Topic: Oops! I Got My Tang All Toungled Up!
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Sat 11/29/08 03:52 PM
Ever catch yourself saying something truly bizarre...& yet, you're totally powerless to stop?

Whenever I'm at the grocery store, I do not heasitate to ask for help if I can't find something..."Hello, could you tell me where your dog food, paper towels, or whatever, is at?"

So, I was looking for the cashews & said to the stock-boy, "Excuse me, but where could I find your nuts?" oops True story!

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 11/29/08 03:57 PM
:smile: My moral standing is lying down.:smile:

JasmineInglewood's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:04 PM
he musta been hella cute

eileena9's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:06 PM
I walked around Walmart for half an hour, with a phone charger in the top of my cart, waiting for someone in electronics to become available. I asked the man if the charger would be okay to use on my phone because it wasn't listed on the front of the package......

He slowly picked up the charger and turned it over and said "Well.....we could always look at the full list on the back." embarassed embarassed

My explanation was that "I was having a blonde moment.....and I'm not blonde!!!"embarassed embarassed embarassed oops

seahawks's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:06 PM

Ever catch yourself saying something truly bizarre...& yet, you're totally powerless to stop?

Whenever I'm at the grocery store, I do not heasitate to ask for help if I can't find something..."Hello, could you tell me where your dog food, paper towels, or whatever, is at?"

So, I was looking for the cashews & said to the stock-boy, "Excuse me, but where could I find your nuts?" oops True story!
laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:07 PM

I walked around Walmart for half an hour, with a phone charger in the top of my cart, waiting for someone in electronics to become available. I asked the man if the charger would be okay to use on my phone because it wasn't listed on the front of the package......

He slowly picked up the charger and turned it over and said "Well.....we could always look at the full list on the back." embarassed embarassed

My explanation was that "I was having a blonde moment.....and I'm not blonde!!!"embarassed embarassed embarassed oops
laugh laugh laugh laugh

seahawks's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:07 PM

eileena9's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:09 PM

I walked around Walmart for half an hour, with a phone charger in the top of my cart, waiting for someone in electronics to become available. I asked the man if the charger would be okay to use on my phone because it wasn't listed on the front of the package......

He slowly picked up the charger and turned it over and said "Well.....we could always look at the full list on the back." embarassed embarassed

My explanation was that "I was having a blonde moment.....and I'm not blonde!!!"embarassed embarassed embarassed oops
laugh laugh laugh laugh

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

smooched smooched smooched

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:11 PM
My brother went fishing once with a friend of his and his brother. Now, this other fellows' brother is a hell of a nice guy. The thing is, he was horribly burned in an accident a long time ago, and he's had to have extensive surgeries. He is permanently scarred, and has had to have many skin grafts and prosthetics, but it has not deterred him from being the great guy he is.

Okay, so....beautiful summer day, they're out on the lake, but this poor guy is as covered as he can possibly be, including a knit cap, to protect him from the effects of the sun. Totally understandable. My brother and his friend were discussing the man quietly, and his friend said that he (his brother) enjoyed being out in a boat, despite the fact that he has to keep covered. My brother said, "I suppose he gets cold when the boat is in motion. I see why he would need a knit cap."

His friend says, deadpan serious: "No, his ears will blow off."

no photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:41 PM
Back in the day, someone asked my Grandma where was the nearest Five & Dime store...she said she didn't have the faintest idea but there was a Penney's just down the street...

JoshHass's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:42 PM

Ever catch yourself saying something truly bizarre...& yet, you're totally powerless to stop?

Whenever I'm at the grocery store, I do not heasitate to ask for help if I can't find something..."Hello, could you tell me where your dog food, paper towels, or whatever, is at?"

So, I was looking for the cashews & said to the stock-boy, "Excuse me, but where could I find your nuts?" oops True story!

rofl If only that would've happened to me when I worked in a grocery store!

no photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:45 PM
Weeeel Josh, we did end up dating for a while...but he was kind of a wimp...never did figure out where his nuts were...

JoshHass's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:50 PM

Weeeel Josh, we did end up dating for a while...but he was kind of a wimp...never did figure out where his nuts were...

I know where mine are :wink: happy

JoshHass's photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:57 PM

spock surprised spock surprised

I just read the title of this thread and realized it has the great potential to be perverted....Think about it.

no photo
Sat 11/29/08 04:59 PM
*snicker* I guess you don't know me to well, Josh...!

JoshHass's photo
Sat 11/29/08 05:14 PM

*snicker* I guess you don't know me to well, Josh...!

Of course I don't! I think this is actually the first time I've talked to you, lol.

krupa's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:01 PM
hehehehehehe...put on your cup Josh....Phuque is a wild one...hehehehehehe

luv ya Que....take it easy on him!

JoshHass's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:02 PM

hehehehehehe...put on your cup Josh....Phuque is a wild one...hehehehehehe

luv ya Que....take it easy on him!

I like it wild....pitchfork

no photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:10 PM

hehehehehehe...put on your cup Josh....Phuque is a wild one...hehehehehehe

luv ya Que....take it easy on him!

*wicked laugh* They will never learn, huh Krupa?