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Topic: today...
907daydreamer's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:45 PM
I called a guy from here that gave me his number.
He said he would call me back in an hour, and never did.
How important is it to you, when meeting someone new, that they do what they say?

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:46 PM
can you give us a scale to use

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:46 PM

I called a guy from here that gave me his number.
He said he would call me back in an hour, and never did.
How important is it to you, when meeting someone new, that they do what they say?

Absolutely important!!!

And he's a FOOL!!! If you'd have called ME we'd STILL be on the phone!!!!

adirtygirl's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:47 PM

I called a guy from here that gave me his number.
He said he would call me back in an hour, and never did.
How important is it to you, when meeting someone new, that they do what they say?

forget him!!!! you are way too cute to wait for any guy...

michiganman3's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:47 PM
Past behavior is the best indicator of future action.
Doesn't look good so far.

alisha07's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:50 PM
maybe his dog died?

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:50 PM

I called a guy from here that gave me his number.
He said he would call me back in an hour, and never did.
How important is it to you, when meeting someone new, that they do what they say?

Extremely important.

If they prove to be unreliable right off the bat, I'm not going to be pursuing the scenario....

907daydreamer's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:51 PM

can you give us a scale to use

well does it dissuade your interest? not 1-10 or anything...
but are you put off by it?
say this guy calls me tomorrow
should I be a-ok with no phone call today?
or would you view it as a a symptom of their personality?

Absolutely important!!!

agreed...I have always thought that if you are important to a person, they will make every effort to do what they say.

forget him!!!! you are way too cute to wait for any guy...

for ANY guy?? does that mean I'm gonna die alone?!?!?

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:51 PM
I don't sit by the phone waiting thats for sure. Just say next if it bothers you.

Maybe he had some things to do and it took longer than he thought.? Girls have a tendency to think the worse in a situation.

lcjw's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:51 PM
Totally important!!!! that shows lack of character and also how immature he is.
If one says is going to do something, then one needs to do it, or don't say anything at all. You are too pretty to get stressed by this fool not calling.

907daydreamer's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:54 PM

Past behavior is the best indicator of future action.
Doesn't look good so far.

Extremely important.

If they prove to be unreliable right off the bat, I'm not going to be pursuing the scenario....

that's what I'm thinking...

maybe his dog died?

aww =(

lcjw's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:54 PM

I don't sit by the phone waiting thats for sure. Just say next if it bothers you.

Maybe he had some things to do and it took longer than he thought.? Girls have a tendency to think the worse in a situation.

even if that was the case, a quick phone call should be made as an apology.

907daydreamer's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:55 PM

I don't sit by the phone waiting thats for sure. Just say next if it bothers you.

Maybe he had some things to do and it took longer than he thought.? Girls have a tendency to think the worse in a situation.

yeah but no phone call to say, "hey, this is going to take longer than I thought...."

iwearthemask's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:56 PM
Very important! Call me, or gimme your number! Trust me, I'll talk to you all you want!!

PBug's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:56 PM
If ithis is you first time with this guy, then ask for the reason.
If it's plausible, then you are mature enough to know how it goes from there.laugh

If it isn't plausible, then it's his loss.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:57 PM
Most people don't feel like they need to give someone they don't really know any explanation. It makes me wonder if there's something in their drinking water that says..."I'm a stinkin' rat & there isn't a darn thing you're gonna do about it." You really don't wanna go there now do yu? :wink:

907daydreamer's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:57 PM

Totally important!!!! that shows lack of character and also how immature he is.
If one says is going to do something, then one needs to do it, or don't say anything at all. You are too pretty to get stressed by this fool not calling.

I'm not really worried about it, just bothered that people are like that.
Why give me your number, tell me you will call me back and then not?
just lame is all.
it took a little courage to call
and for no reason!

beauty314's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:58 PM
he'll call when he's done with the chick he was with when you called
hey say that three times fastlaugh

alisha07's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:59 PM
hey sorry didnt mean to post today... just like youlaugh :tongue:

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 11/16/08 05:59 PM

I don't sit by the phone waiting thats for sure. Just say next if it bothers you.

Maybe he had some things to do and it took longer than he thought.? Girls have a tendency to think the worse in a situation.

yeah but no phone call to say, "hey, this is going to take longer than I thought...."

How long have you known him? Are you married to him? Then why do you EXPECT anything from him?

People are arseholes, you should know that by now honey. Just move on. : )

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