Topic: Has science reached it's limits? | |
A few days ago, there was a thead here basically stating that the originator thought the concepts in "What the Bleep do We Know" were basically bogus.
Basically stating that any science that hasn't created a testable hypothesis is junk science. In essence, stating that the idea of quantum mechanics and quantum physics is bubkus. I read through it and have continued to think about it. To me, it basically states that some people think that if our current level of science can't test for or account for something, then that something does not exist and that people who belive in that something are delusional. This concept would then imply that science has reached it's peak. That there must not be anything new for science to offer us because if science cannot deal with it, it is new age crap. Therefore, everything must have been discovered and we know now everything. It really overlooked one HUGE fact. "What the Bleep do We Know" doen't have anything to do with New Age spirituality or philosophy. It's basic premiss is that we are on the edge of a new frontier in science. That, in fact, we do NOT yet know everything that there is to know. To think that we do is, in fact, rather presumtious. I feel that it makes for a very dead and meaningless world if we are to say that all the things current science has not been able to deal with yet are the delusions of weak minded people. It means that there is nothing left to reach for. Nothing left to hope for. No new discoveries and ideas left amaze us when the scientists start to get closer to them and start to see the shape of them. |
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Thu 11/27/08 06:50 PM
you will like this it is part 6 of 13 from U tube it is the Zeitgeist Addendum check it out. Good brain candy talks about how the vested interest hold back technology etc etc
i like the goat that they crossed with a a test makes silk in its milk. or the supper salmon that grow full size in 3 months.what will the make next. go to www. to see what they have to say.
mankind hasn't even come close to what it can do
something like 95% of private research money comes from multinational corporations who's goals are not to produce a cutting edge product, but to isolate and contain competition there are so many technologies that have been conceived in he past 50 years, but everything has been done to make sure they are not developed, take for example the hybrid engine, that was thought of 50 years ago and just now they finally mass produced it. and did you know that by simply reinjecting exhaust through another carborator on a regular engine you can triple the mpg? and why doesn't anyone talk about maglev trains for travel, does anybody realize how much energy it takes to put a humongous plane into the air? these corporations only care about bottom lines, not product development, we have the technology now to feed, transport and educate every single person the world over, i could talk for hours about the techniques that could be used to do all this, but they are not profitable and therefore inconceivable i have to write just a little something about nikola tesla, absolute proof that new ideas are unwelcome, it took him years to convince anyone that alternating current was a good idea, edison wouldnt even hear it, why not use this wonderful new way of electricity? because suddenly everything he did with his crap DC wiring and power stations would have been obsolete, costing him unimaginable amounts of money. okay, now to push it a little farther, tesla figured out how to turn the earth into a giant capacitor, which would mean free electricity for everyone, but even beyond that, he figured out how to transmit information through the same electric field, essentially he invented what could have become the internet, but, of coarse, there was no money in it, so it was not just ignored, it was repressed. everyone just seems to settle on whatever they give us, but it will take all of us as a whole to come together and demand the future, because its just like a computer company that tries to make every nickle it can off of the current model before it releases the next edition, its exploitative |
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Fri 11/28/08 12:39 PM
Science will never end. There will always be things that we can understand better. Fine tune.
Right now we have started a processes where each time we uncover something, we answer a question, we get 10 more questions to answer. In regard to this, I don't feel like we can even see the finish line that we are moving in half steps toward (and each half step only gets you half as close as the last one, infinity awaits!) If the OP here is referring to threads I have posted I am afraid the OP has come away with a perspective that is not accurate of what I believe. (I did after all post the new age thread) |
Science will never end. It is always changing with increased knowledge.
If one wants to get a higher degree in a branch of science, they have to repeat their science classes if it's been more then 5 yrs. That doesn't happen to business or other degrees. |
Science will never end. There will always be things that we can understand better. Fine tune. Right now we have started a processes where each time we uncover something, we answer a question, we get 10 more questions to answer. In regard to this, I don't feel like we can even see the finish line that we are moving in half steps toward (and each half step only gets you half as close as the last one, infinity awaits!) If the OP here is referring to threads I have posted I am afraid the OP has come away with a perspective that is not accurate of what I believe. (I did after all post the new age thread) I read through the entire thread(at least as much as had been posted by the time I saw it), and that was my overall feeling of where most people (how were posting) were going based on what they said and how they said it. |
We haven't even begun to scratch the surface yet of what secrets our minds hold and the past encoded in our DNA. I see a rush for mankind on a constant to find the answers to the things most concerning our world today, will the world end soon, and what is the deal with all the spiritual warnings, everyone is wondering. Mankinds minds are expanding at a rapid rate just as the universe is expanding on a constant. I still have hope, we will continue to learn and move forward. Learning is the key we need to deal with being human and how better to address life in general inside and outside ourselves.
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Sat 11/29/08 03:28 AM
the only limit to science
is the limit one puts on it no one knows what there is out there to be discovered if we did it would be here is your great great great grandparent sitting beside you in another time and era who is to say what science may come to know only those with a closed mind put limits on their imagination thus putting limits on science for to discover anything one must first imagine it |
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Sat 11/29/08 05:57 AM
Science isn't about "facts" as much as it is about probabilities.
As far back as the 80's, scientists discovered that we don't use 10% of our brain power - we use one-tenth-of-one-percent (0.10)..........., what DO we really even know yet? I've noticed those who think that at the present time, that any science that hasn't created a testable hypothesis is junk science, are usually the same people who think that logic and truth are the same thing - that something isn't true because it's not logical.......* Logic can only answer the questions of and, or and not....and, then only sometimes does...* If everything real was testable or could be reasoned out, would there be any problem left that couldn't be solved? And this doesn't even scratch the surface of the surface of the existence of emotions, black holes, the math involved in understanding a non-digital clock and an infinite number of other things........ It sounds to me like an excuse not to have to think too hard.......* Has science reached its limits? I don't THINK so...... |
i never give in to others opinions ..while SCIENCE says we only use 10% of our brain i believe there are those who are using far less than that ..... ![]() |
Science is the discovery of the unknown, no discovery comes all made up out of a box it always start as a question a theory a supposition a curious mind and sometimes a crazy mind will want to know what makes this do that what would happen if? Science will always be since we can't know it all, we will always have to search for the unknown, that is what makes us human our wanting to know the unknown and the day we stop wanting to know is the day the human race ends.
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Sat 11/29/08 07:17 AM
Science isn't about "facts" as much as it is about probabilities. As far back as the 80's, scientists discovered that we don't use 10% of our brain power - we use one-tenth-of-one-percent (0.10)..........., what DO we really even know yet? I've noticed those who think that at the present time, that any science that hasn't created a testable hypothesis is junk science, are usually the same people who think that logic and truth are the same thing - that something isn't true because it's not logical.......* Logic can only answer the questions of and, or and not....and, then only sometimes does...* Logic is a bottom up approach, if a, then b. You start with a true postulate then move forward. If everything real was testable or could be reasoned out, would there be any problem left that couldn't be solved? And this doesn't even scratch the surface of the surface of the existence of emotions, black holes, the math involved in understanding a non-digital clock and an infinite number of other things........ It sounds to me like an excuse not to have to think too hard.......* Has science reached its limits? I don't THINK so...... ______________ i never give in to others opinions ..while SCIENCE says we only use 10% of our brain i believe there are those who are using far less than that ..... ![]() I REALLY WANT to put an emphasis on this point. THIS IS A MYTH Perpetuated by the media and people who have heard it that repeat it. So many people want to believe in psychics ect, that this myth reinforces the idea that there is some untapped portion of the brain laying dormant . . . . utter crap. I am not saying there is no such thing as psychics, I AM HOWEVER SAYING THAT YOU USE 100% of your brain, whether you use it very well or not . . .. well that is a different discussion. |
As far back as the 80's, scientists discovered that we don't use 10% of our brain power - we use one-tenth-of-one-percent (0.10)..........., what DO we really even know yet? This is a myth. i would then to think that we use all our brain but only use varying amounts of our potential thought processes that is how i always interpreted that statement but hey what do i know i should check the link but need to get busy ![]() ![]() |
Science will never end. There will always be things that we can understand better. Fine tune. Right now we have started a processes where each time we uncover something, we answer a question, we get 10 more questions to answer. In regard to this, I don't feel like we can even see the finish line that we are moving in half steps toward (and each half step only gets you half as close as the last one, infinity awaits!) If the OP here is referring to threads I have posted I am afraid the OP has come away with a perspective that is not accurate of what I believe. (I did after all post the new age thread) Science will never stop. They will eventually learn how to create new life, new galaxies, new worlds. Scientists will never stop. They will clone people, they will do anything and everything they can imagine might be done. They will bring back dinosaurs, cross breed creatures and create new ones. While society will try to stop the progress of science, it will still go on privately funded in laboratories deeply hidden from view. There is no end to science, creation, expansion, imagination, growth, progress, etc. jb |
Science ends when we annihilate ourselves. Then there is no one to do the science anymore!
And when I say "we" I mean - "all life capable of science" ![]() |
"science" is a very large arena. there are as many different disciplines of science out there as there are people whom call themselves scientests. for a few of them to say that this is the way it is, is nothing sort of narscisism at it's finest. I would not pay much attention too it!
Science ends when we annihilate ourselves. Then there is no one to do the science anymore! And when I say "we" I mean - "all life capable of science" ![]() That is not going to happen. You said "when we annihilate ourselves" as if to imply we will. What makes you think we will annihilate ourselves? And if we do, does that mean that the entire race of humans (or other life forms capable of science) will no longer exist anywhere in the universe? That is a pretty grim prediction. |
yep I still find it hard to believe that there are people out there who are of this thought that humans are the only intellegent life form in the universe.....hmmm