to bed drunk on oneill

Sound advice..

irad8you's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:17 PM
There are not enough feet to put on the floor if you do laugh
Don't go to bed drunk on oneill

Moondark's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:25 PM
Now days, they are made better, with sections inside the mattress to provide a firmer support system. If you are willing to pay for a really good water mattress, they can be really nice.

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:25 PM
I've had one since I was 18. Wouldn't trade it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:28 PM
flowerforyou I've had one before but I think I prefer a regular bed better.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:45 PM
Memory foam woman!!!
It's warm too.

mcattygarnett's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:56 PM
I loved my waterbed and my back didnt hurt as bad when I had it.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:58 PM
i have an ancient mattress...jsut a mattress..that a friend gave me when i got seperated from my X

i cant sleep worth crap. i toss and turn and wake up every 2 hours.

not to sound like a commercial, but I get a better nights rest on the couch.

springsweetie26's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:59 PM
go tempur-pedic

catwoman96's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:00 PM

go tempur-pedic

the name alone sounds ULTRA expensive, lol

papersmile's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:01 PM

i LOVED mine. i used to have one of those old-fashioned types with the full motion inside of a frame.

then i got one of the mattress type semi motion ones and never much liked it.

i'd love to get one of the oldies again, especially being that you could heat it before bedtime.

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:03 PM

go tempur-pedic

the name alone sounds ULTRA expensive, lol

I couldn't afford a new bed, so I bought a topper from It was either the 4 or 6 inch (i forget) memory foam topper with free shipping. I think it cost me like 120 bucks and it is sooooo comfy! I sleep so good on it.

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