Topic: Wiccans - part 2 | |
The Truth of Genesis In the beginning the Goddess created Eve from the sparklingly starlight and the magic faerie dust. And Eve was perfect and brought forth children that were all feminine and the world was perfect Yin. But then Eve discovered that she needed help in the garden of Eden and so she asked the Goddess for a helpmate. So the Goddess created Adumb from dust of the earth. And Yang was brought into the world. Adumb became Eve's helpmate but he wasn't very productive. So the Goddess said to Eve, I will make Adumb horny for you in a sexual way. This will give him more incentive to please you and do work for you. So the Goddess made Adumb horny for Eve. But then Adumb could only think of sex and was constantly after Eve to have sex with him. So the Goddess returned and told Adumb that he must ask Eve for permission and say "Yes Ma'am". Adumb was a bit slow of learning and could only say,... "Yes A'dam." "Me name A'dam" "A'dam wants sex." But it came to pass that Adumb finally realized that if he would simply do what Eve asks she would bless him with the sex that he so desires. Then Eve needed to clear out some new fields by her fruit tree orchard, but she was afraid because there were serpents in the fields. She asked the Goddess to remove the serpents, but the Goddess told her to simply send Adumb out in the fields ahead of Eve, to clear the way. So Eve told Adumb that the Goddess said that he should go first out into the fields where there are serpents and that he should clear the way so that Eve may follow Adumb. Adumb said, "Yes, A'dam goes first, and Eve follow behind A'dam. A'dam is always first". Adumb puffed out his chest and bravely scared all the serpents away as he cleared the fields for Eve. Then Eve asked Adumb if he would make her a crib from the limbs of the fruit trees so that when she creates new life she will have a bed for the newborn babies. She yelled to Adumb, "Don't eat the fruit!" Adumb tore the limbs from the fruit trees and ate the fruit thereof. Upon eating the fruit he became aware of the knowledge of good and evil. A knowledge that had always been known by Eve as Eve was the perfect creation of the Goddess and knew all. Eve had already chosen to reject evil as she was made of sparkling starlight and magic faerie dust and knew naught sin. Adumb then used the limbs of the fruit trees to make a crib for Eve so that she could create new life. It came to pass that a Adumb would finally learn to read and write from having been in the presence of all the intelligent daughters of Eve. And thus he began to write his own autobiography. Adumb wrote the following (under the pen name of Moses): In the beginning God created A'dam from the dust of the earth, and Eve created with a crib from A'dam. Eve lead A'dam to the fruit trees of the knowledge of good and evil and there were serpents among them. Eve yelled out, "Eat the fruit!". And A'dam ate thereof and became lustful with sin. God came and said, "A'dam must always go first, and Eve always second". And so it shall be written as the word of God that society shall forever be patriarchal. And thus the Holy Bible was born in its earliest unadulterated form. ![]() ![]() OMG Major! LOL alll riiiiighty than! lol ![]() ![]() |
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Oh James.
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Hey I came up with a wild idea last night, of where all the people come from who feel they are reincarnated, we were all children of the guy who was condemded to walk the earth for enternity for hitting jesus, so that is why we are always reborn, does it make sense, makes sense to me. just a thought. grins wickedly
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What story was that? Whats it called? I cant find it? Im looking right now? Someone gave Jesus a beating? This I gotta read!
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Being continually reincarnated as a punishment would fit the definition for hell in my opinion.
Being continually reincarnated as a punishment would fit the definition for hell in my opinion. Not me. Where else are you going to learn magic without destroying the fabric of the universe. Magic works slower here so you have ample time to correct mistakes. For me, hell is being forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie." Every time I go over to my Mom's house to cook or work, she has that program on. I say, "Oh God I'm in Hell!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Being continually reincarnated as a punishment would fit the definition for hell in my opinion. Not me. Where else are you going to learn magic without destroying the fabric of the universe. Magic works slower here so you have ample time to correct mistakes. For me, hell is being forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie." Every time I go over to my Mom's house to cook or work, she has that program on. I say, "Oh God I'm in Hell!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You're talking about reincarnation the way I see it. As a opportunity. I was speaking to the idea of being reincarnated for the purpose of punishment as inkraven portrayed it. i think that would include being reincarnated over and over without ever learning anything or evolving. |
Being continually reincarnated as a punishment would fit the definition for hell in my opinion. Not me. Where else are you going to learn magic without destroying the fabric of the universe. Magic works slower here so you have ample time to correct mistakes. For me, hell is being forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie." Every time I go over to my Mom's house to cook or work, she has that program on. I say, "Oh God I'm in Hell!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You're talking about reincarnation the way I see it. As a opportunity. I was speaking to the idea of being reincarnated for the purpose of punishment as inkraven portrayed it. i think that would include being reincarnated over and over without ever learning anything or evolving. Yes, that seems to be what they call hell on earth ![]() |
Being continually reincarnated as a punishment would fit the definition for hell in my opinion. Not me. Where else are you going to learn magic without destroying the fabric of the universe. Magic works slower here so you have ample time to correct mistakes. For me, hell is being forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie." Every time I go over to my Mom's house to cook or work, she has that program on. I say, "Oh God I'm in Hell!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You're talking about reincarnation the way I see it. As a opportunity. I was speaking to the idea of being reincarnated for the purpose of punishment as inkraven portrayed it. i think that would include being reincarnated over and over without ever learning anything or evolving. That idea kind of reminds me of that Greek (I think its Greek) story about the guy who did something or other wrong and he pissed off the Gods/Goddesses so they condemned him to eternally push a giant boulder up the side of a mountain and each time he reaches the summit, the boulder falls to the bottom and he has to start over again An exercise in futility over an over. I dont visualize reincarnation as being like that but I think some people do and thats why it frightens them. They just want to sit around in the clouds with a lot of snacks and the remote and endless Nascar. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 11/16/08 08:53 AM
Methinks you are talking about Sysiphus (sp?)
and yes, it's a greek story |
Yeah thats it. Thanks. That guy was hurtin but Im sure he did something totally uncalled for and horrendous (like stealing fire) from the gods. They were very petty those Greco/Roman Pantheon types.
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i think that would include being reincarnated over and over without ever learning anything or evolving. Yes, that would be disgusting. Especially if lifetimes were always so short! A mere hundred years is a blink of the eye. Many people (including myself) don't truly learn to appeciate it and gain some mastery of it unil it's at least half over or more (most people don't live to be 100 so life is often half over by age 30 or 40) Imagine if a human lifespan was 1000 years (assume youthful health and energy the whole time). Now that would be a lifespan a person could do something with! A hundred years just isn't long enough, as soon as you realize what the hell's going on you die. You just don't have time to truly take advantage of the lessons learned in life. In fact, as a scientist I'm actually quite surprised at the shortness of biological lifespans. One hundred years in the cosmic picture is such a teeny little flash of time that it's truly insignificant compared with geological time, and cosmic time. Hell, even 1000 year lifetime would be a flash. One hundred years is so short it's almost not even worth doing. Of course, 1000 years could seem like an eternity to an oppressed or enslaved person. Also people who were badly damaged in accidents at a very young age would have to live with their handicaps for one hell of a long time. Maybe the sort lifespan is actually designed to be short because this incarnation is so damn dangerous. Maybe there are other places where the incarnation periods run longer because they are far less dangerous. There's nothing in reincarnation that says that every life needs to be like it is here on earth, and that could certainly include different lifespans as well. If you are incarnated as a fly you only live for a few days. ![]() If you are incarnated as a male praying mantis you lose your head the first time you have sex with a hungry female. ![]() Talk about taking a lady out to dinner! In this case it's sex first, dinner second. ![]() Maybe there's reasons for all this madness. |
I think its just all based in biological function and necessity. I know that sounds very unromantic and non glamorous but thats probably the reason why we live around 80 ish years with decent health and conditions. That gives us just enough time to find a mate, settle down and have children and then die. So in that case, we accomplished our biological imperative.
Of course the bible has people living ridiculously long lifespans and the most incredible was Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old. That just didnt happen and I dont think any of that is accurate. In fact people in biblical times were very often married and on their way to having families before 20. Men might marry a little older but women were generally betrothed as young as 14. They had to hurry up and get to it because people died due to poor health conditions, chronic illness that was untreatable, invasion, famine, warfare and whatever else. They perished much younger.To see 60 probably happened but those people would be considered "Very old and wise" The only reason we can sometimes make it to 100+ years now is because of our advances in medicine, surgery and treating chronic and debilitating illness. I see no reason why humans need to even be around that long. |
Right now there is a show starting on the History Channel called "God vs. Satan" and its about Armageddon if anyone is interested.
![]() Im busy building my "Jesus proof fencing" around the perimeter of my property just in case any of this nonsense actually goes down. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Of course the bible has people living ridiculously long lifespans and the most incredible was Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old. Well, let's face it. The people who started writing those earliest stories were most likely pagans. I'm totally convinced that those earliest ages mentioned in the bible were actually 'moonths' or months, not years. Just divide 969 by 12 and you get about 80 years old. 12 being the number of moon cycles per year. They most likely kept track of their ages by the moon cycles and didn't even think in terms of yearly cycles so much. The somewhere in the translations and retelling of the storyies these numbers became 'years' instead of months. I'm totally convinced of this. Scientifically there is no reason to believe that hominids ever lived for such long periods of time. It's much more practical to recognize that the counting system for age was misinterpreted during the retelling of these stories. Christians like to believe that the Bible is the verbatim word of God. But that's clearly not the case. In fact, it can't be the case, because the stories shot themselves in the foot far too often. Even Jesus was a completely different persona from the God of Abraham. There's no way he could have been the Son of the God of Abraham. Clearly Jesus could not have been God in the Biblical sense of the Old Testament. That's crystal clear. He was totally in opposition to the assinine moralities of the God of Abraham. In fact, If someone wants to accuse Jesus of being like someone he was actually much more like the Son of Buddha. He taught Buddha's philosophy almost verbatim and totally rejected the teachings of the God of Abraham. That's crystal clear. |
Right now there is a show starting on the History Channel called "God vs. Satan" and its about Armageddon if anyone is interested. ![]() Im busy building my "Jesus proof fencing" around the perimeter of my property just in case any of this nonsense actually goes down. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd like to see that just to see what kind of bull crap they're spreading around now. Owl help you build the Jesus proof fence. Although in truth I think Jesus was an innocent victim in all that Bible crap anyway. He was used and abused by the domatic fanatics. I truly believe that the actaul man named Jesus was a pantheist trying to teach people to get away from that biblical sh!t. Truly I do! Jesus was a victim of this crap just as much as everyone else is. He was probably murdered for blaspheme by the Jews and then ressurected as a God later by people who wanted to use his martyrdom to control the masses with guilt and fear. Jesus would probably rather live with a witch than a so-called Christian. Seriously. |
Edited by
Sun 11/16/08 10:30 AM
Yeah I know it could have been months or lunar but that only works on Methuselah actually. There is not a formula that works on all of their ages, like 600 years or what not. Then you have people having children at 5 years old which probably didnt happen. Methuselah it does work though. You are right. Its too bad because that would have explained it. They were simply using a lunar calendar or months instead of years. I think these people very often expressed time passing in seasons also because yes, they were Pagans. I agree.
They were probably interpreting the bible much later using the Gregorian calendar so that would also serve to explain the mistranslation. ![]() |
Right now there is a show starting on the History Channel called "God vs. Satan" and its about Armageddon if anyone is interested. ![]() Im busy building my "Jesus proof fencing" around the perimeter of my property just in case any of this nonsense actually goes down. ![]() ![]() ![]() I don't know what we'll end up calling "it", but fencing is a good idea. |