Topic: Westdeck says hi from Amsterdam | |
hey west deck it's kim or who ever
Hi everyone!
So good to see you all! Just getting the gist of all this. Guess Tuesday is picture day. Love ya Kath |
Hi all! Hope to get my pic soon!
Welcome............. |
Sending a kiss and hug to all my old friends. By the way I was told to
knock on this speakeasy door and say "Robin sent me". LOL |
Hi Westdeck,
Good to see all my friends here. Takes a leeeetle getting used to, eh Kath/dusty |
Welcome to the funny farm.......err I mean JSH!
Bert,my son ... Oh poor Yorick *slaps her forehead*
I hope you will find an existance of time here <-----Still believe "Time doesn't exist" *Grin* |
Hello, and yay!!!! Another is found...this is the best... am a happy so happy....we are all in the one place... My yesterday, your future, but all in the one place again... |
I see you