Topic: Stupidity and Religion | |
God said in His Word
All reproduce afer its own kind. And God doesn't Lie folks. By the way.....this may be a bit off topic.... but..... there are these teeny weeny tiny little bugs in the at the ranch .... these bugs are barely visible to the human eye.... but these tiny little bugs all make these PERECTLY formed cylinder shaped mounds in the sand. WHO taught these tiny teeny weeny insects to do this? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
God said in His Word All reproduce afer its own kind. And God doesn't Lie folks. By the way.....this may be a bit off topic.... but..... there are these teeny weeny tiny little bugs in the at the ranch .... these bugs are barely visible to the human eye.... but these tiny little bugs all make these PERECTLY formed cylinder shaped mounds in the sand. WHO taught these tiny teeny weeny insects to do this? ![]() ![]() ![]() They're called ant lions. That's just how the sand forms when they dig because of their shape. Makes the ants fall right into their mouths. Water drops falling off a roof can make the same shaped holes. |
Yeah but MS, chimps ARE in fact AFTER OUR KIND or how do you explain a 98% similarity in DNA? Look you dont have to accept any of that, yet its fact. Obviously humans are not this closely related to pigs or fish or African Elephants. Indian Elephants and African Elephants are however. They are closely related to one another just as we are to chimp. Look at a chimp's skeleton next to a humans. The similarities are undeniable. Krimsa..IF we had EVOLVED from Monkeys, there would be no more monkeys left... cause they would all have evolved into humans... But monkeys are still around..... meaning.... NO evolution took place. ![]() Please go back to Biology class and pay attention. Evolution is not linear nor did we "evolve from monkeys". We share a similar ancestor with monkeys. Like how dogs were once wolves but wolves still exist. Even according to Scientists..... there is NOT EVEN ONE TEENY SHRED OF EVIDENCE..... PROVING EVOLUTION EVER TOOK PLACE. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Which "scientists"? Those ones on evangelical websites that are significantly lacking in academic accreditation?
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Even according to Scientists..... there is NOT EVEN ONE TEENY SHRED OF EVIDENCE..... PROVING EVOLUTION EVER TOOK PLACE. ![]() ![]() ![]() You might want to take a look at A snip: "Viral evolution is a subfield of evolutionary biology that is specifically concerned with the evolution of viruses. Many viruses, in particular RNA viruses, have short generation times and relatively high mutation rates (on the order of one point mutation or more per genome per round of replication for RNA viruses). This elevated mutation rate, when combined with natural selection, allows viruses to quickly adapt to changes in their host environment. Viral evolution is an important aspect of the epidemiology of viral diseases such as influenza, HIV, and hepatitis. It also causes problems in the development of successful vaccines and antiviral drugs, as resistant mutations often appear within weeks or months after the beginning of the treatment. RNA viruses are also used as a model system to study evolution in the laboratory." |
Yeah but MS, chimps ARE in fact AFTER OUR KIND or how do you explain a 98% similarity in DNA? Look you dont have to accept any of that, yet its fact. Obviously humans are not this closely related to pigs or fish or African Elephants. Indian Elephants and African Elephants are however. They are closely related to one another just as we are to chimp. Look at a chimp's skeleton next to a humans. The similarities are undeniable. Krimsa..IF we had EVOLVED from Monkeys, there would be no more monkeys left... cause they would all have evolved into humans... But monkeys are still around..... meaning.... NO evolution took place. ![]() Please go back to Biology class and pay attention. Evolution is not linear nor did we "evolve from monkeys". We share a similar ancestor with monkeys. Like how dogs were once wolves but wolves still exist. Even according to Scientists..... there is NOT EVEN ONE TEENY SHRED OF EVIDENCE..... PROVING EVOLUTION EVER TOOK PLACE. ![]() ![]() ![]() That's just what your church tells you. There is tons of evidence. You Christians just feel the need to make up rediculous counter arguments and then expect scientists to prove it wrong. When they do you make up another one. |
Edited by
Thu 11/06/08 02:43 PM
![]() ![]() Ya! And you always throw up this "you dont have the missing link" crap. These bones are millions of years old and what they have is substantial. You just make unrealistic demands and they are still looking and excavating constantly. Go get the Adam and Eve bones then! Find something. The word of god isnt cutting it. You cant expect paleontologists to give you everything on a silver platter when you have zilch. |
Which "scientists"? Those ones on evangelical websites that are significantly lacking in academic accreditation? ![]() Both. ![]() |
MS look at that site and tell me where ape ends and hominid begins. |
God said in His Word All reproduce afer its own kind. And God doesn't Lie folks. By the way.....this may be a bit off topic.... but..... there are these teeny weeny tiny little bugs in the at the ranch .... these bugs are barely visible to the human eye.... but these tiny little bugs all make these PERECTLY formed cylinder shaped mounds in the sand. WHO taught these tiny teeny weeny insects to do this? ![]() ![]() ![]() They're called ant lions. That's just how the sand forms when they dig because of their shape. Makes the ants fall right into their mouths. Water drops falling off a roof can make the same shaped holes. Amazing God.... to make those teeny tiny bugs , with the abilty to do that...... Genius....... ![]() |
Even according to Scientists..... there is NOT EVEN ONE TEENY SHRED OF EVIDENCE..... PROVING EVOLUTION EVER TOOK PLACE. ![]() ![]() ![]() You might want to take a look at A snip: "Viral evolution is a subfield of evolutionary biology that is specifically concerned with the evolution of viruses. Many viruses, in particular RNA viruses, have short generation times and relatively high mutation rates (on the order of one point mutation or more per genome per round of replication for RNA viruses). This elevated mutation rate, when combined with natural selection, allows viruses to quickly adapt to changes in their host environment. Viral evolution is an important aspect of the epidemiology of viral diseases such as influenza, HIV, and hepatitis. It also causes problems in the development of successful vaccines and antiviral drugs, as resistant mutations often appear within weeks or months after the beginning of the treatment. RNA viruses are also used as a model system to study evolution in the laboratory." are referring to evolution WITHIN the species. We are talking about EVOLUTION into an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SPECIES. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Science starts with a question, gathers information, creates theories, tests those theories, gathers more information, changes or rejects theories as they prove untenable, asks more questions, and, ideally, narrows down the field of possibilities in such a way as to approach what might be considered a "truth," a "reality."
That's why I no longer consider the Big Bang to be science. There are so many holes in that theory that anyone who actually bothered to take the time to look at the findings of the past 30 years would simply shake their heads and say "That's utterly ridiculous." But cosmologists have such a vested interest in Big Bang that they've spent the last 30 years applying patches to it, rather than seeing it for what it is -- a reasonable assumption, in another time, but completely unworkable today. Big Bang has, for all intents and purposes, become a religion. Religion, as opposed to science, begins with an answer, not a question. Anything which can be found (or fabricated) to support that answer is then embraced; while anything in denial of the "proper answer" is either mangled to the point where it becomes acceptable, or it's demonized, or tossed aside. I don't say this lightly. I spent years looking for God. I read the Bible cover-to-cover seven times. I sought voraciously for something spiritual to help me. And I found nothing. If God exists, he has ignored me my entire life. Much easier for me to put the fairy tales away and accept that I'm on my own, and cannot expect help from an invisible friend....! I have no answers. But I've seen all I need to see of religion, of worship, of "higher powers." And I'm reasonably sure nothing will come along to change my mind -- although I'm certainly open to it, should it occur.... |
I was brought up in the church, my dad was/is a preacher. I was baptized when i was 17. Since then i have determined that religion is a tool to control, It gives power and wealth to a few who like power and to be themselves praised and glorified.
I have been to a hundred differnt churches and religius institutes, And i have never met a 'preacher' or 'minister' or 'pastor' Who was not really an egotist inside. Thay become Neurosick and do whatever thay want, Such as molest children, steal, ECT. People hafto be Stupid to follow such. Willfuly doing what thay know isnt right, And claiming thay are. Preachers and their religions destract people from spirituality. |
God said in His Word All reproduce afer its own kind. And God doesn't Lie folks. By the way.....this may be a bit off topic.... but..... there are these teeny weeny tiny little bugs in the at the ranch .... these bugs are barely visible to the human eye.... but these tiny little bugs all make these PERECTLY formed cylinder shaped mounds in the sand. WHO taught these tiny teeny weeny insects to do this? ![]() ![]() ![]() They're called ant lions. That's just how the sand forms when they dig because of their shape. Makes the ants fall right into their mouths. Water drops falling off a roof can make the same shaped holes. Amazing God.... to make those teeny tiny bugs , with the abilty to do that...... Genius....... ![]() Why does it have to be God that made them? |
Genesis 1:26
And God SAID," Let Us MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS...." NOTICE.....God did NOT say, let us make APE in our Image........after our Likeness.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
| are referring to evolution WITHIN the species. We are talking about EVOLUTION into an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SPECIES. ![]() ![]() ![]() You understand that a typical evolutionary process involving something as complex as a new primate species will take millions of years. But there is plenty of fossil evidence -- archaeopteryx, sinornis -- transitional forms between reptiles and birds. Most dinosaur experts today believe birds have evolved from dinosaurs. If you examine the bone structure of dinosaurs like struthiomimus, it's not hard to see the connection. It's evolution WITHIN a species that eventually leads to the development OF new species. It's a much longer process, though -- and we're only just now at the point where we have the tools to study it effectively in anything more complex than a virus or a fruit fly. Sagan writes eloquently about the 98%+ similarity in the active nucleotide sequences of human DNA and chimp DNA. This is no accident. We have our own transitional forms, from the past, should we choose to see them -- the australopithecines, homo erectus, homo habilis, maybe even sahelanthropus tchadensis -- not so sure about him yet. I understand that some people get offended by the notion that we, in the end, are really just "animals." The evidence, though, as I see it, is clear. |
Genesis 1:26 And God SAID," Let Us MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS...." NOTICE.....God did NOT say, let us make APE in our Image........after our Likeness.... ![]() ![]() ![]() You are the queen of avoiding the subject. |
Birds even share characteristics and specific similarities with living crocodiles. They have specialized openings in the skull and jaw for expanded jaw muscles; they have a crest of bone over the hip socket; they have a four-chambered heart; and they have symmetrical feet. And, if you include fossil birds, both have teeth set within deep sockets.
Science starts with a question, gathers information, creates theories, tests those theories, gathers more information, changes or rejects theories as they prove untenable, asks more questions, and, ideally, narrows down the field of possibilities in such a way as to approach what might be considered a "truth," a "reality." That's why I no longer consider the Big Bang to be science. There are so many holes in that theory that anyone who actually bothered to take the time to look at the findings of the past 30 years would simply shake their heads and say "That's utterly ridiculous." But cosmologists have such a vested interest in Big Bang that they've spent the last 30 years applying patches to it, rather than seeing it for what it is -- a reasonable assumption, in another time, but completely unworkable today. Big Bang has, for all intents and purposes, become a religion. Religion, as opposed to science, begins with an answer, not a question. Anything which can be found (or fabricated) to support that answer is then embraced; while anything in denial of the "proper answer" is either mangled to the point where it becomes acceptable, or it's demonized, or tossed aside. I don't say this lightly. I spent years looking for God. I read the Bible cover-to-cover seven times. I sought voraciously for something spiritual to help me. And I found nothing. If God exists, he has ignored me my entire life. Much easier for me to put the fairy tales away and accept that I'm on my own, and cannot expect help from an invisible friend....! I have no answers. But I've seen all I need to see of religion, of worship, of "higher powers." And I'm reasonably sure nothing will come along to change my mind -- although I'm certainly open to it, should it occur.... Where people make a mistake is looking for God outside of themselves. The truth is not "out there." God is not "out there or up there somewhere." Look to yourself. Look within for yourself and you will find "god." That is my advice. |
NOTICE.....God did NOT say, let us make APE in our Image........after our Likeness.... ![]() ![]() ![]() God never said anything MorningSong. You keep saying that God said this and God said that. But in truth what you need to be saying is "The Bible says this and the Bible says that" Claiming that God said these things is your fallacy. The Bible is merely one of several texts that claim to speak for God. And all of those texts came from Mediterraneian mythologies. You may as well be saying, "Zeus said this and Zeus said that". The Bible is a very corrupt and self-contradicing collection of stories that can't possibly be the word of any divine supreme being. The Bible simply isn't the word of God. Period. And neither is any other man-written mythology. Because keep in mind that this is the same book that claims that God told people to stone sinners to death, and to stone their unruly children to death, and to stone umarried women who aren't still virgins to death. The Bible claims that God lusts to have people mudering each other in very brutal ways for very trivial reasons. Why would would want to believe that your creator is this sick and demented is beyond me. ![]() Just denounce the book as having anything to do with God and you'll be much happier for it. They you won't need to go around telling eveyone what God supposedly said. |