Topic: Would You Die....for your Belief in Jesus | |
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Sat 11/15/08 12:03 AM
SeaMonster wrote:
"just zombies.......there is no evidence for anything you just said. It is all just belief without reason or logic attached to it..." SeaMonster..God does NOT want ZOMBIES or ROBOTS Following or Believing on Him!! IF that were the case, God would NEVER have Created Man with a FREE WILL to CHOOSE!!! And you said.....EVIDENCE? What is the EVIDENCE Of a Changed Heart? (A born again spirit of man) The EVIDENCE is when God's Holy Spirit Comes to INDWELL a Believer's spirit .... thus LETTING HIM KNOW SOMETHING CHANGED IN HIM !!~!! A person KNOWS after becoming born again, that he is not the same person as before!! Cause again... God's Holy Spirit bears witness with man's spirit, when he is born again... thus letting him KNOW THAT HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS.....That he truly has been BORN AGAIN!!! And also SeaMonster..... FAITH goes Beyond LOGIC. Logic is of the Mind ( soulish area) FAITH is of the spirit.....and must come from the heart of man ( spirit) ..NOT the mind of man. Logic is of the mind. Faith is of the spirit. 2 entirely different planes, My Friend.......and the twain shall never meet. Now.....that doesn't mean that, just because a man is born again in his spirit, that he stops using his mind or logic..or stops using his intelligence...Amen? Let's not confuse FAITH with FOOLISHNESS(a whole different topic for another time). ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Question for
Miles: Miles...Ever wonder WHY the Devil Fights so Hard against People Hearing of the Name of JESUS? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Question for Miles: Miles...Ever wonder WHY the Devil Fights so Hard against People Hearing of the Name of JESUS? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea I wonder why he would |
Would You Die For your belief in Jesus???? If and when a time should come, whereby a believer would be faced with a decison to die for Christ, that person would be endued with grace from on high bear the situation. And God woud be right there.. alongside that believer. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I think a better question would be to ask if anyone believes that Jesus would want anyone to die for his sake?
![]() ![]() but Abra! REALLY! "RELIGION MADE THEM DO IT?" ![]() ![]() think you might wanna rethink that thought... ![]() |
Would You Die For your belief in Jesus???? If and when a time should come, whereby a believer would be faced with a decison to die for Christ, that person would be endued with grace from on high bear the situation. And God woud be right there.. alongside that believer. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
if God had chosen it to be my time then who would i be to denii (yes i would marte myself for God)
I would yes. I would also die to defend AMERICA "soldierforamerica" when armengeddon comes and the forces of God and Jesus invade Earth to instill their brand of dictatorship upon all Americans would you then defend America against Jesus or join Jesus against America |
Edited by
Sat 11/15/08 07:05 AM
SeaMonster wrote: "just zombies.......there is no evidence for anything you just said. It is all just belief without reason or logic attached to it..." SeaMonster..God does NOT want ZOMBIES or ROBOTS Following or Believing on Him!! IF that were the case, God would NEVER have Created Man with a FREE WILL to CHOOSE!!! And you said.....EVIDENCE? What is the EVIDENCE Of a Changed Heart? (A born again spirit of man) The EVIDENCE is when God's Holy Spirit Comes to INDWELL a Believer's spirit .... thus LETTING HIM KNOW SOMETHING CHANGED IN HIM !!~!! A person KNOWS after becoming born again, that he is not the same person as before!! Cause again... God's Holy Spirit bears witness with man's spirit, when he is born again... thus letting him KNOW THAT HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS.....That he truly has been BORN AGAIN!!! And also SeaMonster..... FAITH goes Beyond LOGIC. Logic is of the Mind ( soulish area) FAITH is of the spirit.....and must come from the heart of man ( spirit) ..NOT the mind of man. Logic is of the mind. Faith is of the spirit. 2 entirely different planes, My Friend.......and the twain shall never meet. Now.....that doesn't mean that, just because a man is born again in his spirit, that he stops using his mind or logic..or stops using his intelligence...Amen? Let's not confuse FAITH with FOOLISHNESS(a whole different topic for another time). ![]() ![]() ![]() First of all you quoted me wrong. I never said "just zombies" I said he was a zombie. And if you ask anyone from any other cult they will also tell you how their faith transendes logic and reson, so how is faith in your god any diffrent? you can read stories of how people prayed to many other gods and they say their prayers were answered, so I see no diffrence between your cult and any of the others. I have a friend whos father was in the hospital with cancer, he and his family prayed to Krishna and his father is now alive and the cancer is gone. They belive that Krishna cured him. So did he? Either their god is real and he cured him or your god rewarded them for praying to a false god by cureing him or praying does not realy do anything and he just got better. Which one is it? |
sooooooo he's a zombie. there is no evidence for anything you just said. It is all just belief without reason or logic attached to it. Seamonster, Don't you think you can be a bit more respectful of other than to insult their religious beliefs? I think you are a good person and I would hate to see you descend into this hateful and immature practice. It is possible to disagree with someone without insulting that person or that person's beliefs. |
sooooooo he's a zombie. there is no evidence for anything you just said. It is all just belief without reason or logic attached to it. Seamonster, Don't you think you can be a bit more respectful of other than to insult their religious beliefs? I think you are a good person and I would hate to see you descend into this hateful and immature practice. It is possible to disagree with someone without insulting that person or that person's beliefs. I did not mean it as an insult. first, if something dies and then lives that thing by definition is a zombie. sceond how is it insulting to ask for evidence? there is no logic behind the belief in a god that is my opinion. now if I am wrong and there is evidence actual evidence of a god I would be glad to see it and I will admit that I was wrong. And I will change my entire way of thinking. But what I did was lay out facts, if these facts are inlusting I am sorry that is not my intetion but that does make them any less facts. |
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Sat 11/15/08 10:13 PM
SeaMonster.........remember in the bible ,where Moses threw down the rod, and it became a snake?
And then remember reading, where the egyptian also threw down his rod, and it also became a snake? And then also remember reading , where Moses's snake then devoured the egypians snake ? Meaning ....the REAL God was with Moses, and his snake devouring the egyptian's snake, was to prove to the egyptians ,that there is ONLY ONE GOD ABOVE ALL. SeaMonster.....many great signs and wonders were/ are being done...even today ....but the glory of these miracles and wonders, sometimes doesn't go to the ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD, but to other "gods". But in the end ,the ONLY ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD....STILL STANDS...AND IS GOD ABOVE ALL. SeaMonster....even when the Anti-Christ comes, he will also perform miracles and do great healing wonders. Does that make him God? No.....Of course not. (Although he will try to imitate GOD) That is why it is important to NOT follow after signs and wonders... but to Follow AFTER GOD!!! Btw,SeaMonster..... NO OTHER Religion mentions a SAVIOUR!!! Only Christianity (which was NEVER meant to be a religion anyway)Mentions a Saviour. Christians are those who believe in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Christians not only believe in the God of the Bible.... but also beleive the Bible is the Divinely Inspired Word of God. And The Bible says .... JESUS CAME FOR THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.... TO SAVE ALL MANKIND... OF EVERY RACE, CREED AND ALSO EVERY RELIGION!!!! And The Word of God(Bible) is for the Entire World..not just for Christians. Again..... JESUS the SAVIOUR, mentioned in the BIBLE(WORD OF GOD) , is for the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!! Jesus died and rose again, AND bore the sins... FOR THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!! JESUS DIED AND ROSE AGAIN....AND OFFERS SALVATION TO THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!! JESUS CROSSES OVER INTO EVERY RELIGION.....CAUSE JESUS IS NOT ABOUT JOINING A RELIGION. JESUS IS ABOUT SALVATION........ AND JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY BACK INTO RELATIONSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD ALMIGHTY!!! AND WHEN MAN COMES TO BELIEVE AND ACCEPT JESUS, MAN NOW CAN ALSO COME BOLDLY BEFORE THE THRONE OF GRACE.... CAUSE HIS SINS HAVE NOW BEEN WASHED IN THE BLOOD.... BECAUSE OF WHAT JESUS DID ON THAT CROSS!! POINT IS..... JESUS IS FOR ALL PEOPLE OF ALL RELIGIONS!!! AGAIN...NO OTHER RELIGION MENTIONS A SAVIOUR!!! ONLY CHRISTIANITY . ONLY THE BIBLE. WHEN ONE BECOMES A CHRISTIAN ..... ONE IS NOT JOINING A RELIGION...... BUT ONE IS JOINING JESUS!!! AGAIN.... JESUS is NOT about RELIGION....but ABOUT RELATIONSHIP..... BACK WITH THE FATHER. AND IT IS ONLY THRU JESUS CHRIST.... AND WHAT HE DID ON THAT CROSS FOR US ALL.... THAT MAN IS NOW ABLE TO COME BACK INTO FELLOWSHIP WITH THE FATHER. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 11/16/08 12:18 AM
Would You Die For your belief in Jesus???? My family has been in North America for over 12 generations. Originally the name came here for religious freedom, and yes landed at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts not too long after the original Mayflower. It is all documented at the state library in Michigan's capitol of Lansing. Had my descendants believed in any other religion, chances are they wouldn't have come over on the same boat, but who knows. I've spent many years enjoying my Christian faith and thanking the men and women in the military that give their lives so that we can all enjoy the freedom to believe whatever it is any of us want to believe. True persecution does exist today, but in this country we take so much for granted. Look into some of the African countries, and peer into the historical window of what has happened to many people of the Christian faith in a Muslim-run country. Whole villages have been wiped out because of religious differences. An American Christian should go try to live in one of these countries and see just how deep truly is their faith. Murder for any reason is simply ridiculous. Especially murder in the name of God. If it turns the stomach and raises the eyebrow of a human, I am certain it causes God some form of attention. I think those of us in the U.S. have taken our peaceful nation for granted for so long, that many could not imagine being slaughtered just because of faith in Christ. I think another good question to ask would be this... would you refuse to accept the Christian faith, even to the gallows, would you die for what you believe in if it is NOT Christianity? Many people would deny anything to preserve their lives. Jews were singled out and slaughtered in Nazi Germany in the 1940s. In the day we live in, it is near unthinkable that Christians could be singled out, but it could happen. And in some countries, such as some in Africa, it does happen. It may not be something they have, at the end, any say in at all. You were in a church, you attended church service, therefore, you get machine-gunned down with the rest. If that is how my life ends, then so be it. I will never give up my faith in Christ. |
Would You Die For your belief in Jesus???? A better question is would you kill for your belief in jesus? Why is that a better question? No, I would not. It is up to each person to decide to follow Christ. I have no dogs in that race. Just because others have used the name of God for their religious persecution doesn't make it right, for anyone, for any religion. There are always going to be those who twist what God has for us. Trying to pin that sin on everyone is just wrong. |
Would You Die For your belief in Jesus???? I would never deny Jesus. I say that I would deliberately put myself in harms way,if it ever comes to that, to try to make someone else believe, but I wouldn't deny Him if asked. |
ok I still do not see a diffrence between the ones that flew the planes in the towers and those that bomb abortion clinics. There isn't any difference. They are just humans trying to justify being evil. |
You are creating strawmen again.
The question was "Would You Die For your belief in Jesus????" There's no strawman. I said, "I think a better question would be to ask if anyone believes that Jesus would want anyone to die for his sake?" Why would anyone think that Jesus would want them to die for their belief in him? I personally don't believe that Jesus would want that. I think this is just another place where Christianity as a religion got grossly derailed and demented. As soon as someone thinks that they are dying for a belief in their God, religion gets UGLY! Period. For once I agree with you 100%. Jesus does not want us to have to die for Him. He does know that throughout history, His followers would do that very thing, because of man's sin, greed, and hate. |
ok I still do not see a diffrence between the ones that flew the planes in the towers and those that bomb abortion clinics. I do not either. Both are acts of terror. Both are wrong. But I do not say Son of Sam or Oswald has anything to do with you. Because they do not. Niether do radicals who bomb abortion clinics have anything to do with me or me them. Both cases you or me are not responcible for radical deviant behavior of a few No, you as an individual are not responsible for those acts but religion is. Religion is not responsible for those acts. Men are, the sin of men is. Not the religion itself. Again as with anything, man distorts things to create what he wants. You can't blame religion for the sin of men. Blame the men. |
No, you as an individual are not responsible for those acts but religion is. EXACTLY!!! And the argument given is that those people who did those thing weren't "true Christians" or whatever. But that a moot point because it was still the demented religion that caused them to think that way! Clearly the religion isn't very successful in conveying proper morals. It supports bigotry and hatred all too easily! And that's where the religion as a whole falls flat on it's face. It's not about individuals. It's about a religion as a whole, and what it can be used to support. The Biblical God told people to murder heathens and sinners! It's in the Bible! So there you go. It's not demented religion, it's demented men, who take what they hear and distort it, much the way a lot of people in these chat rooms. Nowhere does the Bible say to just murder heathens and sinners. You are distorting what is there. The Hebrews were told to kill everyone in Canaan, yes. I don't know why God told them, other than He know how easily the Hebrews turned to other gods, and the Canaanites worshiped a great many false gods. He did not want them there to influence the Hebrews in that direction. Again, I don't know why children had to die, but it is not for me to understand everything about God and His will on some things. Those things I will have to wait and see when I can ask Him. |