Topic: What is your opinion on affirmations?
lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 03:18 AM
WE see all these self help and improving affirmations mp3's and cds that people can listen too, like tony robinson and so on and so on, what is your opinion on this kind of thing? Do you think it works, I use affirmations myself and it has been a good thing to help view life a little better. Do you listen to those kinds of cds or mp3's? If so, have they done good things for you to lift your attitude and point of view?happy happy flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 11/23/08 06:01 AM

Good Morning!

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:24 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Sun 11/23/08 02:25 PM
WE see all these self help and improving affirmations mp3's and cds that people can listen too, like tony robinson and so on and so on, what is your opinion on this kind of thing? Do you think it works, I use affirmations myself and it has been a good thing to help view life a little better. Do you listen to those kinds of cds or mp3's? If so, have they done good things for you to lift your attitude and point of view?happy happy flowerforyou

I don't listen to those things. But I do know that I can often change the way I feel just by deciding to feel differently.

There is absolutely nothing mystical or magical about this at all.

It is a method actor's stock in trade.

no photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:35 PM
I have never used the cd's etc myself. But affirmations should be a part of everyone's life. Let's face it, we all have days, weeks, whatever where it seems like everything is going wrong. An affirmation is simply a reminder to yourself that you are a good person, with a lot to offer the world. We all need reminding of that sometimes. flowerforyou

Maikuru's photo
Mon 11/24/08 03:36 AM
I never listen,watch or attend such things. They are merely somebody else's way of changing your perceptions and attitudes towards things. Anyone can do those very things on their own and it would be a waist of time and money that could be better spent. People have the tools and skills already within themselves to make the necessary changes they need to make. If someone lacks willpower or motivation or perhaps is to depressed or stubburn to change i offer this simple phrase my grandfather gave me. "People only do the things they do becuase they believe it gets them what they want or need. They only time they will change what they do is when they realise what their doing is not getting them what they want or need."drinker

MsCarmen's photo
Mon 11/24/08 04:50 AM

I never listen,watch or attend such things. They are merely somebody else's way of changing your perceptions and attitudes towards things. Anyone can do those very things on their own and it would be a waist of time and money that could be better spent. People have the tools and skills already within themselves to make the necessary changes they need to make. If someone lacks willpower or motivation or perhaps is to depressed or stubburn to change i offer this simple phrase my grandfather gave me. "People only do the things they do becuase they believe it gets them what they want or need. They only time they will change what they do is when they realise what their doing is not getting them what they want or need."drinker

Yeah, but sometimes people can have so many things thrown at them at once that it gets overwhelming, and they just need someone to give them some kind of a reminder (or affirmation) that things will work out. :wink:

michiganman3's photo
Mon 11/24/08 05:29 AM
If you listen to the self talk that goes on inside your head, what do you hear???
Positive or negative messages?
They are the "reality" that you percive, both yourself and the world around you.
Change the message in your head, change what you see around you.
HOWEVER..... You can change your actions, try something new, do things differently before you change your thinking. And some times its more efffective than trying to change your thinking first.