Topic: Who wants to know the truth about the med. corp.
mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/23/06 07:05 PM
This is all my opinion and have heard lots about in a lot of places, and
some of it is from experience.

What most but not all doctors don't want you to know is that your not
a patient your a custumer, what I mean by this is if people weren't sick
doctors would make a shit load of money and neither would pharmacys, so
they keep each other in buisness by giving you medication that is
basicly poisin, granted they may do some good at the time but in the
long run they hurt you more but if it's a med that you have to be on all
the time it is basicly a poisin that is always in your system that one i
do know expecially when it comes to narcotic pain meds, and watch out if
you try to get off of them. I have been on them for 3-4 years now and am
tappering off of them but even at that because of the time i have been
on them the withdrawls are driving me nuts, makin me feel like shit, and
over all it's just plain hell any way this is my opinion. i'm posting
this cause i seen a lot of things in regaurds to the subject in other

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 07:48 PM
the whole medical profession considers a patient a consumer. i know what
you're talking about with the meds mitch, that's why i stay off of them
if i can. i know that isn't possible in your case so good luck with the
withdrawals and i hope they don't last too much longer for ya.

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 08:58 PM

As a cronic pain sufferer I know where you are coming from. I also live
on pain meds and muscle relaxers. I do not take them as prescribed. The
doctors say if you can skip one day without them you do not need them.
Well anyone with nerve damage knows the pain comes and goes with a
certain level of constant pain. If I can stand to function as a human
being I do not take any meds. But on days I need them I take them(2 out
of 3 if not more often). I was lucky to get what I call a real doctor
for a short time. BUt changing insurence ended it with him. He listened
to me. I only want 3 different mgs-dose of the same med so I can
medicate according to pain/muscle spasms needs. I had hydrocodine 5s,
7.5s, and 10s. The current idiot will only give me one size and guess
which one it is(10s).

Why is it a USA pharmacy corp. can make a med and send it to Canada or
Mexico and they sell them 1/3 or even less the cost? They say it is law
suits and such. But this is BS because they can be sued just as easy by
a foriegn person as they can by the US person as these corperate giants
are world wide. Yes it is harder sometimes for these law suits to be
filed but nothing like that will get in the way when millions are on the

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 09:02 PM
i don't think that health care is privatized in those countries is it

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 09:06 PM
to some extent it is in both. Mexico is more private than ours. Many
clinics can legally turn you away when you a dieing in Mexico if you do
not have the means to pay the bill. The larger cities run with a more
goverment type system. Canada is mostly state funded health care but
there are some private sectors like vanity surgeries(cosmetic).

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 09:07 PM
i meant the majority of the public health

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 09/23/06 10:06 PM
Yeah it's like being a human mechanic. Those doctors look at us as $$$.
If you go to the dentist and you have no problems with your teeth. Guess
what, they will find something wrong even if they have to cause a
problem to them.

Much like a mechanic who probably will fuck something up in your car
just so you have to go back to them for service again.

Shysters! All of them!

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:38 PM
honnyrobber- my doc just told me about some research that they are doing
about the opids, hydrocodon, oxycodone by the way stay away from that
shit it's what i'm on, and getting off of right now, but back to what i
was saying the research so far shows that the opids actually cause more
pain by increasing the pain reseptors in your brain, but i haven't heard
any thing for a 100% about that one.

Kingbreeze- I just wanted to let you know that your wrong in my
situation the pain meds are the last med i have to get off of and then i
won't be taking and Rx drugs well that's the hope any way.

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:00 PM
all i meant was that i thought you needed em or you wouldn't be on
them...hope they're the last you'll need, good luck

unsure's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:13 PM
You know, my dr would give me anything I needed...I guess thats what
some people would want. I just wanted some meds that would help me deal
with the pain of what I had. I was hooked on all kinds of meds, so I
decided to switch drs last december. Now my new dr does not believe in
giving those kind of pills, which I believe is a blessing!
I still have the pain, but atleast I can get out of bed! My new dr is
wonderful...I have been to a pain management dr, he couldn't help me
there either, so hopefully there will be a cure soon :)
If I would have listened to my first dr, I would not have even been able
to function. I would have been in bed 24 hours a day. I don't regret
giving him up, what I do regret is that he doesn't admit doing anything
wrong, he still passes out tons of pills...but atleast I am not the one
who is all drugged up :)

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:17 PM

Unsure and others, Your point about giving more meds than needed is my
point. I want the ability to self medicate according to pain level I am
having at that time. My pain does get so bad I lay in bed with tears
streaking my face. When it gets this bad I want something strong enough
to knock me out. At other times when my pain level is low I rather not
take anything. Then I have the days in between where I want to function
yet have some releave. So why give me only the stronger dose that is
needed at my worst and not the lower dose so I can function.

Opids are easy for our bodies to build immunity to them. Your body does
build more receptors. Making the med less effective. I have been on
Oxycontin for a short time. I was on oxycodone for about 4 months. I
have never been chemically addicted to anything other than cigarettes
years ago. I commonly go 2 days without taking Soma(well the generic). I
go without Loratab(hydrocodone) for upto a week at a time. But those
times are mostly in the drier part of the summer and in conjunction with
me getting my bee stings from my bee hives. My personal bee sting
theorpy helps alot.

If a doctor really cared about what I wanted he would help me control
my pain with lower doses when I need them and still grant me the higher
dose when asked for.

The best alternative is to grow our own meds as POT works better than
their pills anyway. If we can only get the federal goverment to allow
med pot.

unsure's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:42 PM
I doubt that will ever happen. I am not even sure if they are making it
legal for patients with cancer anymore? Honestly, if you take to many
pain can harm you even can make you have rebound its kind of like damned if you do and damned if you don't. I
guess it just kind of depends on what type of pain you are in and if you
can handle it :)

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 10:31 PM

That it can you handle it. I can handle the pain all but those very bad
days if I am going to stay in bed. But handling the pain and functioning
is much harder to do. I have been burned(flash fire from gas on about
1/3 of my body), I have been stomped rolled on by horses and much more.
So I know the different levels of pain. Nothing was worse than the
burns. The docs put me into a comma for a few days so I would not go
through more shock. My bad days are the closest I have ever came to
matching the pain of the burns. It is those days without meds that make
a person think about suicide to end the pain. I hate it when those
thoughts come across my mind as I know I have to much to live for and I
do have good days.

Functioning with severe pain makes simple jobs like cooking dinner
hell. Trying to walk with severe muscle spasms in your legs is nearly
impossible. I want to function and want to function without being spaced
out on meds. The opids discussed do not make me feel "high" nor do I
crash and sleep on them so they are the best choice for me to function
and keep my whits. The oxycodone(percocet-spelling) is a man made form
and reacts with me differently. It makes me high and puts me to sleep so
I begged to get off them. The doc wanted me on it over hydrocodone even
after I told him what they were doing to me. Yah I had releave but I
stayed in bed asleep and when not actually asleep I was messed up and
could not function. So for me it is an issue of living with the pain. If
I can not live life I want something to make it so I can.