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Topic: Heaven Wars 2.... Attack of the Jesus
martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:28 AM

yep, you are so right Morningsong. I like an old saying we used to see a lot in the world, not so much anymore. "let go and let God". It describes what should be the easiest thing for us to do in our lives, and yet people are all bent up about being better than someone else to the point of driving people away from accepting Jesus, with their God damn crap. If that offends anyone, good. figure it out, there are some things that really are God damned! (I was not using the lords name in vain here). Like the look of self pride for instance, both physical and mental included! The thing God hates the most is a proud and haughty look, In that statement in the scriptures it does not distinguish between physical and mental imagery!
oops, I forgot what the point was of doing this

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:31 AM

no way did I suggest such a thing, he was just smart enough, to say the truth in a way that it would not get him killed immediatly!

"MartyMark" but you did suggest such a thing ...you were just doing like Jesus did by trying to be smart enough to say it in a way that it wouldn't seem like deception ....but it was

Jesus lied to the people because as you said...he was in fear of immediately losing his life ..which means if you pick up a big old stone Jesus would lie to stay alive

ou ou ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
take it however you want, it is obvious I will not be able to change your views on the subject. and this "as you said" thing is a lie! I did not say what you imply! I wish you well

"MartyMark" but you did change my views on the subject ..I was defending the truthfulness of Jesus by pointing out that Jesus told the people that he was not there to change or denounce any of the laws of The Old Testament until you convince me that he probably did lie to the people because as you said Jesus was immediately in fear of losing his life by being stone

it was Jesus that came to the people and not them to him and if the only tactic he could come up with was to lie to the people to acheive his objective then Jesus is doing the exact same thing that he was supposely sent to earth to stop..

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Mon 12/01/08 05:38 AM

God did All this for Us

and apparently All to Us

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:46 AM

Jesus came to earth the first time to show God's love, but He also said that there would come a time when He would come back to judge.
There are times as parents when we need to love our children. Hold them, cuddle them, play with them. Then there are times that we have to punish them. Does that make us hypocrits? No, it does not. Why should it be any different for Jesus and God? There is a time for everything.

"keepthehope" so do you punish your children on the same level as God would ....for an eternality? or would you veiw that as being a tab bit extreme

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:54 AM

and yet people are all bent up about being better than someone else to the point of driving people away from accepting Jesus, with their God damn crap. If that offends anyone, good.

how rude

(I was not using the lords name in vain here).

sorry "MartyMark" but yes you did ...

now say three hail marys and give some extra tithes Sunday at church ...er.. no personal checks please

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:07 AM
Funches, Jesus was not in fear of losing his life. He knew he would lose his life before he ever started to preach/teach the gospel/truth. He just did not want to die before he had accomplished enough teaching to cause people to open their eyes to the real problems. Understand that the concept of Christ being God in the flesh is probably accurate. But while he was in the flesh he was limited in the understanding of things of heaven. He was in fact part man, and, part God. When he asked, "God, why has't thou forsaken me"? it was because his human body did not understand that one particular part of Gods master plan. Yet another lesson in the logic of Gods kingdom. A few moments after his Question of of being forsaken by God, he taught (because he understood then) another lesson, while still hanging on the cross. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever been able to understand in my life. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". Man, every time I think of this it almost makes me mad. The human side of me still wants to see people punished for things like murder and the such. But then when I think about the fact that In God's eye's that lying is as bad as murdering millions, I am ever so grateful for Gods loving grace.

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:08 AM
Edited by martymark on Mon 12/01/08 06:10 AM

and yet people are all bent up about being better than someone else to the point of driving people away from accepting Jesus, with their God damn crap. If that offends anyone, good.

how rude

(I was not using the lords name in vain here).

sorry "MartyMark" but yes you did ...

now say three hail marys and give some extra tithes Sunday at church ...er.. no personal checks please

we are at Church! be care full! understand?

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 07:39 AM

Funches, Jesus was not in fear of losing his life. He knew he would lose his life before he ever started to preach/teach the gospel/truth. He just did not want to die before he had accomplished enough teaching to cause people to open their eyes to the real problems.

"MartyMark" you are trying to justify Jesus being deceptive to the people ...Jesus merely did the same thing politicians do now ..they tell people what they want to hear with the intentions of getting into their good graces but all along they had a hidden agenda ...

if Jesus's word was truth then he would have came to the people without any deception and would even face being stone to show that his word was truth without the agenda of pulling a "bait and switch" routine

this simply means if Jesus says something you couldn't be sure if that something is not a lie and an end to fit his means

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 07:45 AM

Funches, Jesus was not in fear of losing his life. He knew he would lose his life before he ever started to preach/teach the gospel/truth. He just did not want to die before he had accomplished enough teaching to cause people to open their eyes to the real problems.

"MartyMark" you are trying to justify Jesus being deceptive to the people ...Jesus merely did the same thing politicians do now ..they tell people what they want to hear with the intentions of getting into their good graces but all along they had a hidden agenda ...

if Jesus's word was truth then he would have came to the people without any deception and would even face being stone to show that his word was truth without the agenda of pulling a "bait and switch" routine

this simply means if Jesus says something you couldn't be sure if that something is not a lie and an end to fit his means
gotta luv it, funches, I do not need too, nor am I trying to justify anything that Jesus did. Comparing Christ to todays politicains is a far reach bro!

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:32 AM

gotta luv it, funches, I do not need too, nor am I trying to justify anything that Jesus did. Comparing Christ to todays politicains is a far reach bro!

"MartyMark' is it really such a far reach? ...

when McCain was asked why he made a campaign promise that he clearly wouldn't keep ...McCain replied by saying "I said it because I thought it would get me elected"

if you ask Jesus why did he say that he did not come to change the laws of The Old Testament ..would Jesus reply by saiding."I said it because I thought it would keep me from getting stone"

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