Topic: Stupidity and Religion | |
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Fri 11/07/08 11:36 AM
Where do you get your info at? Even the 10 commandments was set up at every court at every school when all this was being decided. I suppose the 10 commandments are Babylonian also? If our nation is not based off the 10 commandments why was this untill like i said in a earlier post when every household had a tv in it. Then the powers could be could destroy our Morals and replace them with fantacy. You are Brainwashed I do believe. Did you go to colledge or get a colledge degree? Shalom...Miles
i do not mean that in any kind of derogratory sence at all? I only went for certain classes no degree. I am just genuinly curious. I say that because you sound like a college educated person at most universities are exposed to. They will give all the same arguements. |
Where do you get your info at? Even the 10 commandments was set up at every court at every school when all this was being decided. I suppose the 10 commandments are Babylonian also? If our nation is not based off the 10 commandments why was this untill like i said in a earlier post when every household had a tv in it. Then the powers could be could destroy our Morals and replace them with fantacy. You are Brainwashed I do believe. Did you go to colledge or get a colledge degree? Shalom...Miles i do not mean that in any kind of derogratory sence at all? I only went for certain classes no degree. I am just genuinly curious. I say that because you sound like a college educated person at most universities are exposed to. They will give all the same arguements. I get my info from books, internet, college professors and I often use public libraries because I enjoy the heft of an actual "book" in my hand. I take diligent notes on whatever interests me. I have also worked for a state prosecutor in which case I spent hours investigating case law. That would be about the extent of it. In fact the "Ten Commandments" were handed down by Moses and generally prohibited from being publicly displayed in civic office and that includes court houses. The reason for this is the blatant unconstitutional purpose of favoring monotheistic religion. If we openly announce that the court is in favor of this or that religious doctrine or belief, how would you feel as a Buddhist entering that court house convicted of a felony or a criminal charge? Probably a little apprehensive. You can not do this. This will of course vary throughout the states but you asked the question in broad terms so thats it. No the 10 commandments are "not Babylonian". They are something Moses came up with and dragged down a mountain. In fact they have nothing to do with the Babylonians and Hammurabi's code which our modern legal system is based on. I did not understand the rest of your question but if you care to write it more clearly I will attempt to reply. |
The last part was an after thought. I had read back over and thought I wonder if someone could see this as a put down if they did not go to college and that was not my intent at all.
So i added to try to show the reason I wondered if you went to colleges. because from what I know of the philosiphy of secular college proffessors is basically how you seem to look at religion in a broad sence of the word. That they seem to me at least spread a Athiestic sort of view that really anything goes if you leave me alone. I agree with the leave me alone part but not with the system of teaching this at all. Like a few years ago I believe it was in a high school that a case went to court over a final exam that if you did not answer Yes to Homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle you failed period from that one question. The student refused to answer Yes because to them it was not. This from what I know is a peer pressure and a Teacher/proffessor pressure Point of view that is in our State Colleges. Now they do not seem to see things like this as a church and state issue. I do. If it is against the tennants of a church then you are speaking against that church with this type of atmosphere. My taxes go to fund these colleges. I believe it should be a completely Nutural atmospere unless it is a private college. Privately funded. It is like all these protestors in Cal. that have been protesting the Mormon Church for giving to Prop 8. The stats show the Black and Mexican communities the majority I believe 80% black and 60% Mexican voted for a marraige to be defined as being between a man and a woman. Yet we saw no Protests in either of thier communities who actually had a great involvement in it passing. No they choose the church because for one they know they will know fight back. Physically for sure. So the Gays want to always put everything off on the church if it does not fit thier agenga. This is not right. And I propose that this is the ridderick that comes from our state funded colleges that get this mindset in our young people as they come into the workforce. Enableing this to futher a cause which in itsellf has become a philosiphy that constitues a religion. Thus being church and state bound together. Blessings of Shalom Krisma..Miles |
No offense taken Miles. Ive debated these issues with you over and over again so I posses a clear understanding of where you stand and where we diverge in our opinion. You are a religious person and I dont care about that honestly. Yes Ive gone to college. I am a graduate of a 4 year institution and hold a BS. Thats not really important and I'll ask you not to hold that against me.
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No offense taken Miles. Ive debated these issues with you over and over again so I posses a clear understanding of where you stand and where we diverge in our opinion. You are a religious person and I dont care about that honestly. Yes Ive gone to college. I am a graduate of a 4 year institution and hold a BS. Thats not really important and I'll ask you not to hold that against me. ![]() ![]() I admitt I got somewhat off track thier from our earlier discussion. It came from why i believe the belief in our constitution by our courts of today and general population have come to the conclusion that what I see as clearly laid our to be twisted. This all starting in oour educational system. many of dictators have said if we can get the minds of the children in a generation we can have the country as well. This I believe has been going on.. Even in the 60's thier are those who claim the rebbellion that started over the war ie Kent State and then the drug culture taking off the way it has was a syatem from Russia who are the very ones who spoke of taking us over without firing a shot. To do this you need to change the thought process ie educational system to one with underlying principles of communism. Our Govt. today is a good example of how they twist the words of our forfathers to thier wants. Giving us less liberty and us just taking it. Because no nation will stand divided and we are more divided than ever IMO. Thus we are heading towards socialism as we even heard talk of it in the last months on our TV's about the Bail out what really is it? This kind of logic springs from what we our taught and the tenets of Religion in our very founding of a nation. The constitution was set up so that this very thing could not happen to this country. Hence the right to bear arms. Yet they could not imagine how complex and sofisicated we would become. The futher we go in this way the more laws our set aside as a court deems one word as control over the thought of the article or whatever. We have lawyers who make the laws then lawyers try to decifer the laws with the judge deciding which lawyers claim is valid for a jury to here. Thence the Judge who is also a Lawyer persuades the outcome of any trial by what the judge deems is fit for the jury to hear of any evidence. I hope you can see my view point whether you agree or not why we need to get back to the basics of what our grandfathers even believed and how they executed justice. I do not believe they would recongonize it to day. So back to the 10 commandments was not a problem untill the 60's flower child do what you want era started a new thougyt process that is coming to a conclusion as we speak. making Russia's words of not firing a shot a very real possibilities because Religion should take a back door just as it did/has in Russia So prepare with this notion of our forefathers did not write the constitution on the basis of religion. To enter an era of the United States of Communism. Ruled by the Govt. not the People.. Blessings...Miles |
sorry our constitution is built from the 10 commandments. Their way of thinking and our hatred for thier words is why the courts always try to make an interpretation out of maybe 1 word if it futhers the agenda. The intent is and has been being thrown out the window for just the last 50 years probally.. Shalom yeah im sure that moses was living in the age of gunpowder when he delivered the sermon on the mount. that must be where he got the rule of "thou shalt have the right to bear arms..." the fact that you said this proves to me that you havent read the bill of rights. but you can always plead the fif on that. |
Edited by
Sat 11/08/08 02:21 PM
sorry our constitution is built from the 10 commandments. Their way of thinking and our hatred for thier words is why the courts always try to make an interpretation out of maybe 1 word if it futhers the agenda. The intent is and has been being thrown out the window for just the last 50 years probally.. Shalom yeah im sure that moses was living in the age of gunpowder when he delivered the sermon on the mount. that must be where he got the rule of "thou shalt have the right to bear arms..." the fact that you said this proves to me that you havent read the bill of rights. but you can always plead the fif on that. Is this when in doubt attach the messenger. Then give no plausible explanation what our country was built on? Shalom...Miles |
Miles thats enough at least as far as Im concerned. Your paranoid/delusional "interpretation" of the motivation and knee jerk reactions behind the shootings and police actions employed at Kent State is just not something we can discuss and reach any sort of agreement on. Pass.
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That was just an example as when in the 60's IMO this nation started going down hill. The other about Russia's possible involvement has been talked about since shortly afterwards. I was just mentioning that in passing as Russia did say they would take us over around the same time period without firing a shot. I am sorry if I offended you... Blessings...Miles |
Edited by
Sun 11/09/08 09:33 AM
Krimsa. That was just an example as when in the 60's IMO this nation started going down hill. The other about Russia's possible involvement has been talked about since shortly afterwards. I was just mentioning that in passing as Russia did say they would take us over around the same time period without firing a shot. I am sorry if I offended you... Blessings...Miles No Im not offended. Im just telling you that I would strongly disagree that the shootings on Kent State were anything other than The Nartional Guard overreacting to college kids protesting the war in Vietnam. I think by that time it was probably the escalation into Cambodia. It was just out of control. I think like 4 students were killed and some others wounded. I dont remember all the details but probably someone started throwing rocks and these guardsmen were younger an inexperienced and it just wasnt handled correctly.From what I understand, it also prompted procedural reform of potential riot situations so as to avoid this kind of situation in the future. |