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Topic: Rough around the edges
txmomof2's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:20 AM

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:20 AM

me definition of rough around the edges,,, i will go into any swamp, look for the dirtiest way to do something,, rough and tumble, mean when i have to be, and nasty to those who mess with my people. i lack social grace, and poise, and dont give a damn about what people think of me. thats my definiton

yeah but what if you don't get dirty like that but you do lack the tact to be cool to anyone?

i mean maybe its a difference in the way people are raised. i was raised to respect everyone until they destroy that respect. but i have friends who feel respect is earned and not given. that makes them brash and harsh with others who may not deserve that.... so i wonder is that rough around the edges? or just uncaring to other humans?

thumper95's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:20 AM
i dont think so dear,, i can and am completely capable of cleaning my self up,,, anyway,,,, dont you get enough of that at work?

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:21 AM

i dont think so dear,, i can and am completely capable of cleaning my self up,,, anyway,,,, dont you get enough of that at work?
Yes but I wear gloves!!! I see enough "dirty"sick noway laugh

thumper95's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:22 AM

me definition of rough around the edges,,, i will go into any swamp, look for the dirtiest way to do something,, rough and tumble, mean when i have to be, and nasty to those who mess with my people. i lack social grace, and poise, and dont give a damn about what people think of me. thats my definiton

yeah but what if you don't get dirty like that but you do lack the tact to be cool to anyone?

i mean maybe its a difference in the way people are raised. i was raised to respect everyone until they destroy that respect. but i have friends who feel respect is earned and not given. that makes them brash and harsh with others who may not deserve that.... so i wonder is that rough around the edges? or just uncaring to other humans?

in some cases that is the way it is, in mine,, its not. i will show respect to anyone who deserves it. people that think that everyone should respect them and shows nothing to merit that gets nothing but a hard time from me. and not every rough around the edges person will get dirty,, im country rough so i like getting in the mud and muck and having fun

txmomof2's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:23 AM
there's nothing wrong with being rough around the edges. I have never been a girly girl so i wouldn't expect my guy to be a pretty boy. but as long as he knows how to dress up when the time is needed then I'm fine as rain with it.

Twitch's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:23 AM

I like who you are Steve; don't ever change. This man has one of the biggest hearts I've ever known. Always there with a smile, a hug, and a helping hand. :heart:

thumper95's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:27 AM
hiya twitch dear,,

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:30 AM

me definition of rough around the edges,,, i will go into any swamp, look for the dirtiest way to do something,, rough and tumble, mean when i have to be, and nasty to those who mess with my people. i lack social grace, and poise, and dont give a damn about what people think of me. thats my definiton

yeah but what if you don't get dirty like that but you do lack the tact to be cool to anyone?

i mean maybe its a difference in the way people are raised. i was raised to respect everyone until they destroy that respect. but i have friends who feel respect is earned and not given. that makes them brash and harsh with others who may not deserve that.... so i wonder is that rough around the edges? or just uncaring to other humans?

in some cases that is the way it is, in mine,, its not. i will show respect to anyone who deserves it. people that think that everyone should respect them and shows nothing to merit that gets nothing but a hard time from me. and not every rough around the edges person will get dirty,, im country rough so i like getting in the mud and muck and having fun

see but that's what i don't understand. you only respect those you feel deserve it but how do you determine that? i mean i feel everyone should respect me. as i respect everyone. i feel everyone has a right to their beliefs and respect it. does not mean i won't question it as i'm doing now... but still.. lol you get what i'm saying?

if you meet someone at a bar .. within that split second of hello... how do you know they deserve it or not? i mean ... outside of them giving you the stink eye and walking away... if they say hello back.. when do you decide to respect them as a person?

thumper95's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:32 AM
for the most part, i give people the chance to prove themselves, i reserve my thoughts until i have some proof of who they are. but in most cases its not long before true colors shine through,, and then they find themselves with no friends or respect,,

txmomof2's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:38 AM
Edited by txmomof2 on Sun 11/16/08 11:38 AM
rockmybobbysocks.....as a southerner i was taught to show a mutual respect for everyone........but now days more and more it is getting harder to even start off showing respect....i like thumper hold my respect until it is deserved.

thumper95's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:40 AM
i was taught to be respectful, but know the diffrence between deserving respect and earning respect.

txmomof2's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:42 AM
And boy is there a difference

no photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:54 PM
I try to respect everyone until they prove they don't deserve it. And as Thumper says, it doesn't usually take too long before you figure it out. I still try to respect the fact that they are humans, worthy of at least some basic minimum of courtesy but once my respect is gone, it tends to stay that way.

And, I tend to like my man and my friends a little rough around the edges. People that are too smooth tend to be more than a little phony, their smoothness is generally self-serving.

buffry's photo
Sun 11/16/08 12:59 PM

I try to respect everyone until they prove they don't deserve it. And as Thumper says, it doesn't usually take too long before you figure it out. I still try to respect the fact that they are humans, worthy of at least some basic minimum of courtesy but once my respect is gone, it tends to stay that way.

And, I tend to like my man and my friends a little rough around the edges. People that are too smooth tend to be more than a little phony, their smoothness is generally self-serving.

Isn't it all an act anyway? Most people that are prim and proper, all of the time, are not that way behind closed doors. It is all an illusion of what they want the world to perceive them to be! More props to the person who does not give a rats azz what the world thinks of them. Those are the people that are truly content with who they are and are happy to share themselves with others. flowerforyou flowerforyou

120557's photo
Sun 11/16/08 01:01 PM

Awww now my edges are smooth I just don't give a flip what others think about me!!

They either like me for whom I'm or move on not gonna beg anyone to like me.

I'm just the way I'm and way toooooooooooooo old to change.bigsmile
I totally agree. I am just rough, the hell with getting dressed up for something.pitchfork

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